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How do you treat your friends?


Active member
4 growers know i grow,they are friends.We trade or look out for one another.I give a bit away here and there to nongrowing friends.A joint or 2 to friends that don't have access or funds is no biggy to me.
you guys are dicks to your friends......

if you need some pot, you will walk out of here with a couple baggies, may not be what im smoking, but you will get high as hell.....

if someone wants a decent amount, hey, i have plenty of shit to do around the house to earn some weed....

i know if im ever out of weed, i can call anyone and get some, for free....

Must be nice to live in a med state.I mean, who wouldn't enjoy being able to be open about their passion?The rest of us have to stay close to the vest.It's not even open for debate.
I have 3 friends, Smith,Wesson and petey the pitbull.


Active member
treat your friends how you want to be treated by your friends

and keep them few! One of my favs goes,

"True friends like diamonds
are precious and rare
False friends like glass
are found everywhere"

That and Styx said it best "I got millions of friends and the fun never ends that is as long as I'm buying"
My friends in my inner circle all grow. And we are all harvesting at different times. We always share the fruit of our labor amongst ourselves. If I have some, they are always welcome to some free fruit and vice versa. But one must pick the right friends, I was once told that friends do nothing but pull you down. You must flush the "Drainers"......
Also it's nice to know that if I screw up some how and need cuttings I can get a flat free of charge NO questions asked. Thats just how we roll.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Must be nice to live in a med state.I mean, who wouldn't enjoy being able to be open about their passion?The rest of us have to stay close to the vest.It's not even open for debate.
I have 3 friends, Smith,Wesson and petey the pitbull.

Until growing and smoking are federally legal, growing medical is a still a risky business. Armed robbers see no difference either.
Until growing and smoking are federally legal, growing medical is a still a risky business. Armed robbers see no difference either.

Let's not kid ourselves, the risk of someone knowing we grow is much greater in the rest of the country, regardless of what federal law says.There are people who really put it on the line.

Banditos aside

As I said, must be nice to play 'hero' with your weed, some of us don't have that luxury...enjoy it.


I treat my friends like mushrooms, feed em shit and keep em in the dark....j/k:tiphat:

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
LULT...The last 2 "legal" years of my life haven't been any different than the 7 before it....besides helping out sick people, the grow shop is packed and a dispensary was added to the client list. Everybody has something they could lose when they decide to grow. It's a tough break, but I think tossing sarcasm at medical growers and mocking our "hero" lifestyles isn't going to make your state's laws any better on you. Hopefully you can have the opportunity for yourself if it's a life you would choose. You would see that us "heroes" are making an honest middle class living and doing some good out there....however small of an impact we may have. I wish everyone could have a license, but I want to add that even with a plastic card, you still have to play the same game. I love to share my weed...I loved it before I had a card.
As if being called a 'dick' to our 'friends' wasn't an insult?
Pardon us for valuing our freedom at the risk of being a dick,i'll choose the latter.

I envy med state folks.

guest 77721

I have a nice little two plant grow that will probably put out 3 zips or so.

My ski buddy Mike who let's me stay overnight at his place several times will get a nice little jar with a bud or two.

My buddy Ian who keeps a well stocked beer fridge and a good collection of snacks in his garage will get a modest sack. I've wobbled home many a time from his place. And he always rolls up a number when I go to visit.

I have two other close friends that will get a nice little care package.

When you can grow more than you can smoke it doesn't have any value. Value your friends!!!


Hey Guys,
lets say you just harvested sowwhere near to a pound. Your intent of growing is to treat yourself.
Now you have your friends coming over and you sure smoke one (or two or three ...) to just enjoy life and weeed.
The evening comes and youre beeing asked if you sell or give away some of the sweet flowers. Youre sure that you dont want to sell any, as this would not suit your character, but you def want to give your friends a share, as theyre not growing. (Sharing is caring!!)

So do you just give away your buds or do you "charge" anything for it? (Maight be a beer or sth one has to bring to get bud :p)


when i started growing a few people knew i was, these were/are trusted ppl. we normally do our best to give weed to each other when we get.

after a while or rather once that grow was done i told everyone that, that was it because of all the "problems" i told them i was having trying to get things started again.

my rule of thumb was to separate what i grew, i had a lb + and knew i wasnt going to smoke it all before it went bad so it just made sense to gift/give to my ppl's, because truth be known, i would have fucking cried if my shit would have went bad and not been smoked by myself or anyone, so 3/4 went to me and 1/4 went to my community.

entitlement is not something i had to deal with or would have, ppl who know me "know" me and im not someone you just come up to and tell what you think i should do with whats mine.

as time has gone on, alot of the ppl i associate with are beginning growers, and im beginning to see a dream of mine come through in a small way which is cool with me.

so if your a friend/fam you get it gifted, if i havent known you for a long time then your a custi until i tell you otherwise i dont care "who bought you" i dont care "how long youve known such and such" im not trying to hear "c'mon fam how you gonna do me like that" none of that shit.

ppl tend to try to use certain terms in order to evoke some manner of feeling or thought, semantics is something i know very well especially on the hood/street level and im famous for stopping cats in their tracks with that shit.
Must be nice to live in a med state.I mean, who wouldn't enjoy being able to be open about their passion?The rest of us have to stay close to the vest.It's not even open for debate.
I have 3 friends, Smith,Wesson and petey the pitbull.
I think you're conflating "open" with "telling your friends." IMHO if there is no difference between these two things you need to make new friends.

I live in a med state, but I grew up in a non-med state and grew there for years. Today, my friends could just as easily roll on me to the DEA as your friends could to the local guys. It's just a difference of how we choose to live our lives.

I also don't own a gun, and I own a bichon frise, not a pitbull.


Come at me bro. Regulators!!!!!!! Mount up.


Different strokes man.


Active member
the mooching pisses me off

it never happens to me, but i see it happening to a close family member. it's often with a certain cousin's side of the family, well that particular side of the family is well known for not bringing anything to the table but just wanting everything you have unfortunately.

i see the close family member struggling financially, just barely scraping by, their fall harvest is pretty much the only time that she makes any decent money and even then it's not much due to mold and bugs and being horrible at trimming (bad eye sight on her part doesn't help this). it kills me hearing her tell me how the bad mooch cousin pulled her heart strings to get yet another ounce for free.

i see these things happen, it just makes me cautious. i like to share a little bit with folks i'm not close to, then just sit back and wait, see how the individual will be next time i see them. some have gone out of their way to procure bud and hold onto it just to smoke with me which i thought was so nice and cool on their part, i have practically been hunted down by some of these people just so they could give back a little bit; on the flip side there is always the guy that never has anything and never brings anything to the table, after i share 1 or 2 times and see this pattern i gravitate away from them and just tend to not see them anymore

this reminds me of something in terms of entitlement. i was smoking a guy out at a concert, some friend of a friend, he won't shut up about the gram of OG that he brought with him and finally packs a tiny bit so we each get about a toke or 2. after this he won't shut up about smoking my herb, "hey man i smoked that og with you! c'mon pack another!" "oh hey man, i gotta' go over here" as i point in the opposite direction of where he is at and start waltzing off that away...just because someone paid $20+ for 1 gram and let me taste a bit of it, does not mean you get to smoke the whole 1/4 i brought with me
In real life, one person knowing that you grow is one too many.It's got nothing to do with assessing if one is worthy of friendship or not.It's strictly a matter of liability.

When you go into this thing, fully aware of what you're hazarding,you except it for what it is or you tempt your own fate.

That's the cold,hard reality.

Do I know a guy who knows a guy on occasion?...maybe, but the trail ends there.

Call me crazy.

And I wanted to add a thank you to all the nice comments and +1, I can't see who sent them, but you know who you are.Thanks.


i see the close family member struggling financially, just barely scraping by, their fall harvest is pretty much the only time that she makes any decent money and even then it's not much due to mold and bugs and being horrible at trimming (bad eye sight on her part doesn't help this). it kills me hearing her tell me how the bad mooch cousin pulled her heart strings to get yet another ounce for free.

it kills you, and to be honest, it saddens me to hear this

can't she get a pair of glasses ? something you could buy her for her bday or christmas

i see these things happen, it just makes me cautious. i like to share a little bit with folks i'm not close to, then just sit back and wait, see how the individual will be next time i see them. some have gone out of their way to procure bud and hold onto it just to smoke with me which i thought was so nice and cool on their part, i have practically been hunted down by some of these people just so they could give back a little bit; on the flip side there is always the guy that never has anything and never brings anything to the table, after i share 1 or 2 times and see this pattern i gravitate away from them and just tend to not see them anymore

but could it be that... they give back because they know that you are a source of good bud ?


Active member
If Im nice and kind people shit on me including my friends. Now I dont have any. If im an asshole people just leave me alone, show some compassion and people try and fuck me over. Could just be the way it is in the san fran bayarea, but I reckon its like that everywhere.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You just need to find the right people to develop ties with. If I had not grown up with really cool people I most likely would say the same as most of you. Times have changed for the worse thats for sure. When I was younger and we all smoked and sold small amounts Leo did not hassle us much. If we where caught they just made us grind it into the ground and we went on our way. There not like that anymore.

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