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House and garden. Whats your schedule like?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I was just wondering for lets say a 10 week flowering cycle how many mls of aqua flakes people use each week per gallon. I know the schedule very well but everyone says they crank those amounts up for sales. I feel i could be overusing any and all products. So h&g users how do you run it? Aqua flakes numbers please!


Active member
I actually just visited their US office in South Lake Tahoe and spoke with Alan for quite some time. I cant vouch for the aquaflakes, but im running coco and I too lower the amount than whats on the suggested feeding chart.

Ive been running 5 ml per gallon of A&B the entire veg cycle and unless i notice deficiencies, i will be running the same during flowering. I toned down the additives as well but not as much as the base nutes. 5ml of A&B, PH to 5.8 and then mix in the additives.


I to use coco, but have read others who use aqua flakes at ratios similar to what I run. I only use 5ml/gal all through veg and flower. I go by the h& g chart for the additives, they don't increase the ec very much when I add the recommended doses to the 5ml. I have read others using aqua flakes in coco@7ml/gal with great results. You can check out my grow, I will be putting yup photos of my plants@their 7th week of 5ml feedings all the way through


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
5ml! Thats lower than my lowest dose. Week1 they are at 6.5 week 6 is like 10.5-11.5ml on their chart for their STANDARD not aggressive schedule. Damn, i need to rethink nutes i think. 5ml a gallon still getting big yields? G per watt?


I feel nothing and it feels great
i use their cocos a/b

i dont go over 6ml/gallon in veg and 8ml/gallon in flower

i add 1.1 roots excel in veg and flower, along w/ hydroplex at 4ml/gallon in flower as my "booster"

E.C. never gets over 1.7ish, even in heavy flower


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Well i appreciate all the input. Im thinking i need to feed less base nutes for sure. Damn, saves a lot of money too.


5ml! Thats lower than my lowest dose. Week1 they are at 6.5 week 6 is like 10.5-11.5ml on their chart for their STANDARD not aggressive schedule. Damn, i need to rethink nutes i think. 5ml a gallon still getting big yields? G per watt?

I used to go by feed charts, then I bought an ec meter, and my nute solution was of the meter, literally. I was using Humboldt then, and was only in the second week of flower on schedule to go up even farther. I've been advised by many experienced growers that less is more. I did a run at 7ml/gal and was about 2ec. if you are feeding often in coco, 1.2-1.5 is perfect. My lowest gpw has been between .6& .7, and my highest almost.8. The ppk plants I just harvested were fed 5ml/gal with nothing else but drip clean and 1tsp/5gal of MOAB in week 6& 7. Not my best run, but not bad.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I cant afford .6-.7 im very used to over .75 more like .85 i usually get 3.5 out of 2k. I need to get to those higher numbers.


My lowest was a bit under.7, that was with an untested system and multiple strains. monocropped, I average closer to.8 than.7, but haven't broken that yet. I just started growing last February, so, with the right strain and runs under my belt, 1g/w is definitely attainable. I'm currently testing out a few different set ups and will find the most productive, hopefully, over the next few grows.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yep same boat here. Im testing dwc vs flood and drain in rockwool right now. So far, dwc hasn't yielded as well but it appears to have more potential. Cant wait to find out and pick something!


I'd like to try some fast hydro, but am afraid of losing entire harvests to some catastrophic failure. I like the room for mistakes that coco allows. Its definitely pout of the question at my rental for now, but I have a small room in my basement at home I may build some UC our Dwc, if nothing else, for the experience. I love growing as a hobby, but since I decided to grow at my rental after the last tenants moved out, I really can't afford to lose a whole harvest.


Active member
OtIS: coco is a soil-less medium. Try it in flood and drain...you will be surprised at the different growth rates you get when you treat it just like hydroton.

Once that root zone gets established....you can flood that baby 4 times per day and it will love you even that much more. i used to hand water....and until I tried straight coco in a flood table...i would have said you were crazy for trying to get me to put coco in a flood tray....

The shit works...and it works well!


Treetroit City

Moderately Super
I'll share my coco schedule. DTW fed daily.

4 ml coco A&B from veg through flower. Also add cal mag(3 ml) in veg and the first two weeks of flower, pro tekt(.75 ml) and drip clean throughout. Never get above an E.C. of 1.2 or so. Could be strain dependent but I get tip burn even at these low levels.



New member
Hey guys I would like to say that H&G rocks!! Also every variety is different and needs to be fed accordingly. They even say on their feed charts that these are suggested guide lines. I have fed the aggressive formula to some varieties!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I have done that also. But im thinking we were suckered a bit. I love their products also. Most of them anyway some arent really helpful imo. I never run algen extract, multi zen or amino treatment or the nitrogen boost. I run pro tekt for silica and i use some advanced boosters. Their base kicks ass, top booster, bud xl, roots excel....all liquid gold. After researching on here im thinking ill never go over 8 mls again per gallon with flakes. And that would be aggressive.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Also shooting powder and top shooter are kinda wack and way overpriced. Moab works better and is way cheaper.


New member
MOAB is not the same product as shooting powder or top shooter. MOAB is a good product though. Shooting powder and Top shooter are higher grades of potassium and phosphorus than MOAB's.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I didnt mean theyre the same product at all. But theyre used as hardeners. Late pk. So very similar, and i havent gotten higher yields from either of them and ive tried both. Shit, koolbloom blew them both out of the water. Moab is my favorite so far.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Top shooter was nice because it didnt burn anything up at all. Super mellow hardener but it didnt bump yield up enough and its way overpriced.