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House and Garden Coco A/B users?



Hey everyone. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with the Dutch company House and Garden, specifically the Coco A/B. I randomly got into it, but I haven't heard too much about it. It seems like quality product, but I like as much input as possible. I am using all their products, the roots excelulator and shooting powder so far is top notch. I look forward to finding others.


Active member
Dude you have to get the boost. My week 6 looks like week 7 and 1/2 because of it. it is basically 450 dollars but very worth it if used correctly. I use it with cocos a and b , the shooting powder and gh diamond nectar.


Top booster and bud xl go together top booster is used once for 4 days in week 5 Bud xl is used from week 5 til flush
where do you get H&G in america? never seen them in any catalog or any online store.
i want to try their coco a+b, anyone have experience with this product AND with FNB or CC. those are pretty much the 3 ive narrowed it down to.


Color me gone
I like H&G products phips especially the root excelurator and shooting powder, multi zen isn't bad either. I'm sure if you follow the recommended doses on H&G website nutrient calculator than I think you'll be just fine


The top booster is the only product I don't have, and with that recommendation, how can I resist.

Buddin 904- H&G is only sold by companies that have Humboldt Wholesale. Humboldt Wholesale is a fairly exclusive company, that they have to like you to deal with you. I used to order mine from a store in Michigan www.hhydro.com

Thanks for everyone responding, I am very interested in any other input anyone has.


the word is ...

sunshine #4 has lime in it.....lime breaks down over time...into calcuim
plants need calcuim and the get it from the lime thats added to adjust the Ph.

The differnce between H&S COCO and H&S SOIL

The H&S COCO A&B has calcuim in it....

the H&S soil has less calcuim and IN RETURN MAKES FOR A CLEAN RES AND GROW AREA ie tables.....

tip of the week you dont ever need to drain or flush yer rez with this stuff.....the soil mix that is....

and besides it smells like grandmas maple syrup!
By that logic PKRipper wouldn't the Coco be perfect for Coco while the Soil would be perfect for something that has supplemented nutrients (ie: premixes like Sunshine #4)?

Ive seen that most people still supplement with CalMag even though H&G is high in Calcium...does anyone have experiences with lockouts caused by too much calcium when doing this? Anyone feeding H&G to coco without calmag?


I do not use calmag. I keep with the H&G products. I guess it would be the multi-enzyme. I have read that the products for H&G and made specifically to be used with each other. Some may make up where others lack. I have no issues with calcium. I will flush for about a day before I add the nutes too. I am skeptical about calmag with H&G, I'm worried about overKILL.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
I've also been recommended the soil if you're running an amended mix, but i looked at the dosage charts and the npk numbers and it looks to me as though you're paying the same money for nearly half the npk with soil instead of coco.
fwiw i've never had cal/mag issues running straight H&G, but then again i don't run notoriously cal/mag hungry plants. your lockup issue wouldn't be with excess cal/mag anyway (especially if you're using the dripclean) it would be from the N in the cal/mag if at all.

Seed Buyer

Mr Banana...been adding Cal Mag and having the same problem. I cut out the cal mag and everything is kosher now. Just dump the cal mag and up your H & G base nutes.
At what rate were you feeding your cal mag Seed Buyer?

I'm hesitant to completely cut off my CalMag dosage because I'm running R/O and am about to flip the switch and wouldn't want to shock them out of micronutes at this time


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
ive been using calmag with h@g ever since i started using h@g. havent had any problems what so ever with it. but, i use it a half strength, ever other res change. also, make sure your using a good quality calmag, there is a HUGE difference!


If your not using dripclean, you should. It will most likely block any of the problems mentioned.

Krunchbubble, is there any benefits using the calmag with H&G, or do you replace it for the multi-enzyme. What's the motive there. I am interested. Thanks.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
no, i dont replace anything. i use ro water and want to make sure everything that needs to be there, is.


I have the normal H&G Aqua Flakes stuff, my local hydro shop carries it (in the US). I've been told it is awesome but have not used it. i do not have their coco formula however, and was just planning on using the normal stuff with coco. I'm pretty sure it should work about as well. Use drip clean as well, i've been told over and over it is very important with their setup.


i don't recommend using the Aqua Flakes with Coco. I used them for a couple weeks to hold me over until the Coco A/B came in. There were definite signs of weakness. I do use the aqua flakes at the beginning though, in an aero garden. As soon as roots show signs of poking out of the plug, I make up a solution with Aqua Flakes and Roots Excelulator. In a week the roots are almost a foot long!


i don't recommend using the Aqua Flakes with Coco. I used them for a couple weeks to hold me over until the Coco A/B came in. There were definite signs of weakness. I do use the aqua flakes at the beginning though, in an aero garden. As soon as roots show signs of poking out of the plug, I make up a solution with Aqua Flakes and Roots Excelulator. In a week the roots are almost a foot long!

Thanks for the advice Phips.

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