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How Accurate Are PH Test Strips/Test Kits

Just trying to save a few $$$ on a PH meter and know alot of members use the strips and test kits. Just wondering about the accuracy between the two. Can you get the same results from strips and kits?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Long answer, you bet.

They kept my marine tank going. A far more sensitive than weed.

Note no individual reading provides all nutes. You'll want a small swing and so readings in the hundredths and thousandths do no real good.

For small grows measuring pH once or twice a month, test drops are great. If I had to check multiple buckets every day, I'd get a pen.


I like general hydroponices Ph test kit.I wouldnt use non-horticultural tests like paper strips


Active member
pH varies with temperature. most solutions buffer at 77f
if your resy or solution is different so will your pH of same solution at different temp
I just went through this whole drama this crop
I run acidic, 5.5-5.7
I was a little off and it took my solution to lockout.
If your doing soil, strips and dips are OK
Get a self adjusting pH pen
Your crop is worth more then gold


Active member
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I've been using the General Hydroponics PH test drops for a few years, and think they're good enough for me. It seems to get you within 0.4 or so, which is good enough for this lazy bastard.

Not the strips, though.


Even if you use strips to test liquid PH,you still will need PH up often and down less often.GH Ph test kit comes with PH indicator,up and down.All you need

Guest 18340

GH drops. Been using them for 4 years now, soil and hydro, never had a ph issue...


I have used pH strips, drops, and a good friend gave me a pH meter.

I have cross tested the Meter vs. drops and strips for accuracy.

I find the drops and strips are very accurate, but have limited range.

With strips and drops, I knew my soil runoff was low at 6.0 range showing. What I didn't know until I got a meter was that the soil runoff was 4.9!!!!! It took a few trys to adjust the soil pH back up to normal runoff levels.

I am glad that I have a pH meter. I use mine every day. So my advice is pH drops and pH strips are great if your within normal limits, but be wary if they show top or bottom range values!!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
you still will need PH up often and down less often.

Maybe with RO but, not tap. Tap water is alkaline requiring pH lowering even after nutes. In 16 years of cab growing, I've never used a single drop of pH Up.