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How Clean Is Your Pad? Be Honest Cuz' We'll Know...


Lammen Gorthaur
Time to come clean!

I just got done doing one of the carpets with Carpet Fresh. Fucking dog ended up in the house too long the other night and whizzed on the carpet. If he keeps doing it, I'll get rid of him because I like to keep MPD land pretty clean.

I dust twice a week and vac every few days. Nothing laying around. I wouldn't pass a military inspection, but you can eat off the floor in my bathroom without fear.:2cents:

What about your pad? Time to come clean with MPD... :spank:

Gotta' love those emoticons...


Domesticator of Cannabis
I get fur balls the size of tumbleweeds from the Toller.
I have to vacuum every second day, the computers as well.
I love to vacuum, I ain't passing no inspection though.
I have materials all over the place.



Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
LMFAO !! Those are some huge fur balls !!

My house is trashed..........but my grow room is spotless. And that's what matters...........right?


Active member
Jeeze, thought I could escape to icmag and forget about my dirty ass room for a while longer but you fockers had to to and remind me. Thanks!!!


Lammen Gorthaur
That's right matey. On your knees! Scrub that deck! Argh! Evast' ye' dogs...


step #1 walk ur dog more until he is totally out. My place is at like 60% right now slowly going through stuff. My rooms clean kitchen is good bath alright but living room is a travesty with stuff I need to put in order for moving


The Hopeful Protagonist
We have someone come in twice a week, she does a good job with the heavy lifting (bathrooms,kitchen,floors,dusting) she'll even throw in the occasional load of laundry, although that drives my wife nuts (she's anal that way) so it's usually just my clothes. I clean my home office though...it's off-limits to all in there.:noway:

Kids are pretty good with the chores, isn't that why I had them ? :nanana:


ICMag Donor
Honestly...I am a bit of a clean freak. Can not really stand things to be all over the place. Everything has a proper spot...and it stays there, or gets put back there when I am done with it. I use spread sheets and filing cabinets to keep track of EVERYTHING. I even use a spread sheet to track how much change I have in the change jug....some would call it anal, but I don't expect others to live the same way I do.

It is mostly because a unorganized area actually stresses me out. And when you have nerve damage that flares up as a result of stress...well, being neat and clean is actually a necessary thing to keep the stress levels at a minimum.

This carries over to my hobby as well. I wash things down with a very mild bleach water between EVERY cycle...even if it is already spotless. All intakes are filtered so no dust gets in. All soil pots are always in appropriate sized trays with drainage, that leads to a run-off bucket....don't like anything not being clean.

Guess it is because I grew up in a messy home...and REFUSE to live like that now.

Speaking on this topic....anyone have any strains they know give them what I like to call a "Martha Stewart" buzz - you know, the buzz that puts you in the mood to clean and sort things out - the whistle while you work...so to speak...hehehehe




Thats indoor compost...

Its the only way they can keep it warm that far north.

JK YUKON wh o cares about a clean house when you have a fat stash anyways?

I like to keep it pretty clean around here, get stressed out when theres too much shit laying around, but let me tell you, the whole house goes to shit every time the grows get updated w/ new equipment etc. ussually takes a full day just to put the house back together.


Lammen Gorthaur
I know what you mean. I'll be starting a cabinet construction program here in a little while and it will fuck up a considerable part of the house because the garage is full of shit and a complete wreck. I don't know what it is with my wife. She's a moving mess and yet she blames me for the fuck of it all...

Next life I'm going to go single all the way.


you guys let your shit get trashed

my place looks nice then the day i got it


Active member
you guys let your shit get trashed

my place looks nice then the day i got it

my pic was a joke

my house is clean and uncluttered.....all my stuff is packed in boxes in the garage and wont be unpacked 'til i move out of texas (im only here for a min.)


Lammen Gorthaur
Don't lie to the boy. Tell him the truth. It's not clutter, it's object 'd art!

My house is definitely "lived in" and nobody would mistake me for a clean freak. However, there are two rooms that fall under an exception to my normal level of organizational effort: the bathroom and kitchen. They MUST be spotless.

Honestly, how many times have you gone to someone's house and had to use the pisser, and when you get in there you see dried piss on the floor, or muck in the corners (YUCK!). Same deal on the kitchen. I wouldn't be able to eat food out of a dirty kitchen. It's one reason I mostly avoid restaurants. Don't trust 'em. :noway:

To that end, I have plenty of cleaning equipment to keep those two rooms sparkly.


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