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i think its bad advice to start with bag seeds, if u have a 30 dollar budget and your running mircale grow and cfls sure give them a go, but peeps setting up grow tents with hid lights n custom soil blends n nutes shouldnt waste 90 plus days of there life for a very uncertain something with a great chance of hermies n trash, its terrible advice when u can grab such good genes for what 50-100 usd shipped to your door, its the 90+ day wait, 3 months of your life and labor of love for shawg or for something special, thats a whole dam summer folks, be practical newbies, spend 50 buck on seeds youll be so glad u did.

you will never make crappy seeds super, u may however make great seeds medicore.

one Q

dont just grow to get bud, grow to gain knowledge about growing. :)

Exactly. Started in soil. Went DWC, swc, back to soil, then hempy, then coir, THEN CoirHempy, then coir f&d, then NFT... Tried turface, 100% perlite...

Where would one be with out all that experimenting? Every grow had at least ONE epiphany moment. Add all those up and that's your "stripes."

Once you have stripes, THEN you can come on forums and "help." Once you have stripes, then you start turning others on to growing. Just gave a friend an entire line of Nutes for 2 little outdoor plants. Im sure this person will be on here reading up and earning stripes too...


one Q

i think its bad advice to start with bag seeds, if u have a 30 dollar budget and your running mircale grow and cfls sure give them a go, but peeps setting up grow tents with hid lights n custom soil blends n nutes shouldnt waste 90 plus days of there life for a very uncertain something with a great chance of hermies n trash, its terrible advice when u can grab such good genes for what 50-100 usd shipped to your door, its the 90+ day wait, 3 months of your life and labor of love for shawg or for something special, thats a whole dam summer folks, be practical newbies, spend 50 buck on seeds youll be so glad u did.

you will never make crappy seeds super, u may however make great seeds medicore.
Good Point.

If a noob went with Mandala they'd be happy. Cheap, easy to grow, good variety, mostly good highs and low herms.

Still grow them bag seeds out while you wait for your order. You dont wanna make mistakes on your "good seeds"


Active member
i think its bad advice to start with bag seeds, if u have a 30 dollar budget and your running mircale grow and cfls sure give them a go, but peeps setting up grow tents with hid lights n custom soil blends n nutes shouldnt waste 90 plus days of there life for a very uncertain something with a great chance of hermies n trash, its terrible advice when u can grab such good genes for what 50-100 usd shipped to your door, its the 90+ day wait, 3 months of your life and labor of love for shawg or for something special, thats a whole dam summer folks, be practical newbies, spend 50 buck on seeds youll be so glad u did.

you will never make crappy seeds super, u may however make great seeds medicore.

well since ive done this shwag seed experiment, i just honestly dont believe any of that. the shwag seeds i grew were super, i can literally account for it considering im still enjoying it just as much as some of the finest cuts ive gotten from cali medical users that would be considered far superior genetics and no hermie traits, which in my case my seeds came from hardcore hermies and not one went hermie on me.

ive yet to find one seed in any of it. ive spent tons of money on seeds sadly to see i could achieve literally just as good results with poorly stored 5+ year old shwag seeds, so i just beg to differ. sorry.

to me it sounds like a much more horrible idea spending 50-100 dollars on seeds when you have no experience growing that much period.

thats like going out to buy a ferrari when you have never driven a day in your life, bad decision and a waste of money. same thing can be applied to music, i see tons of new timers buying the most expensive instruments they can find, when they have never produced, written or even actually tried to make their own music. just like instruments plants can be applied with the same logic, you can create some of the most stunningly brilliant songs youve ever heard with some of the cheapest toy instruments around.


Active member
its very easy for someone who has done nothing but bought seeds all their life to say that, i mean you speak as if you have never even tried growing what people consider to be a waste of time seed.

so how would you even know what could be achieved otherwise? i wanted to know so i tested myself and the results showed me otherwise thats its more about how well you grow, not what seed is labeled superior.

i made sure of this by picking out the most damaged, grimmy looking seeds i could find on my friends disgusting drug table. yet they turned out to be some of the best herb ive smoked to date, everything was there, taste, look, smell its funny because i couldve easily made up some name and posted it on this site and i know for a fact no one wouldve even thought it was bag seed let alone especially so old and damaged seeds at that.


Active member
The first time I tried growing it was with bag seeds.
They had been collected from super high end weed from a friend while he was going to berkley. The only grow info I had at the time was-Veg 15 days and flower two months.
That weed was some of the best I have ever smoked or grown.
It took me about six years to stop making things harder than they need to be and even come close to that first harvest.
I no longer follow that time frame or use compact flouros but the simplicity is the same.


Active member
Yes they were some early nineties blueberry, northern lights, and white widow grown as eighteen inch trees under 400 watts of cfls in a closet.
Any one of them would stand up to the elites today.
I also used miracle grow and still do today.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
everyone has there own experience. I have had low grade genetics and very expensive high end genetics. I have always grown great to outstanding cannabis with high end genetics. I can not say that with the lower end of the genetic pool. Sure you get nice size buds but there lacking in flavor and potency. So far I have not found a low grade genetics taste better then the high end genetics. Finding seeds in a high end genetic bud is not a bad thing per say the quality of the genetics are still there. Many high end genetics where found in bag seed.


Active member
everyone has there own experience. I have had low grade genetics and very expensive high end genetics. I have always grown great to outstanding cannabis with high end genetics. I can not say that with the lower end of the genetic pool. Sure you get nice size buds but there lacking in flavor and potency. So far I have not found a low grade genetics taste better then the high end genetics. Finding seeds in a high end genetic bud is not a bad thing per say the quality of the genetics are still there. Many high end genetics where found in bag seed.

im just trying to understand genetics to a more direct reference. i understand of course a bad plant will most likely produce bad seeds, but if raised well enough can it not play a part in the genetic structure of the plant itself?

"Although genetics plays a large role in the appearance and behavior of organisms, it is the combination of genetics with what an organism experiences that determines the ultimate outcome. For example, while genes play a role in determining an organism's size, the nutrition and health it experiences after inception also have a large effect."

i mean is it like breeding dogs? although i know people will pay more for dogs that have bred with nothing else but their own line, but does it actually make that dog any better than a dog that hasnt?

this is why i view the term genetics the way i do, most people talk about genetics but dont really explain what the definition is to them or how they are able to know its good genetics? the most i ever hear is it came from a good plant therefor its good genetics but isnt there much more to creating the genetic structure of a plant? as in my case ive had excellent results from any seed ive grown, so it just confuses me more.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
This thread seems to be going no where, just smoke and enjoy, if you don't like it try something else, there's enough varities going around. Growing this shit is easy.
;4530283 said:
well since ive done this shwag seed experiment, i just honestly dont believe any of that. the shwag seeds i grew were super, i can literally account for it considering im still enjoying it just as much as some of the finest cuts ive gotten from cali medical users that would be considered far superior genetics and no hermie traits, which in my case my seeds came from hardcore hermies and not one went hermie on me.

ive yet to find one seed in any of it. ive spent tons of money on seeds sadly to see i could achieve literally just as good results with poorly stored 5+ year old shwag seeds, so i just beg to differ. sorry.

to me it sounds like a much more horrible idea spending 50-100 dollars on seeds when you have no experience growing that much period.

thats like going out to buy a ferrari when you have never driven a day in your life, bad decision and a waste of money. same thing can be applied to music, i see tons of new timers buying the most expensive instruments they can find, when they have never produced, written or even actually tried to make their own music. just like instruments plants can be applied with the same logic, you can create some of the most stunningly brilliant songs youve ever heard with some of the cheapest toy instruments around.

you guys go a little crazy sometimes on the icc, u really needed a philosphyical ferrari anaology to prove running bagseeds?

so much passion. . .:blowbubbles:

if u cant swing 50-100 for high grade seeds and want to wait bout 90 days to see what cha got have fun, if u think growing high seeds might be too much responsibility much like going from a tricycle to a ferrari which is how it would be for my man here that is fine too, just get your tric pratice during your 3 months training course.

u tend to find that high end seeds usually have more vigor, much like well built cars drive better then junkers, need less care and make one feel llike a better driver.

genetics+nutrition, always avoid oneisms folks.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Some folks can't (or are unwilling to) order seeds through the mail for security reasons.
Also, if you don't have the patience to do a 90 trial run with bagseed, you might not have the patience/fortitude to grow anyway.


Active member
i dunno what mid grade bag weed stuff you're getting down your side of the world but here in africa the cheap bag weed sometimes turns into mad ass stash. just takes a lot more seeds to find the really good phenos. the kind of high you can get from the bag seeds here is nothing like the indica hybrid high that you get from most seed banks today. im not saying either one is better im just saying that it is totally different. most modern hybrids have at least a little lazyness to them due to the CBDs but if you have not tried a pure sativa you would not understand how different it can be to do things and mission around with unbounded energy. sure there are strains not suited for our cultivation and drug use and there are strains that are far more suited for this. but some of the cons of new age genetics is that the breeders commonly use complex multi hybrid plants to make new hybrid plants and there are hardly ever any 100% sativa or 100% indica plants left. types of highs are blended together and some of the good qualities of the highs can get cancelled out by its counterpart of the high. in the end you might get a plant that makes you want to do something but it also glues you to the couch. breeders sometimes select plants for how they look and will kill off some plants that have amazing potential for quality of high because of this. thankfully not all breeders use the same kind of discrimination for creating new lines. Cannabiogen for example has some lovely sativas for sale.

Basically what im trying to say is dont get put off by things like long flowering times or buds that are not as frosty looking or dense as the internet pics you look at. the chemical profile of the trichomes is much more important than the amount of trichomes. for things like airy bud, thats natures way of combating molds and fungus. in some areas a dense indica will get bud rot quicker than you can harvest and smoke it so its useless to grow but a sativa in the same area will do fine. all depends on your situation and how you want to grow. but as most others have said. it takes time to learn what they need and how to give it to them.


Find a good strain to work with that is known for yeilding well. Then grow out a bunch of beans of the strain you choose and find your keeper pheneos. clone the one or ones that yeild the best and then dial the shit in and push the plant as far as she will go. I myself prefer taste, smell and high over just yield anyday.

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