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How do I store my pot in the California desert?


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Hey gang, I have a question about something that's new to me......

I recently moved to the Coachella Valley, Palm Springs area. I grew a few plants and harvested about 13 ounces. It is all dried and curing is glass Ball jars at 60 to 69% humidity. If I were back home in Ohio and had all my equipment, I would vacuum pack it and store it in the basement at 60F or so.

HOWEVER, I am not back in Ohio and I don't have my vacuum sealer.

Here is my question: I am headed back to Ohio to sell my condo and pack my stuff to move here to SoCal. That is probably going to take a couple months. While I am gone, I am not going to run the AC so (from what I have been told) the indoor temps here will go well past 120F. Not a great temperature for storing weed in a glass jar. LOL

I will be leaving the electricity on and the refrigerator will be running. I could put it in the fridge but I am concerned about coming back to jars filled with mold.

As far as I can think of, those are my 2 options. I have never stored pot in the fridge. Is there a real chance of mold? If I leave it out, I know some terps will be distroyed at 120F and up but it's better than mold.

Any suggestions or comments?


PS It's good to be back and it's fucking GREAT to be living in SoCal. Fucking love the desert. I wonder how long I have to live here to to qualify being a "desert rat"? LOL


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Freeze it
Had a cousin named Eric that lived on Henry Street in Brooklyn with some of his boys from Colorado and his kewpees were always in the freezer right into the slices right out to the customers from the freezer to the customer in less than 15 minutes


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
You aren't a 'desert rat' until you have a canvas bag of water on hanging in front of your PU truck grill.

That fridge will be working awful hard in a 120* environment. Why not set the thermostat up to 85 or something and suffer a little billage?

When we were in HS we would go to the desert to get high and have fun. Indio was an off-ramp with not much else but empty lots cut into the desert floor. How CA has expanded their growth. I looked up 'Desert Center' to see if that gas station in the middle of nowhere was a thriving metropolis by now. Not quite, yet. They at least have an airport now.

Colorado river used to be a party, and you are already half-way there from Orange County.
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Well-known member
why do you need to keep your fridge running? it´s just gonna cost you good money :(

but to answer your question: glass jars sound good. Do you have a cellar or anything? It tends to be a little cooler down there .


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Thanks gang. I thought it might lean towards leaving it in the fridge. Thanks.

A basement would be great but they don't seem to have basements in SoCal and they sure as hell don't have them here. LOL Not sure why basements are unheard of here. Perhaps soil issues with the sand? Or, just the style when these were built. Either way, I asked our real estate agent for a house with a basement and she told me no way. Not here. In 8 years selling real estate she never saw a single basement. Odd.

I have to leave the fridge running because THE WIFE says I HAVE to. Geeze guys..... don't EVER get married. LOL I had to fight to get here to let me turn the air off. She wanted to cool the furniture. Please guys..... never marry. Ever.

I saw a TV show on Prime that was from the 70's (Palm Springs P.I.) and it showed them driving through Palm Desert and the area was nothing but farms. Cook Street was all farmland. Shit, now it like a little one-story Manhattan. Not a foot between houses. Actually, pretty neat if you don't mind being crowded. Weird that it all happened so fast. Farms to Winterhaven homes for snowbirds in one decade. Seems like a ton of stuff here was built in the 70's. Wish I was here then.

Thanks again, gang.


Well-known member
just turn the bloody fridge off whilst you´re gone. Just pull the plug out.

cool the furniture? lmao Never heard of this one before! what the hell?


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Oh yeah, you HAVE to cool the furniture. Someone told her that all the wood in your furniture splits from the heat and destroys your furniture. LMAO

It's a frightening fucking world when you believe everything you hear. LOL

The really fucked up thing is that our furniture is still back in Ohio. LMAO This place was furnished when we bought it but this stuff is in the trash when my stuff arrives. She is just afraid of everything.

Thanks again, gang. Nice to be back.
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I have visited sporadically over the years. In 1970 we drove over from LA for a night (in dual ragtop white Karmann Ghias). I only remember a shitload of scrub desert and of course, the cable car to the mountains. My uncle retired to a small house in La Quinta. He used to play golf at 5 - 6am because it got too hot after that. On my last visit in 2012 (and he was long gone) it was wall to wall from PS through to Palm Desert . . .

On a cooler day, roll some joints and head out to the Murray Canyon Trail for a few hours.



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Yeah, I have been meaning to get up to Murray Canyon. Looks like a nice trail. Most of the trails around here are very much like the parking lots in the hood where I grew up. LOL Nothing but dry gritty dirt that nothing grows in except broken glass. LOL Spent much of my youth cleaning up glass. LOL

I mean, c'mon, I am from the Midwest where the parks are green and beautiful and full of trees and waterfalls that lead to little ponds with bass and trout swimming about so thick you could grab one. So far, I did the Palm Desert Cross, the Bump and Grind and part of the Homestead. OMG.... It's dead, Jim. LOL Albeit, the views are pretty cool.

I also want to get over to the North side and hike the Fault. I looked at some pics and it looked pretty cool.

That pic of Murray looks nice. That is definitely next on the list.

Although, I don't wait for cool days. I did the Cross trail when it was 95F. LOL Didn't even sweat. I love the heat. 95 today and I am comfortable. In fact I sectioned off a part of the condo from my wife and I sealed all the AC vents. 74F in her part of the house with a very comfortable 84F on my side. LOL

Thanks again


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ICMag Donor
Bear in mind that that pic was in January. Have you ever been in the CA/NV desert in the summer?
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to actually answer your question...dig a hole say 3 feet deep,bury the jars,preferably in a sturdy box of some sort....viola' quick root cellar!
I am in a condo so I'm not sure that's an option. Someone on the landscape crew might get "lucky". LOL However, I actually thought about busting out some concrete and digging a small grow room in the garage. LOL I'd probably get a foot down and hit the community sewer line. LOL We are looking to actually own a home in the next couple years. A root cellar would be a definite.

@tobedetermined I can't wait for Summer. I love it hot. People laugh at me now as I wear a jacket on the restaurant patio while everyone else runs for the misters. LOL Not sure why I like it so hot, coming from a state like Ohio where it's almost never hot. I'm telling ya, I was born to be a desert rat and missed my calling. I curse my ancestors for getting off the wagon train in shithole, Ohio instead of toughing it out to Palm Springs. I could have been Bob Hope's house boy. LOL In truth, we shall see. I actually get hot when it's over 100F. But, not 100 in the shade. That's fine. 100+ in the sun and I am actually hot. I tried hiking in 100 the other day and it was a no-go. LOL

Although, it does get real real fucking hot in the Summer, it's only like that for a few hours each day. Mornings are still too nippy for me to have coffee on the patio but the nights are downright cold. I still run my furnace at night. LOL So, in the 120F Summer days, the nights are still going to be an awesome and incredible high 70s and 80s. I'll be sleeping outside every night. Fucking camping. LOL

It's all good for me right now because I am rushing with thrill to be here. My life's dream... coming true. So, I may be a TINY bit jaded. LOL Time will tell.

Thanks again, all.



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Another desert rat. ;) LOL

In a couple weeks I am headed back to shithole to get my stuff but when I return, we are going to have a desert rat party at my place. LOL

Couple pics of that 3 plant harvest.....


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Well-known member
to actually answer your question...dig a hole say 3 feet deep,bury the jars,preferably in a sturdy box of some sort....viola' quick root cellar!
that´s a great idea.
As long as you can mark the spot somehow and as long as nobody else comes to dig it up :)

OR, don´t do anything at all storage wise..
Could just make some oil or or hash instead:)
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Active member
Yeah, I have been meaning to get up to Murray Canyon. Looks like a nice trail. Most of the trails around here are very much like the parking lots in the hood where I grew up. LOL Nothing but dry gritty dirt that nothing grows in except broken glass. LOL Spent much of my youth cleaning up glass. LOL

I mean, c'mon, I am from the Midwest where the parks are green and beautiful and full of trees and waterfalls that lead to little ponds with bass and trout swimming about so thick you could grab one. So far, I did the Palm Desert Cross, the Bump and Grind and part of the Homestead. OMG.... It's dead, Jim. LOL Albeit, the views are pretty cool.

I also want to get over to the North side and hike the Fault. I looked at some pics and it looked pretty cool.

That pic of Murray looks nice. That is definitely next on the list.

Although, I don't wait for cool days. I did the Cross trail when it was 95F. LOL Didn't even sweat. I love the heat. 95 today and I am comfortable. In fact I sectioned off a part of the condo from my wife and I sealed all the AC vents. 74F in her part of the house with a very comfortable 84F on my side. LOL

Thanks again
Pick one of your hot days and take the tram up the hill. When you get out you won't believe where you are. I once went camping up there. It had been about 98 degrees on the floor but when I got to the ranger station and saw night temps of 40 degrees I was concerned . I showed the ranger where I was going to stay and she giggled. "Where you are going expect about ten degrees less". She was right.


Well-known member
a couple of months? shit starts acting up in as little as a week if no A/C or open windows...which introduce other concerns. anyone you can leave a key with and have them go in every week or so?

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