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how does it all work?



hi everyone ive been lurking here for a while usually i find the answers to my q's but now i need your help with this one. i live in a non mmj state but i can move to cali anytime i want with the corporation i work for and ive actually been giving it alot of thought but i wanna figure out how it all works. what do all you med patients who grow your own do with all your excess bud? if your only allowed to posses 6 mature plants and 8 oz dried bud at any given time and you have six mature plants on your property and you end up with 6 lbs what do you do with all the extra, and if that same grow is inspected by the law early in the season; they know your gonna have way more dried bud than your allowed so what would stop them from coming back and bustin you while its hanging to dry? can someone break it down for me? thanks and merry christmas :tree::xmastree::window:


since our monikers are suspiciously alike, I'll just say it ain't like that 'tall, fornirrrr.
Don't worry about the swine, just stay home on christmas day or some round yellow muthafuckas gonna chop yo trees....
hi everyone ive been lurking here for a while usually i find the answers to my q's but now i need your help with this one. i live in a non mmj state but i can move to cali anytime i want with the corporation i work for and ive actually been giving it alot of thought but i wanna figure out how it all works. what do all you med patients who grow your own do with all your excess bud? if your only allowed to posses 6 mature plants and 8 oz dried bud at any given time and you have six mature plants on your property and you end up with 6 lbs what do you do with all the extra, and if that same grow is inspected by the law early in the season; they know your gonna have way more dried bud than your allowed so what would stop them from coming back and bustin you while its hanging to dry? can someone break it down for me? thanks and merry christmas :tree::xmastree::window:

Simple. Don't break the law. :)

BTW some more info on amounts: there is no such law that limits how many or how much. SB420 set FLOORS (not limits) of 6 mature OR 12 immature and 8oz. If your county sets a higher amount, it's more. Same as your doctor can do.

It's your Doctor and you that sets plant limits. If you lived in LA County, a place that has no county amounts set, you can grow far more that the 6 OR 12+8oz. You can have what the Doctor suggests for you.


Freedom Fighter
Grow what you want, and keep your meds-- I cannot think of a single case of a bust consisting only of a med grower....there may have been some with guns involved, or gang activity...or hundreds of plants...but if you are growing personal, and have maybe 20 or 30 plants (I had 40 at my pad this year)...you will have no problems--


okay thanks that gives me a little better understanding; so its the county that sets the limits but your doc can give you a "script" for more if needed. i noticed someone mentioned having a legal plant limit in the thirty-something range so what is an average "high" plant/bud limit? whats the deal with people in this forum talking about bringing there bud to brokers and dispensary in exchange for money? is that shiit legal? doesnt sound legal; in fact it seems to undermine everything that mmj is all about. am i missing something?


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Grow what you want, and keep your meds--...you will have no problems--
We do not promote breaking the law here at IC Mag. Meds4mywife..I think you would foolish to follow advice such as this. I would hate to hear you got busted and were using this as your defense.." the guy on IC Mag said I would have no problems"...stay with-in your doctors recomendation and if you need more ask your doctor to update your script and increase your limits. DD
alright doob, thank you.

California is much more lenient, in Colorado we have the 6 plant, only 3 in bloom/flower and no more than 2 oz usable product Law. It is a huge conundrum, because how do you harvest 3 plants and only get 2 oz? I guess if it was a staggered harvest, every 3 weeks you take a plant down and replace it with one from veg... and even then, what if that plant yielded 2 .5 oz... what to do with the extra .5 oz? It is a gray area, for sure. There are many!


yeah bud i hear ya. i guess all the med growers have to bury there extra meds in a waterproof tainer somewhere or rent a storage unit for it. i dont know how much product a med patient goes through in a day/week/month etc. but my wife only medicates when neccesary for pain not just to be high all day and an ounce lasts her bout a month so alot of the (floor) limits that i see sound reasonable. i have a feeling that 80% of the "med" growers in cali are growing for profit; in fact there is a thread in this forum dedicated to talking about how to sell there buds on the sligh to dispensaries. there is also a magazine published in so-hum by eric sligh, its called "grow" (humboldtgrow.com), and it shows all these huge ass outdoor "med" gardens; now you cant tell me those guys arent growing for profit! i also saw eric on national tv showing his garden and talking about how much it was potentially worth! isnt that type of activity against everything that prop 215 was designed for? why arent those fony "med" growers getting raided and busted for thar crap?


don't be ridiculous, m4m.
Do you expect your doctor to work for free just because she took the Hippocratic oath? Do you think a pharmaceutical company or even a farmer of non-cannabis medicinal plants, let's say aloe vera cacti, is immoral for charging for services rendered and making a living?
Do you have any idea how much work and expertise is involved in the "med" gardens you so snidely reference? Do you know how many people benefit in legitimately medical ways from such enterprises? Do you know the kind of grow ops that were necessary to arrive at the current medicinal qualities possessed by modern cannabis?
When you refuse to recognize cannabis farming as a legitimate business, you my friend are a prohibitionist.


here we go! hey scared youve got me all wrong dude; if i could move to cali and legally earn a living growing medical grade cannabis for people in need of it than i would.

is that what you meant when you wrote, " Do you know how many people benefit in legitimately medical ways from such enterprises? "
but the busts you see on tv are not legal they are people taking advantage of a GOOD thing!


Freedom Fighter
here we go! hey scared youve got me all wrong dude; if i could move to cali and legally earn a living growing medical grade cannabis for people in need of it than i would.

is that what you meant when you wrote, " Do you know how many people benefit in legitimately medical ways from such enterprises? "
but the busts you see on tv are not legal they are people taking advantage of a GOOD thing!

Many of those busts on TV were nothing more than armed robberies by the DEA!! They crashed in, grabbed all the $$ and product...stole computers and anything else of value...then simply left--
No Charges, nothing at all...except ppl that have put everything into a business...who were left standing there wondering WTF just happened!!
Many have been closed...and they were doing a service-- It is ridicules to think that Meds...of any kind, will be dispensed to all....without cash exchange--
Go try and get a flu shot for your kid...betcha have to spend $$
Got Cancer?? Chemo here!! Come and buy your Chemo!!
IDK...it frustrates me, the way the Gov is fighting so hard against this....and it is all over $$-- They say we shouldn't charge it...yet they tax them....WTF!!


I love my life
We do not promote breaking the law here at IC Mag. Meds4mywife..I think you would foolish to follow advice such as this. I would hate to hear you got busted and were using this as your defense.." the guy on IC Mag said I would have no problems"...stay with-in your doctors recomendation and if you need more ask your doctor to update your script and increase your limits. DD

:fsu: Come on now we are promoting the OVERGROW of the world. It is still a VIOLATION of FEDERAL LAW to grow a single plant.

We are encouraging growing, ergo we are encouraging breaking of the Federal Law; but sticking to your Drs recommendation in theory will keep your state, and now the US Justice department from prosecuting you; BUT there are no guarantees.

Peace, :joint:


We do not promote breaking the law here at IC Mag. DD

With all due respect, the USSC is the "Law of the Land", and they have ruled that w/ respect to anything on the CSA, the Federal Trumps state law period. So anyone, possessing, using, growing, cannabis at all, no matter what the reason, is in fact, in "VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW." So even if you have a rec, as soon as you have in you possession so much as 1 cannabis seed, clone, or 1 gram of kush, you are in fact in violation of the supreme law of the land....I am just saying...
So, yeah, obviously we do promote the breaking of the law, unless you are picking and choosing which laws you are referring to.

Personally, I have no qualms about breaking, undermining, or supporting the breaking or undermining of any law that I feel is unjust, and in fact see it as my duty as an American citizen to do so and do so proudly.
Not being confrontational at all, just simply pointing out a matter of fact, I have seen similar things said here before, on it's face, it's laughable to be perfectly honest. If that were the case, why would this site support the sale of cannabis seeds you know what I mean?

Me, say it loud, be proud, I am an "outlaw", damn proud of it.:joint:


woah guys be easy on doob he's just saying that being allowed to grow your own meds is a privalege just like driving so if you want to grow your own meds go ahead but if you want to sell dont use your med card as a scapegoat just do it on your own! were all entitled to an opinion and were all here b/c we love this plant and cant stand the fact that something that can NEVER be eradicated is illegal so lets all get our point across without criticism. peace


It's not a privilege.
It's a choice.
No one is anymore entitled to grow or use cannabis than anyone else on this planet, whether they have cancer, or they just like to get high, IMO.
Voting is a privilege.


It's not a privilege.
It's a choice.
No one is anymore entitled to grow or use cannabis than anyone else on this planet, whether they have cancer, or they just like to get high, IMO.
Voting is a privilege.
well actually if your state allows you to grow mmj for yourself and you apply for that privilege than yes it is a privilege and you should not be growing any more than is allowed but your right otherwise just grow that shit; thats what i do!:xmasnut:


Freedom Fighter
woah guys be easy on doob he's just saying that being allowed to grow your own meds is a privalege just like driving so if you want to grow your own meds go ahead but if you want to sell dont use your med card as a scapegoat just do it on your own! were all entitled to an opinion and were all here b/c we love this plant and cant stand the fact that something that can NEVER be eradicated is illegal so lets all get our point across without criticism. peace

You do notice that you are the first to mention "Selling"--


I love my life
well actually if your state allows you to grow mmj for yourself and you apply for that privilege than yes it is a privilege and you should not be growing any more than is allowed but your right otherwise just grow that shit; thats what i do!:xmasnut:

No if you supplicate yourself and ask permission to exercise your free born rights on your own property, you are not in any way engaged in a privilege you are engaged in subverting all of our rights and empowering the brutal minority with guns that would imprison us.

Peace, :joint:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I stand corrected..KMK has pointed out, reminded me, that at this time there are no limits in CA. http://icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=147519 thus he is not promoting breaking the law and going by this meds4 can grow all he wants. But my point was for a new grower, patient, and new member here at IC to stay safe, be careful, educate yourself first before making decisions. Like he said .."be easy on Doob"..I can make mistake freinds, I'm sorry, I appologize...respect..DD
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