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how are ya'll drying your Bubble made from Fresh frozen trim

I have made an experiment and split a pound of trims in two. On one load I separated 120, 90, 73 and on the other I had all in the 73, it was unanimous everybody thought the 73 tasted and smelled better. You should experiment on your side and let me know the result. This is another lab test that would be interesting to check in details.
Fresh Frozen is an oxymoron by the way, a product is fresh OR frozen.
I love fresh trims hash, it is quite similar to Charas (hand rubbed resin), the raw/live resin has a unique taste and high. Plants are 90% water, held within cell walls that give support, structure and texture to the plant. The water is contained within the plant cell and when the water freezes, it expands by approximately 10%, and the ice crystals cause the cell walls to rupture from the inside out, which logically would be counterproductive to the overall cleanliness and purity of the resin.
There has been no study done on frozen trims, its effects on resin glands and their wax membranes, on terpenoids or flavonoids but scientific studies on frozen fruits and vegetables are available to make educated guess on the subject.
There are two windows of time available to access an optimum cannabinoid and terpene profile when making Hashish. The first one is when the plant is processed fresh, at the peak of its flowering cycle and the second is after curing the flowers for a minimum of three months.
Every grower understands the importance of drying and curing Cannabis flowers to perfection; it is mandatory to the final quality of the smoke.
The smoke of a flower dried in an oven in 5 minutes will not compare with a flower dried over one or two week in the shade and more so if the flower is then cured to perfection for a minimum of three months.
We are not drying and curing solely the leaf matter but most importantly the resin glands as well, as is apparent in the transformation of the terpene profile during the process.

The potency, flavor and nose of flowers that have been dried solely will never compare with a perfectly cured one and it is the same with Hashish.
Traditions are clear on the subject, trichome heads have to be cured for a minimum of three months before the sieving procedure on the plants or after in close container very much the same way that it is done with flowers.
ok good to know

have you tryed a 90 and 120 bag?

i have noticed that yes, some microns dont like the strainer, at all.

mixing microns seems to change the hydration properties of the gland head, filtering it down to a 73 and 90 and 120 - the 90 might not pass though a strainer but the 73 and 120 will. just an observation.

also different strains will handle differently depending on stages in drying, fresh frozen seems to always stay sticky for me.

would you have any tips on running long flowering narrow leafs for hash frenchy? have you noticed different gland sizes being the 'keepers' of a batch? thanks for your time!
By narrow leaves you must mean Sativa, every strains depending on their genetics and characteristics has different resin heads size, it is also dependent on growing conditions. The fact that I collect everything in my 73 and 45 make it very simple.
Fresh resin is stickier but it does not mean better quality, we are talking about appearance instead which can be deceiving.
As you can see cured trims can also deliver very sticky resin like the Black Label which is stickier than any fresh Sour D resin I have experienced which is to say something. You truly know the quality of your resin when you press it.

here is the Black Label, 8 months cured trims with the stickier resin I have had the pleasure to touch

View image in gallery

Here is the Pinot Noir, also 6 to 8 months cured trims, the perfect example of super sandy.

Pro Headies

Active member
I use 220,190,160 as my filters and only use my 73 bag cause i keep it all for my head. Ive talked to you before Frenchy and youve recommended to use my 45 and i just dont like the quality of the hash then and i dont mind loosing some hash for QUALITY. Fresh frozen means just that it was frozen fresh when trimmed not a oxymoron. Frenchy you seem to have something against fresh frozen? When you squeeze the hash your trapping water in it, when you dont chop it up to dry your trapping moisture in it. Honestly the pics you show are nice hash frenchy but they got moisture trapped in them because of your process with squeezing and not chopping. I know you wont agree with me but its just my opinion from making water hash for 10 years. The only time i make dry trim hash anymore is for retail. Then i use your method Frenchy with squeezing and such but instead of rolling into a cannoli i press it about 8 times then make it flat to cut into sellable pieces.
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Fresh frozen is an oxymoron check any dictionary, I know you mean frozen when fresh so what don't you say that instead.
I do not agree with freezing trims, I do not like "fresh frozen" strawberries over fresh strawberries either.
It is extremely rare when I do not chop as fine and as evenly as possible my resin, only for extreme case of stickiness like this Black Label. I do not microplane but I do plenty chopping.
You have made Hash for 10 years and do not like to work with cured resin, how strange!
Have you ever checked literature on freezing?
Here are two good one if you are interested

Freezing Fruits & Vegetables; Prepared by Pamela Schmutz, HGIC Information Specialist, and Elizabeth Hoyle, Extension Food Safety Specialist, Clemson University

Freezing of fruits and vegetables; An agribusiness alternative for rural and semi-rural areas
By Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA
Bilge Altunakar, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA
Danilo J. Mejía-Lorío , Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy

Pro Headies

Active member
Fresh frozen is an oxymoron check any dictionary, I know you mean frozen when fresh so what don't you say that instead.
I do not agree with freezing trims, I do not like "fresh frozen" strawberries over fresh strawberries either.
It is extremely rare when I do not chop as fine and as evenly as possible my resin, only for extreme case of stickiness like this Black Label. I do not microplane but I do plenty chopping.
You have made Hash for 10 years and do not like to work with cured resin, how strange!

Fresh frozen is the name of the Hash just like you call your rolled up hash cannolis when there just rolled up pressed hash. As i expected your prejudice against Fresh frozen. You ever hear the word Narcissism ? Ive made it your way and its not as good as fresh frozen i think you have trouble excepting something is better then your style. For a guy that thinks he knows everything about hash making i find it strange you dont KNOW that fresh frozen is the BEST hash you can make for personal use out of bubble bags, Rizes method is better then Cannoli too...oh yeah how did you place at the Emerald cup with your hash?
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resin glands are not fruit

whats the freezing point of motor oil? gasoline?

what about the oil content in the resin gland? will this freeze too?

fresh frozen is simply the 'american' way of giving something a 'nickname' - "this is hash made from trim that was frozen fresh" and 'this is fresh frozen bubble hash' mean the same thing

and its highly advised that you DO NOT freeze it below zero, and you DO NOT freeze it for longer than 24 hours BECAUSE we dont want giant ice crystals cutting into things... too avoid that we 'freeze lightly' for a 'short period'

the idea is that we are firming up the wax membrane with a cold temperature while avoiding ice crystals damaging the resin gland

i think ideally fresh frozen should be done at 33 degrees fahrenheit

also frenchy have you considered that maybe you are getting material that nobody else is getting? i mean being a famous hash maker in the middle of the emerald triangle means theres only a handful of guys running the quality stuff you are. have you considered that mostly all the people that make bubblehash are not getting plants that have the quality of resin you see on a regular basis?

even when you say it needs 3 months cure a feminized auto flower is most likely not going to give the quality of resin you expect, others might not understand this, and might wonder why you make it look like a walk in the park with 3 month old dry trim. the trim you get is better than the buds a lot of people smoke.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN


heres some shot of some hash made from fresh frozen trim, this means its not dried before we extract , ( to clear up any confusion) and some micros,.....

I got my method down to dry it out proper , and I would have to say you get a more pure product this way.. :laughing:

Fresh frozen is the name of the Hash just like you call your rolled up hash cannolis when there just rolled up pressed hash. As i expected your prejudice against Fresh frozen. You ever hear the word Narcissism ? Ive made it your way and its not as good as fresh frozen i think you have trouble excepting something is better then your style. For a guy that thinks he knows everything about hash making i find it strange you dont KNOW that fresh frozen is the BEST hash you can make for personal use out of bubble bags, Rizes method is better then Cannoli too...oh yeah how did you place at the Emerald cup with your hash?

Fresh frozen is not the name of the Hash it is the descriptive you give to trims that were frozen fresh. Cannoli is the name of the shape, the name of the hash based on the strain for me.
I am French, have I heard the word Narcissism, I am French!!!
The definition is: Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity, or egotistic admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, that derive from arrogant pride. The term originated in Greek mythology with Narcissus, who fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.
If you think that describe me and my attitude, you really have no idea!
I actually did not place at the Cup which is not surprising since pressed resin is a sin for everyone.
You seems to be really upset that anybody dare question frozen trims. Have you read any literature about freezing???

Pro Headies

Active member
Fresh frozen is not the name of the Hash it is the descriptive you give to trims that were frozen fresh. Cannoli is the name of the shape, the name of the hash based on the strain for me.
I am French, have I heard the word Narcissism, I am French!!!
The definition is: Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity, or egotistic admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, that derive from arrogant pride. The term originated in Greek mythology with Narcissus, who fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.
If you think that describe me and my attitude, you really have no idea!
I actually did not place at the Cup which is not surprising since pressed resin is a sin for everyone.
You seems to be really upset that anybody dare question frozen trims. Have you read any literature about freezing???

im going to play nice...Im just going to say im a WEED NERD from before you were around and i know why you push the pressed ha$h $ubject so much and ill leave it at that...
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Pro Headies

Active member
I look at it like this Frenchy. This is the year 2014, we have these things called freezers that get real cold and we have Bubble bags and ice and mini washing machines and perfect high yielding trim. Now did they have all this technology or equipment at one time combined in India or wherever before now present time...NO. So what im getting at is times change new ways and methods come around and old ones fade away for a reason. Fresh frozen hash is my prefered method of hash for personal use, so get over it.
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how can there be literature about freezing long stalked gradual trichome when its illegal to do any research and you need three different government agencies approval to do so?


Active member
what happens if a homie freezes the reefer for a couple of months instead of a couple of days?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svKQZzKHIU4 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV6XyWHH7i4 these guys might be young but they run through some fire gear and know whats up with potency and flavor...and i see Bubbleman making videos of fresh frozen but whats he know?

Pretty sure he started using Matt Rize' method..

Ironically enough.. he also copied (or tried) somebodies dry sift method recently..

how can there be literature about freezing long stalked gradual trichome when its illegal to do any research and you need three different government agencies approval to do so?

Simply not true. One of the Dr's that was allowed to 'research' was based here in San Fran and was on Montel as well as other shows discussing this back around 2000. It's on youtube.

If you want a specific I can certainly go find and link it.. but it's late and i'm just rambling lol.