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House & Garden Drip Clean for non-drip system?



So, Ive seen so many good folks recommend this Drip Clean stuff that I am somewhat intrigued, but every time I look into it there's still some red flags that jump out at me, help me out:

I don't run a drip system...I just passively bottom-feed coco as simply as I can (AKA maxi bloom), but I've still had plenty of folks specifically recommend it as an essential add-on. Are people using it as a soil/coco leaching product, rather than a hydro system cleaner? I'm leery of anything promising miracle results in the first place, let alone miracle results from unintended/secondary applications.

Likewise, I'm leery of anything whose benefits are somewhat invisible. That is, most of the testimonials consist of "I've been using it for the last 6 months and NO lock-outs or deficiencies!" or "Plants love it, no problems ever since switching over to this stuff!" which is great praise...but not all that concrete, and a pretty low standard. There's plenty of stuff in my kitchen cupboard that I could add to my nutes add 1ml/gal without necessarily showing any deficiencies or problems. Apple juice, milk, hot sauce. It's hard to convince myself to lay down righteous bucks on something strictly because it doesn't immediately cause any problems or lockouts.

So, sell me on this stuff with some specifics. Why should I be using this stuff on coco with passively watered small containers? What specific benefits can I expect that I won't get from a plant that is ostensibly already properly fed/flushed? How/when do you use it?

Thx in advance!


Thx krunch, I gave a lazy look for a relevant thread, but missed that one! I'll give it a once over.


One specific to my system that still worries me is that I don't drain (until final flush). A few folks in that thread seemed to suggest that some draining was still necessary to get rid of the modified/mutated salts, while others disagreed. Any opinions on that specific?


No you don't need to use this stuff if you bottom feed ,instead just pour some weak nutes thru the top once every week or two and you should'nt have any probs. Checking the run off you get from this will be a good indicator if something is wrong down there .

IMO the weak top feedng is'nt even necessary until you start feeding at higher concentrations in flowering .


Thx STUPPA. I do try and flush to waste, every couple weeks, with plain water currently...key word being try, as it's usually probably more like every 3-4 weeks. That's a good suggestion though, and I'll take it as a reminder to pay better attention to that simple step.

Couldn't the drip clean still serve the same (alleged) purpose of clearing out built-up salts, even with a passive/bottomfeeding set-up, as long as your semi-regularly flushing out your system? I suppose the obvious counterpoint in that case is: do you really need a leaching agent if you're already flushing semi-regularly?

I remain both intrigued AND unconvinced. Hrmm.

Does anybody use Drip Clean in Hempy buckets? That's essentially the same passive/bottomfeeding feeding principal I'm using, but the reservoir is internal rather than external...more importantly, it's a lot more popular. I'd imagine someone's given it a shot, and can share.


I use drip clean in pro mix and it works well for me. If your going to use it, you should use it from the start. Dont use it mid grow or you may burn the crap outa of everything. Do you not run into nute lock feeding from the bottom like that without a flush ??

Peace Lm
Add the NPK values without the Drip Clean and notice it's lacking Phosphorus. Drip Clean has high amounts of Phosphorus no matter how little you use. It's an integral part of their feeding schedule. Without Drip Clean your NPK would be out of wack; unless your supplementing it with something else.....

bad gas

check out the thread for the passive plant killer [ppk]. he uses a modified wick system which seems to sucessfully address the inherant problems associated with wick systems [salt buildup and root rot]. this guy pulse feeds from the top for a few seconds a few times per day. we're talking approx 40 oz per day from the top. he's growing trees and having no problems. it's a long thread with a lot of links to scientific papers. lots of information. probably one of the best threads here. you'll learn about hydraulic redistribution and perched water table among others things.

John Deere

Active member
Not sure I understand why you want to add more stuff? Are you having problems now? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Not sure I understand why you want to add more stuff? Are you having problems now? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

That really is the meat of the matter. I don't necessarily want or need to add more stuff, I've just heard so many respectable folks mention it, that I wanted further information.


Active member
I use it in my res tank to keep my feedlones clean, and i bottom feed using autopots. It's certainly done its job so far and i'll be buying more when it runs out. Seems to make any little bits clump together in the res tank so you pick out any dust that has got in, and the lines are functioning perfectly, and there is no salt build up in the bottom of the trays, so im quite happy with it.,


Active member
if you want perrty healthy green plants with no lockouts or deficiencies I think you'll spend $25 on a bottle and see for yourself !

IMO, it is a must have item for coco grows. You can feed heavily all through the life of a plant and never have to "flush", resulting in increased yield, potency, and peace of mind when your ladies are problem free.

A no-brainer, def worth a try :)
Drip clean is meant to be used with the House and Garden Full Line UP. It's not an additive you would use if not using H&G. It's NPK value is 0-19-6 (Strong Stuff) derived from Phosphoric acid and Potassium oxide. Maxbloom already has enough Phosphorus and Potassium.

No reason to add it if not running the H&G line up


Nevertheless, ass loads of very respectable people do it, and swear by it. Seems there might be something to it?

I'm quite intrigued too, but the price tag rules out a run with it this round. I know it's cheap in the long run, due to the concentration. Just too broke too explain why I need a $60 bottle of nutes to my wife right now, hah. Maybe the cycle after next.


Original coco setups DTW(drain to waste) were designed to allow for 15-20% runoff to prevent residual salt buildup in the medium due to it`s CEC(cation exchange capacity) for holding onto cal/mag and potassium before releasing said elements back to the plants for uptake......

Being old head and a member of at least 20 invite only med grower sites , when dripclean first showed up and was used @ 1 ml per gal instead of the prescribed .4 ml per , folks started seein dialed grows with less and less runoff and wasted nutes ftw.....

Supposedly has Ionic qualities for magnetic capture and disposal of residual base nutes that`re overfed to the plants and stored in said medium...

Whatever the shit`s made out of , It`s proven and reliable per many many folks ....Just like the "Roots Excellurator".....good shit....why ?.....can`t know....but proof`s in the puddin as far as health of the rootzone usin it against 1 that`s without it.....

2 products I endorse fully due to 100% positive feedback from folks that do this....Nuff said....Whether used from top feed drip setups or bottom fed flood and drain wick type setup , shit works.....

Peace ...DHF...:ying:.....


Active member
I have been wondering about this product for a while, but never bothered to post up about it. Great thread. Thanks OP.

Have to get the full line up now. My poor wallet. ;(
DHF is dead on!!! If there are two "must haves" in the garden, its Drip Clean and Roots Acc. Its crazy how amazing they work. Your keep hearing the buzz cause its true. If your using coco without either your cheating yourself. DC just helps with everything, preventing lockout/salt buildups, helps with the flush at the end. The curing process is quicker no " hay " smell. Justs rocks bro! You dont have to use house and gardens line with it. I have a crazy mad scientist recipe ive come up with over the last 10 years. Works like a charm 100% coco. Hope you decide to use this product, you will not regret it!

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