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Aaarg Temp in my Resivoir's Already 74.4/5!F
My little 300 LPH pump is to weak for the Chiller so I'm waiting on a Stronger one.Hope this arrives before Thursday!
Apparantly were going to be the hottest place in Europe on that day



I am loving my upgrade to the HC-300 with a 2000 lph pump and a intake fan blowing at the front of the chiller as have found it works better :) Res temps are 21c all day long :)


Yea m8 that's a gr8 idea having a Fan Blowing at the Air Intake.. I never Thought!D
Well,until now and a member here has said the same also VERY Recently.

The Chiller's a HC 100 A [From the Onlline Shop I use [mainly for Reference].£15 Cheaper than Ebay! First for Sure]
The [Pending] Pump's a Haliea Hx 450-2000 l/h

Man weed lol! BY MISTAKE bought another Pump That looked to be up to the Job but NO
It's only 300 l/h D :smoker:

Hx 800 l/h I thought but no,wrong :|
Should of known by the price!
Only a tenner or There Abouts.

Not Able to Find my old NFT One which WOULD OF been Suitable.

BEAUTIFUL day. :smoker:


I imagine a fan Blowing on the Intake of a AirPump would help big time with Temps
Not sure with fan on the Chiller Though because that's what it's doing anyway BUT would Extend the life of its Components WELL Refridgient (?!) it uses

Glad to See the much needed Pump has been Despatched Glad also daytime Vegge has Finished :smoker:


Nil Illegitimus Carburundum
ICMag Donor


Hi Folks,
I use a 'Nimby'. Basically a small fan attatched to the side of your res and blowing air across the surface. (Named after the grower I picked it up from on OG)

It cools by 'transpiration' and can reduce res temp by about 4-5 degrees. When the res gets really up there despite the fan, I slip 3 coolbox blue ice blocks into the res. Got another three as back up in the freezer.
As soon as I get the funds together I'm gonna buy a res chiller, so hopefully res temp worry will be a thing of the past!

Another tip I got was NOT to dribble the water in, when topping up the res. It's all about the DO, so by forcing the water in under pressure, you areate the water a great deal more. It's got to help!

Stay cool & happy growing :tiphat:


Got mine set up about 1/2 way through my last Flower with the "small pump" (?)
It was only 0.5 mtr's away and the Water Seemed to Pump in and out of the Chiller ok.
But it did/does make a big Huming noise at time of its Operation.. This could be heard outside,sure (could be Paranoia)
Thought about making a box for it but now have decided to have it Outside the Room
So the 13mm intake/outtake tubes need to be longer for which I've come across some adequate Lenth Transparent tube.Now the little Pump only Fires the Water Half way up the Chiller Intake Tube.


Takes a lot of Hassle away m8
Easy to use/maintain and Re-Assuring to see the Temp Illuminated.



5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
That fan is a great idea iffy, does it humidify the room much ?

If you can see any light on your top plate then lagging it stops the lights cooking the rootzone and warming the res, some of the Pith infected NFT problems are started in the first couple of weeks with small plants and lots of bare top plate.

Also, if you put a T into your feed pipe above the res, 2" of pipe, an L piece then tap, you can control a jet of feed water back into your res breaking the surface, oxygenating.. every little bit helps when you are trying to keep temps in order, or as close as poss.


I like the Idea of the Fan Blowing on the Surface of the Nutes too
Like Blowing on a Brew to Cool it Down. :smoker:


"Sweating me head off"
Emergency Measures ! So I've Dedicated a Fan to Blowing on the Surface of the Nutes :smoker:

80f. Upstairs :bigeye:

Last I looked it was 72.5F but Now 74F :(
I imagine Aiming the Fan onto the Pump Air Intake Might be More Efficient
Ill try that if the Water Pump Doesn't Arrive Tomorrow


Nil Illegitimus Carburundum
ICMag Donor
I've been exactly where you are now mate & it cost me a whole crop. I got root rot from high temps & had to crop some seriously immature buds. You must get a bigger pump for that chiller to give it a chance of working efficiently. Maybe 1000l/h? Use the 300l/h for a mixer/powerhead. I would also use some blue ice blocks in the short term as they're cheap & easy.
Good luck mate.
Iffy :tiphat:


Yes must Watch out for a Pythium Attack :|
Given it Loads of Root Rot Stop!


Nil Illegitimus Carburundum
ICMag Donor
Root Rot Stop

Root Rot Stop

Yes must Watch out for a Pythium Attack :|
Given it Loads of Root Rot Stop!

Hi GP,
I guess the rot stop treatment you've deployed is some kind of bacillus addition to the rootzone?
A problem can still arise however due to the lack of the ALL important levels of dissolved oxygen. These bacillus also have a demand for oxygen for their proliferation, so it's a balancing act, especially in a hot res.
I would do everything in my power right now to get as much DO into the res as possible. A couple of air pumps would really do the trick. Even at 400% super-saturation levels, plants will still grow. Obviously anywhere near those levels for us are impossible but my point is; you just can't overdo it!
Stay cool brother & happy growing :tiphat:


A Short-lived/Unprolonged Problem No Doubt all Going Well M8 :)
I.E The Larger Pump Arrives OR im Just Gonna Have to Find the Old NFT One

Managed to Aim the Fan on The Air Pump Intake and the Surface of the Nutes last Night
Temp Didn't go Above 75f! :|
Hovered at 74F.
Where is that Pump Lol

"I have an Airstone in the Res.Bigger Res + x2 Airstones Next Time" :smoker:

rocket high

Active member
A U.V filter might help fight pathogens (eg plythium) in the hot water but it also kills the bennies as well as the pathogens leaving a fairly inert water for the roots ... so only salt based nutes can be used with the U.V. sadly.


450-2000 L/H

450-2000 L/H

How Long That Took


36w! :frown: Bet i Dont have to go above 1/2 way Power to Achieve what i want..

Largest Water Pump so Far

Hailea Rock Tho.= Lots of Attachments which is Nice but Too Large TBH.Still..£20 ! :)
(Better too Large than Small So im Happy)

"Heavy too"


Loft! You've reminded me of something there
The other day the Bloody ladder wouldn't come down.
Long story short the Door's no longer Attached :(
F in Job that will be no doubt

Lol now till I look at it


All Cool now [pun D],LOL well ya dont know what ppl are thinking do ya!??

ME of course d ;)

Yes Pump is Way too much! i.e Moved slightly off its lowest! power setting and no problem sending water to the Chiller..
Now 19/20 c
Job Done


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