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how does sm-90/mm2000 work?


Smokes, lets go
i know its pytherium but how does that kill the spider mites? I have a bottle of it it smells like lemon pledge... im using it as a foliar spray, but i was going to water witth it, ii have benificial bacterria i was worried it would kill them, i haen't used it in soil yet only sprayed on leaves.... with amix of silica and folic acid....


Well-known member
oh it kills them alright-not a big fan of pyrethium in general-awful taste if it gets in the buds and it seems to hurt the ladies-no luck with neem oil?
remember that neither option is gonna kill the eggs so you gotta give it to them every 2-3 days for up to 3 weeks to wipe them out-even then it's good to wipe down walls and apply preventative doses
Yea, i have heard from bad things about pyrethium as well. Never used it myself, i always stick to neem oil and it's worked fine for me so far.

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