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how cannabis friendly is it where you live


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ICMag Donor
It's pretty chill here where I live. The laws are very lax, and even the county sheriff supports decriminalization/mmj. But if you watch the news you would think marijuana is public enemy number 1... Busted grow ops get decent news coverage even though if its less than 100 plants the penalty is basicaly a slap on the wrist (no jail time.) And the news always likes to trot out the stock marijuana leaf photo whenever someone is arrested for drug trafficking whether its crack, herion or pills...


In the land of equal protection under the law, it depends on the county you are in. In my county, 4 plants or under is a misdemeanor and will get you a $200 fine, but they say they dont prosecute personal grows here in my county and i feel thats true. 10 miles away in the county next door, 4 plants will get you a $1000 fine per plant and 10 days in jail per plant for first offense.

My county only tickets for possesion under 8 ozs, the county next door arrest you and require a $5000 full cash bond. In that county, its not unusual for a guy caught with an oz of weed to spend several weeks in jail before going to court. Time served is the most common sentence.
So for those in unfriendly confines, why?

If you're a regular smoker, don't you think it's wise to make the trip to the promised land on the left coast?



Hi ho here we go
Pretty friendly here

Pretty friendly here

A friend of mine was pulled over with 8 ounces reeking in his truck. Whipped out his card and got off with a ticket for not wearing his seatbelt.

Got Mine.

Someone I don't know, but and idiot friend of mine told me about
(actually called me from the guys house for advice) was flowering 83 plants, cops came as folks next door complained of the smell, he only had his own recommendation, cops told him to get it together and they would be back, last I heard.


Bob Smith

So for those in unfriendly confines, why?

If you're a regular smoker, don't you think it's wise to make the trip to the promised land on the left coast?


Because we have lives built where we are? I enjoy growing and smoking dope, but I would give that up before I started a new life somewhere solely to grow and smoke dope.

Also the "Slave Mentality"; aka, the reason slaves wouldn't run away from plantations is because they thought "tomorrow might be the day we're freed"..........well, for us in "bad places", that logic probably plays a large part as well.

If you could look into the future and tell me without a doubt that nothing would change where I'm at for the next 10-20 years, it'd be a much easier decision to go somewhere a little more friendly.........but I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.


Active member
i am from where i am from and have a life here. i'm not going to uproot my life so i can move to the supposed 'promise land' and get stoned all day. what about my family? job? money? there are several variables to consider here. where i live now i can own a house and a large spread of land very easily as things are cheap, but if i moved to cali. the same amount of money is going to get me a two bed room fixer upper in a shitty part of town. no joke.it cost much less to live where i am from.


The left coast isnt the "promised land" I guarantee it.

maybe promise to make you go broke, or promise to move away from..thats about it. the economy of cal sucks, the taxes are stupid, gas is crazy high, hell even buying milk needs a credit check. Our new Gov. just said on the news last night to drop yer drawers and grab some ankle, its gonna hurt.

I'm from Cali, Its the land I love but.. I'm looking for a way out.

Weed isnt worth it, I can grow anywhere. The attitude towards weed sure is nice though.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
how cannabis friendly is it where you live

if you've got good weed
you've got good friends.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
how cannabis friendly is it where you live

if you've got good weed
you've got good friends.



for the most part its cool... even a few cops...i've been stopped by cops right after smoking... weed confiscated and everything and was literally just given a citation and a "talking to"..... guess what this fuckin pig told me?!?!... this fool said he knew that we had weed because whenever there is weed around he can smell it and it gives him headaches.... LMFAO... this fucker really told me this shit man...

as far as peeps.... i just fucks with my peeps and fam... i got like 30 or 40 cousins that smoke literally... its pretty lax around here....

and Stoner4Life that is too true... whenever i have the good good ... muthafuckas come out the woodwork talkin bout they got blunts and shit but no weed.... im like that's cool.... I GOT BONGS bitch... match or peace...thats it, unless you in my inner circle...and that's a chosen select few that can smoke wit me for free and even they match 70% to 80% of the time


Green Mujaheed
lot of people smoke in my area, and do more than that. But it's not a cannabis-friendly place. It's not far from Paris, located right on an important highway for dope transit, and between two stocking-cities but there's mostly low to medium quality stuff floating around. 1st grade hash is non-existent except if you know someone who happens to be back from some hash producing area and for weed, commercial quality has been the very same for the past 10 years or so. If you're lucky you get sieved buds, if not it's glass weed, imports rarely show up, by the time it reaches the city, it's all dried and stale.
Lots of people smoke more cannabis-flavoured cigarettes than joints, there's so much tobacco that you feel neither the flavour, nor the effect of the stuff.

City also is used as a test place for new control & drug repression techniques and law is roughly applied here. Not long ago I read about some guy who got 6 or 7 months for use. He had 40-something gr of hash at home, judge told him "that's big piece which would have lasted you a very long time, you're big user and jail is what you need", BAM ! Simple use and possession. I know someone who got same in Paris for +10kg of moroccan hash, Nepal charas, caribbean ganja & NL indoor buds. Another buddy got something like 6 months of suspended jail for a 250gr soap bar, also in Paris. This town where I live is probably one of the most cannabis-unfriendly place in the country.

Irie !


Active member
is atlanta peace ??

good weed in atl? yes.

but then again your talking about Atlanta and metro Atlanta alone encompasses something like 20-some counties and its a huge fukin area. some parts of atl. cops might have better things to worry about because people are being killed. other parts not so much. again, just depends on what part of atl. your in. you are talking about a massive metropolitan area. good bud is definitely there just have to know the right people like anywhere else on the east coast. takes time to develop these things.

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