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How do you choose a good mother/pheno from seeds.


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I've had plants that didn't show sex in veg after even 2.5 months of growth. I guess it depends what you're working with. :confused:


i read a description of mikado and it said that it showed hairs making sexing a breeze. i was wondering why it said that and maybe it was because they were talking about in veg? so with some strains is that how you tell which ones are females in veg, the females show hairs?
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bounty29 said:
I've had plants that didn't show sex in veg after even 2.5 months of growth. I guess it depends what you're working with. :confused:

This is true. Some plants take forever. I rarley have a plant go past six weeks without showing but it does happen. If your growing that kind of strain I would cut the hours back to induce a little then go back to veg. I remember a sativa skunk cross I had took about 10 weeks to show...it is frustrating.


EcstaticErratic said:
my chick burns

I cannot speak for SD but I think "does your chick burn?" is grow speak for "does your plant burn from overfertilization easily?"


Active member
You can't tell what you have from a seed run. If you truly want to know what a plant is all about you must do a clone grow from each girl you ran from seed. The plants run from seed, most of the time are immature when put into flower so you don't get a true representation of what the plants can do when you flower them mature. It takes time to find something special, so enjoy the journey. Plus you'll have something to smoke after the 1st harvest. A lot of peeps pull the plug to soon on plants run from seed. Hope you find something that floats your boat. peace


Active member
ICMag Donor
I agree 100% with peterpan on this.
You need to judge your keeper by the product of the clone grow. After all, it is the clones that you will be growing from now on, not seed plants.

The very first thing to look for after the reveg is how the clone roots. This is crucial to finding a keeper mom, IMO. Some strains, or even individual phenos, just do not clone well. Others will root if you breath on a cut.
Even after you have found the one...never throw anything else out until you KNOW the one you keep will clone easy.

Always keep backups of anything you are even thinking about selecting.
swampdank said:
let your personal taste help you decide which ones you wanna keep. does your chick burn?? which one does she like the best?? better keep it around for her. stuff like that man. good luck. :)
im pretty sure he was asking about my gf's preferences on smoking. hah thanks though :bashhead: :D
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You'll know what the keepers are. It won't be hard if you are only doing a couple packs here and there.

Treeking you are crazy 250 seeds is not gonna be fun unless you got some help.



lol. it shouldnt be too bad as long as i dont have to clone every plant in veg. i always like being prepared in case alot of seeds dont germinate.
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EcstaticErratic said:
im pretty sure he was asking about my gf's preferences on smoking. hah thanks though :bashhead: :D

ha ha your right I am retarded!:bashhead:
