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How did you first find marijuana as a medicine?



I wanted to share this story about my grandfathers recent discovery of finding pain relief using medicinal marijuana.

I awoken this morning to my grandpa on the phone:

He said that he had a bad fall last week while at my cousins house. Grandpa told me that he has bruising on his side that is somewhat deep. Then he went on to say how the pain was bad and the pills he was prescribed were making him ill. Luckily my cousin is an advocate for peoples rights, and while not using the medicine himself he knew that his neighbor and good friend (whom also happens to be an acquaintance of mine) was a patient. So my cousin asked grandpa if he was open to "alternative" medicine, being the open minded fellow (and being in the room at more than a few of my uncles smoke filled parties :joint:) grandpa agreed to try it. My cousin baked him up some cookies that night, and grandpa said he felt no pain.

I'll be seeing grandpa next week, he asked about a place close to him to get a recommendation and will have it as he passes thru my way. I'll have to have some treats cooked up. I just can't believe that grandpa is a patient now, wow. :joint:


Great to hear that it helped your granddad;)...hope it will in future too..:):joint:

As to SEVERE bruising:yoinks:, Apple Cider Vinegar applied to the skin [assuming no skin abrasions or wounds] once or twice a day...add water to it 50/50 if you want. Soak a cloth and wipe the area or lay the cloth on the area a few minutes each time you apply. This will HASTEN the bruising rainbow that comes with severe bruising:woohoo:. It might go pitch black overnight, orange the next 2 days and yellow for a week then gone...:abduct:
Severe bruising in an elderly person can on occasion last for months!:noway:
I don't know why this works [the science behind it] but it does:2cents:.
Test first on a small section of skin and wait a few mins to see if there is a reaction. Some ppl are sensitive:mad:. If red marks appear do not use...though I have never encountered anyone who reacted.

I'm making a cannabis-glycerin tinc @ the moment for relief of muscle and joint pain. Found a post with a 3 day hot infusion that I'm trying. If you have a spare half oz or more, you could knock up the ideal get well soon gift!:nanana:


EDIT: oh, and as to how I first discovered Cannabis, a friend gave me some after my second stroke. It helped immensely. And has continued to do so as I have encounters the hurdles of MS over the last 15 years...



Well I have to say that Grandpa liked his cookies. They turned out pretty good, I gave them a lower doseage so he wouldn't be plowed, I ate a half dozen myself. The effects were very medicating, I'd say about perfect with the bubba kush and romulan trimmings I put in there. His eyes went chinese in about an hour and a half. :D