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How can I pass my Drug test?

I wish another head shop was an option here, but small town means only the one. I'm hoping that at the very least they will tell me my sample is too diluted; I'll tell them I worked out before going and drank a lot of water, and hopefully get a chance to retest. If so, I can leave this mountain and go get some from somewhere else, or maybe order some online. If I just had another day it would be all good. If ONLY!!!!

If you want the job bad enough you will get off the computer and drive to a head shop worth a damn. Even if it means being on there door step when they open in the morning. I keep a bottle around for "what if?" situations even though there shouldn't be any reason in my situation. Good luck with what ever you do and I hope you get the job. The good ones aren't easy to come by.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th

Back when - if I needed a trustworthy piss sample - my doberman pincher was always avaiable on short notice.

Nobody ever noticed it wasn't human or it was female and I'm not.

Never failed a test either! - but I also use a laser thermometer to ensure proper temp.

Looking back,, that job,, really wasn't worth the headaches.
Wish I knew that back then.
Just sayin,,,,

rick shaw


Back when - if I needed a trustworthy piss sample - my doberman pincher was always avaiable on short notice.

Nobody ever noticed it wasn't human or it was female and I'm not.

Never failed a test either! - but I also use a laser thermometer to ensure proper temp.

Looking back,, that job,, really wasn't worth the headaches.
Wish I knew that back then.
Just sayin,,,,

If I was the lab tester,I wouldn't be looking at the results as much as the fresh and numerous dog bites.



Back when - if I needed a trustworthy piss sample - my doberman pincher was always avaiable on short notice.

Nobody ever noticed it wasn't human or it was female and I'm not.

Never failed a test either! - but I also use a laser thermometer to ensure proper temp.

Looking back,, that job,, really wasn't worth the headaches.
Wish I knew that back then.
Just sayin,,,,

Lmfao! I have a couple Dobermans lol I can only imagine!


yeah dude just find someone to piss in a bottle for you. I went to the med supply shop and bought a urinary drainage bag with twist release valve for like 5 bucks and poured it in. This was the night before. Before I left for probation for the test I microwaved the piss for like 1 or 2 minutes, taped the bag to my lower abdomen, and by the time I had to take the test it was the perfect temp. Passed.

That was like 15 years ago, but still it worked.


I know this is a dated thread but I found this and thought it might give some insight for those interested...

Urine goes through four to five steps to determine whether it's a valid sample. First off, at the collection site, they will check to see if the sample is within the normal temperature range (90-100f). If it's not, you will have to give another sample immediately, and it may be required that the next collection be observed (certainly for DOT, possibly for nonDOT tests depending on your companies policy). If it's within normal range then when it arrives at the lab they will test for pH, adulterants (such as nitrites) and creatinine. If both of these are fine, the validity testing ends there and presumably with manufactured urine, the immunoassay tests will also be negative so you'll be home free. If the creatinine value is less than 20mg/dL the lab will also test for specific gravity (a measure of liquid density in relation to that of distilled water). Depending on that value combined with the creatinine concentration, possible outcomes (from good to bad) go from Normal, Dilute, Invalid and Substituted. Dilute and Invalid are potentally bad news as the company may require you to take another test at a later time, which if nothing else means more hassle and expense for you if you choose to use another bottle of synthetic. Also, if the result is Invalid, the collection may well be observed which (if done correctly) will eliminate your opportunity to use another bottle. Substituted is considered a Refusal to submit to the test and will most likely carry the same consequences as an outright fail.


seriusly, man you gotta think ,what's best for you at this moment...cuz the green will always be here for you man!!!!.....no man be cool for a liitle while ...then BLOWTHEF$$CK UP LATER IN A BIG BEAUTIFUL WAY.


just took one last week for a new job by taping a large cigar tube next to my nuts. had someone clean fill it for me, and after 15 minutes in place came out at 92* in the cup. perfect.

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