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How did Skunk the strain get its name?


Hey ozza, hmm that dose make me think too? A skunk plant? Big buddha cheese certainly has the exodus charecteristcs or are charecteristics like the exodus? Hmmm? Did you not decide to keep the RKS going from cutts? I have never smoked the RKS but I would love to compare!

This what I put in another thread. It was a cruel fate.

The only reason why I'll still don't have the genetics is because I had made seed as I could not continue at the time, for reason I don't really need to explain. I stashed three different containers which were safe I thought. Well we had a mouse plague where I was and it wouldn't have mattered much what i stashed them in as those little fuckers seemed too zero in on any seed any where. Anyway if I could extract Stinky from the mice dna I would have.