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how do I get n-p-k in ppm individually?

FreezerBoy said:
There's nothing imaginary about X=15.78947368421. The question was how to determine 1/19 of 300. The formula was, is and shall remain 19X=300. I did, in fact, explain it at the start; Twice.

Trichs have nothing to do with this but, way to change from a subject you know nothing about to one you understand even less by lying.

You have my sympathies, that your youth was spent without one on whose knee you might sit and thus learn the lessons of common civility and honesty or, to send you to school that you might discover the wonders of language and math.

FreezerBoy said:
For FloraNova Bloom the formula is 27.1X=Strength of nutrient solution.

What a load of waffle you just changed it to suit you, get real man.
First you try insult peoples intelligence when clearly have a poor education considering you cant tell when your trichs are ready after 14 years! way to go, anyway i'm going.. I don't waste my time on morons who think they know it all but know nothing :wave:



This is WRONG
littlesoldier the n, p, and k are 4, 8, and 7 percent of that 300 ppm total, respectively.

So you multiply the 300 X the appropriate percent, to get that nutrient's true ppm at the 2.5 mL dosage.
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Pimp Aurora said:
you just changed it to suit you

That’s your second lie. I’ve always maintained there was more to FloraNova Bloom than NPK, that the real formula couldn’t be determined without a full list of ingredients. I even suggested that the final multiplier would be closer to 26.6513 than 19 and, again, I was correct.

You’ve lied twice about my studying trich color for 14 years. It’s been less than 14 weeks. You know this because you’ve been through my diary yet, you willingly spread false information. There’s a word for that; The word is lying.

So lets recap your posts. You can’t read, you can’t write. You can’t add or subtract. You can’t debate or speak the truth. Add it all up and you're 0 for nothing. You have nothing to say and you have nothing to say it with.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
-KiNgMaKeR- said:
littlesoldier the n, p, and k are 4, 8, and 7 percent of that 300 ppm total, respectively.

So you multiply the 300 X the appropriate percent, to get that nutrient's true ppm at the 2.5 mL dosage.

Not true. 4% of 300 is 12. In the original example of 4N+8P+7K = 300 ppm, the ppm of N is 63.16. However, we now know that there's more to FloraNovaBloom than NPK. Adding up all the ingrediants tells us that there are 27.1 parts in that 300 ppm. 27.1X=300. X=11.07. N=44.28


I typed this up a while ago, but never posted it.


First off, i would like to point out that there are TWO different measurements in gardening that are called PPM. One will tell you the exact elemental makeup of your nutrient/fertlizer, and the other is a reading you get from a meter. It is important to understand that while they both are called PPM, they are not directly related. In fact, they measure two totally different things.

First of all, lets talk a little bit about nutrients/fertilizers and what all the numbers mean on the bottle. My Pure Blend Pro Bloom is says its a 1.5-4-5, that means that in the bottle are 1.5 parts N, 4 parts P, and 5 parts K (NPK). Now i am not a scientist, and i cannot completely explain the conversion from X parts of the fertilizer, to actual elemental breakdown, but i do remember that it has something to do with the weight divided by the volume of the fertilizer. Also, to complicate things more, the P and K are factored as P2O5 and K2O respectively. This means that the weight of the Oxgen is factored into the listed PK ratio's. (P weights 31, O weights 16, so P2O5 = 142. but P is only 62 of that, so 62/142 = 43%; K works out to 78+16=94 78/94=83%
[/science lesion over]
That cannastat site has a great calculator to do all the math for you, you just enter the numbers from the bottle.
The site also further explains elemental ppm, and how our favorite plant likes something similar to 100N 100P 200K and 60Mg (Mel Frank's suggestion). This 100-100-200-60 is the ACTUAL PARTS PER MILLION. It is a legitimate representation of what you are feeding your plants.


Now lets talk about PPM meters. Oddly enough, PPM meters do not measure parts per million. PPM meters actually measure the electrical conductivity (ec) of the solution. Electrical Conductivity is measurement of how well the liquid conducts current, Pure water is actually a very poor conductor of electricity, it is the disolved elements in the liquid that increase its abilty to conduct current. After the meter takes its reading, it converts the ec reading to what it calls a 'ppm' reading. This 'ppm' conversion is further complicated by the fact that different manufactures use different scales for there 'ppm' reading.

Hanna uses a .5 scale, while Truncheon uses a .7 scale. So a 1000 'ppm' of a hanna user is equivalent to 1400 'ppm' of a truncheon. They both equal to an ec of 2.0, That is the important part. The conversion to 'ppm' is unnecessary, and makes things needlessly complicated Nutrient companies do nothing to help the situation. Botanicare uses the .5 scale, while AN uses the .7.

So just to reiterate, the PPM of 100N 100P 200K 60Mg will not give you a 'ppm' reading of 460. The two are not related in that way.

Here is a quick illustration
Liquid Karma is a .1-.1-.5, This product is a supplement and 10ml/Gal raises the ec .35 (10ml=2tsp)
PureBlendPro Bloom 1.5-4-5, this product is a Fertilizer and 10ml/Gal raises the ec .7

So.. 20ml/Gal of LK will give you the same ec as 10ml/Gal PBPB,they both would register the exact same reading on a 'ppm' meter, but the LK does not feed your plants.

So what does all this mean? STOP POSTING YOUR 'PPM' READING, 'ppm' meters do not measure ppm, they measure electrical conductivity, POST YOUR EC READING. You should also now understand that some products affect the ec a lot, without actually feeding the plant, so just posting your ec is not enough, posting the application rates of the products is the only real way to affective communicate your fertlizing.
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I ran the numbers provided by panopticist through the nutrisolve program and heres what I got back, (I used 10ml/gal for no other reason than it's fairly easy to work with should you want to use your own):

Floranova grow @ 10 ml/Gal(US):

amonical nitrogen-23.78 ppm
nitrate nitrogen-158.52 ppm
phosphorous-46.08 ppm
potash-219.29 ppm
calcium-105.68 ppm
magnesium-39.63 ppm
sulpher-52.54 ppm
iron-2.69 ppm

Total active elements-565.33 ppm (this is probably @.5 conversion which may put it in line with what GH says-300ppm @ 2.5ml/gal)

I didn't have the weight number for the grow so numbers may not be entirely accurate, but with the bloom formula for which I do have the weight it seems to up the ppm's approx 10% when you use the "use weights for liquids" option.

Here's the bloom numbers @ 10 ml/gal (US):

amonical nitrogen-6.61 ppm
nitrate nitrogen-99.28 ppm
phosphorous-92.15 ppm
potasium-153.5 ppm
calcium-105.68 ppm
magnesium-52.84 ppm
sulpher-52.84 ppm
iron-2.64 ppm

The active elements came out the same as the grow-total active elements 565.33 ppm.

Didn't use the weights for measure option on the bloom 'cause I figured no point in comparing apples and oranges, like I said it seems to increase ppm's approx 10%-if someone could supply me with the weight number off the floranova grow I'll update the numbers.


FreezerBoy said:
Not true. 4% of 300 is 12. In the original example of 4N+8P+7K = 300 ppm, the ppm of N is 63.16. However, we now know that there's more to FloraNovaBloom than NPK. Adding up all the ingrediants tells us that there are 27.1 parts in that 300 ppm. 27.1X=300. X=11.07. N=44.28

This obviously comes as an astounding revelation to you, but the NPK numbers on a bottle of fertilizer represents the percentage, by weight, those three nutrients comprise of the ingredients packaged, as mandated by international law.
FreezerBoy said:
The whole is equal to the sum of it's parts.

Note that 19x refers only to the ingrediants supplied in the post and assumes 0 ppm water, no pH up or down, no additives of any kind, no micro nutes .... I dont use FloraNova but would be VERY surprised it it contained npk and nothing else. Where's the Calcium? Magnesium? Mangenese? Sulpher...?

In my case, with my nutes and my water, the formula would be 26.6513X= 0.1. (Because ppm is babble I've substituted a meaningful number in the form of EC. In the above formula, ppm is considered to be ECx500 rather than ECx640 or ECx700)

So lets recap your posts. You can’t read, you can’t write. You can’t add or subtract. You can’t debate or speak the truth. Add it all up and you're 0 for nothing. You have nothing to say and you have nothing to say it with.

I was going to walk away from this post but I just wanted to let you know that you're an idiot who can't seem to grasp anything, 14 weeks? more like 14 years.. go read your own diary!

Nothing more funny than someone who claims to know it all but just goes around claiming this that and the other and changing forumlas insulting members with "imaginary numbers" and being arsy about it when clearly you don't know what you are talking about, you're trying to grind me down for what reason? you're wrong I know it, you probably don't since your such an ass :spank: stop regurgitating shite, stop opening your mouth and letting your belly rumble.

For someone who claims to have been growing for 14 years you have a very poor education, especially since you can't tell when your plants are ready.. so what was it, 14 years or 14 weeks? yet I can't write or spell? :laughing:

You go on about lessons of common civility but are abrupt and an ass, that's called being a hypocrite.

People like you should go crawl back into the cave which you came out of 6 months ago :wave:

At the end of the day I know my method works, go put your head in your freezer :bashhead:



Active member
wow, thx for all trying to help me out guys but I have to admit, I am a little confused since apparently the weight can change the ppm so what would be the formula including the weight?
Im sorry and you know the worst part is, Im not even baked right now


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
-KiNgMaKeR- said:
This obviously comes as an astounding revelation to you, but the NPK numbers on a bottle of fertilizer represents the percentage, by weight, those three nutrients comprise of the ingredients packaged, as mandated by international law.
No surprise at all. It simply wasn't the question. The ppm of N in the 300 ppm solution example is not 12.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Pimp Aurora said:
14 weeks? more like 14 years.. go read your own diary!
Your lying is becoming pathological. My diary clearly states, numerous times, that this is my first ever trich harvest. The plant sprouted 128 days ago. Explain to the class how I've been examining this plants trichs since 1994 when: It didn't sprout until 2007, I had no scope until 2008, and no trichs to examine until 45 days ago.

The difference between us is clear. When presented with better information, I endeavored to learn, I threw out everything but the cab and hood and started over from scratch. You choose to hide and insult. You've offered nothing here but obfuscation, invective, derailment, and lies.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Back to the original point of the thread and the points made by ShroomDR:

When you take an EC/PPM reading w/ a meter the PPM conversion (done by the meter) is the EQUIVALENT PPM at that EC of a SINGLE ELEMENT (usually Sodium Chloride or some other basic salt). That's why the PPM reading is an arbitrary number. It really has no bearing except in regards to prior PPM readings (IE: keep track of the "PPM" of YOUR rez)

You MUST take into consideration that EACH ELEMENT has different conductive properties (like when comparing how well copper/aluminum/silver/gold conduct electricity). The meter obviously can't differentiate between elements, and therefore can only read total conductivity of the solution.

The ONLY way to get true elemental PPM is to know what your nutrient bottle(s) actually contain, broken down elementally. Then you have to figure what you are adding when you make your X ml/gallon solution with each Nutrient/additive you put into the mix. THEN add the total N, P, K, Mg, Ca, etc. to get to the actual total ELEMENTAL PPM of the solution. One of the easiest ways is to plug your nutrients into the "Nutrisolve" Calculator


FreezerBoy said:
No surprise at all. It simply wasn't the question. The ppm of N in the 300 ppm solution example is not 12.

It obviously is a surprise, or you wouldn't have embarked on the long, utterly wrong assumption that 300 ppm total, is comprised of only N, P, and K- in the FACE of the fact you were TOLD- AT THE START- is 4-8-7 by percent. The DEFINITION of those numbers is percent by weight.

If you'd have known those were percentages, you wouldn't have spent the last two days trying to assert that 19 combined percent is 100% of the 300 ppm little soldier quoted from his bottle.

''19X=300ppm'' is what you have tried to assert REPEATEDLY.

Not only have you been utterly in error every step of the way, you've tried to adjust the original errors to accomodate a 100% composition of a solution you were TOLD: from the FIRST SENTENCE- is 19% total combined NPK.

You self owned when you made that erroneous assumption - and everything else you've said, has been a humiliating effort to hide the fact you don't even know what 4-8-7 meant.

(and as later was found out, I didn't know exactly what meant. Km)

And yes: the N in that mixture is an actual, 12ppm- as closely as the conversion G.H. uses can come to it.

You need to go get your money back for that G.E.D. you're stumbling through life with, because it's worthless.

Littlesoldier what I told you is correct: the N,P,K percentages on the label tell what component percentage, each nutrient is, of that total 300 ppm.

Little-soldier I had to go today; this is an addendum.

Most likely your conversion factor is different than General Hydroponics: you're going to have to find out from them, which one they use. Probably it's American; which is 1=500, and yours being a Truncheon, is manufactured in New Zealand: which uses Australian standards, and that's 1=700. If there's a difference in conversion, you'll have to adjust for that.

I was rushed today.
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You cannot take a 'ppm' meter reading, and extrapolate the true elemental ppm of any of the elements in the mixture.

PPM meters do not measure parts per million, they measure electrical conductivity.


Little soldier, check out nutrisolve or some other nutrient calculator if you like, they are very handy(as a bonus you don't need to know anything about cows).Keep these numbers in mind to get you into the ballpark-100ppm nitrogen,100 ppm phosphorous, 200 ppm potasium, 60 ppm magnesium.Then fine tune your mix depending on the needs/wants of your plant.


And, yes it is a different conversion factor than your Truncheon, little-soldier. It's on their site F.A.Q. If you go over there they explain that the concentration of their fertilizer products is adjusted to the 1=500 conversion factor. All you've gotta do is type ''General Hydroponics FAQ'' and it's the first google return, then down the line there one of them is called -
well: I looked it back up so I could relay accurately the name of the link, so here's the FAQ page where they discuss it: the link: EC, PPM, TDS, MICROSIEMENS
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Active member
little-soldier said:
does any1 have the link for nutrisolve? I did a google search and didnt find anything

This was post #4 on the first page.
inflorescence said:


Apparantly EVERYONE missed it or else it would have saved us the trouble of reading thru 3 completely unnecessary pages.

Good lord just use the premixppm listed on that page and you'll have every calculation down to the decimal point.

I don't even know why I post anymore? :rolleyes: :wallbash:

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Out of sheer embarrassment at EPIC SELF OWNAGE I had to delete this whole post. Not only that, but my previous ones were W.R.O.N.G.
Contradicting shroomDr when he said that in fertilizer package labels, the N is labeled straight by weight, but that with the P & K, the oxygen is included in that weight, saying he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about, was just the beginning.

I also went off on a raging, arrogant diatribe about how nobody but me knows anything, and I must be the smartest motherfucker in the world, and you can use an e.c. meter to 'reasonably accurately' calculate the ppm of the individual elements.

Uh.. not.


Me: SELF OWNAGE ON A MASSIVE SCALE. And, as befits all arrogant mofos who lose their minds and start screaming ''I am your king!!! Bow before me for I am your king!!! Wrong: EVERY fucking WORD.

My apologies shroomDr. and everybody else who agreed with him.
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