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Horrible Crash - Drunk & Stoned

Toxicology reports have been released, and the news is bad.

The phrase "high levels of marijuana" is certain to raise an awful stink.

This awful case is certain to be cited by Drug Crusaders as "Exhibit A".


Vodka was probably 90% to blame for the tragedy, but cannabis will take all the blame.

Get ready for a full-frontal flood of foolishness on Fox.

The video-vampires will be out in force, trolling for sound-bites and harassing the grieving families.

There's no doubt a Grand Jury will be empaneled to investigate. I suspect the DA will file murder charges against anyone they can connect in any way with that reefer. Whoever grew it, sold it, bought it, rolled it, or even smoked it, might soon find their butts in a sling. The bad publicity alone will last for years, much less the hard time those poor devils will get.

( For those unfamiliar with the US legal system, a "Grand Jury" is a hand-picked group of citizens who meet in secret to investigate wrongdoing and charge persons with crimes. They're one-sided affairs, controlled by the District Attorney. It's often been said that in Grand Jury proceeding, a good DA can indite a ham-sandwich. )
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Active member
Yup, they (the DEA) are full court press trying to demonize cannabis so that no new decriminalization measures are passed.

At least they bothered to include the fact that she was also drunk enough to cause the accident. I'd like to know what a "high level" of marijuana is exactly...

Do they still pay TV and media to run anti-drug messages and to highlight anti cannabis stories? They certainly aren't fact checking their anti-cannabis stories and studies...


Active member
High level? So.

Content is measured by examining urine for the presence of anti-bodies that developed at some time while exposed to cannabinoids. I didn't really understand this type of testing to mean anything about level of intox or cognitive impairment or even how the body has accumulated the a-bods or even how long it has taken to accumulate or at what rate they are metabolized. Seems to me, anything that takes a metabolic month to process, could only be classified as strong positive byu this type of testing.

Its not like blood alcohol where we now understand the correlation between BAC and impairment. No "impairment" studies have been done that have anything significant or valid to say about it unless you believe "Super High Me" is valid and empirical.

You probably could call Quest diagnostics and have them give you a rundown of products/services they may offer that can discerne to this level.

Is it just me,
or is the DEA becomming an island on this issue???


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
NO more saying MJ hasnt killed anybody its becoming a self fulfilling prophecy... No more jinxing please...
This is all we need now along with the dickheads thats sell and carry 10 grand with guns ohh dont forget the meth.. pissed off peace.



The lady is right where she needs to be, In the fucking dirt. the kids death is just a by-product of this ladies stupidity/carelessness

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I dunno... the article only mentions marijuana once and cites alcohol at least four different times. I'm sure people are bound to come to the conclusion that it was the booze, seeing as DUI arrests are skyrocketing everywhere. Most wrecks of this magnitude are usually a drunk driver... especially the "over twice the legal limit" variety...
Update ...

Update ...

The husband of the driver who caused the crash claims he'd never seen her drunk.

He suspects that she had a stroke, and wants an independent autopsy.


One strange clue: her cell phone was found in the road near a toll booth.

Were the lab tests accurate, and the testing instruments properly calibrated?

Westchester county isn't a rural backwater, and that lab should be up to date.

Hair samples might help resolve the issue, but a vodka bottle under the seat looks mighty bad.

Bottom line: don't drive stoned, loaded, or drunk.


It is a smear program, campaign. That is what TV is for, Mind control. Controlling the masses. This woman drank socially. Did you see her pic, she was a model looking citizen. One thing you will not hear about is that she had an excruciating tooth abcess and was medicating the pain. Has anyone ever had a bad toothache for days, it will put you to your knees. I believe this is what she was going thru. Blinded by pain and trying to find a way out.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
The phrase "high levels of marijuana" is certain to raise an awful stink.

Everyone knows that's BS. She could have smoked the week of and the day before and still had "high levels of thc"..Like 9 witnesses at the camp said she was not drunk or drugged out. She may have drank, who knows, but it's all just so sad. R.I.P and on to the next horrific news article..


New member
In my country they prove that Marijuana is bad by showing you evidence that make no sense, but they do it very quickly, to make it sound like they have a point but not giving you a chance to examine them. And it works well, for most of the cattle with voting rights is satisfied by such evidence. They bruit their bullshit over the media, very demagogic and dogmatic, and don't allow any other opinion to be heard. And the ignorant masses hear and believe. They tell stories about 'How Marijuana Has Destroyed The Life of This Young Man" - you read the story, and in it you find that said young man came from a very sick family (but we won't blame the family, right, they wanna appear as saints), that he drank, abused prescription drugs and more stuff I can't remember. But, oh, he also smoked some weed, and since weed IS the Devil, that must have been the cause of his collapse. And it works. The few dumb moronic ridiculous rude criminal totalitarian lies triumph over the many facts, the tons upon tons upon tons of evidence to the contrary.In my stupid country, even people who belong to a party that is supposed to promote legalization are beginning to say things like "well, maybe it should not be outright legal, maybe you should be allowed to smoke only if you have a job....".... so, what about booze? Oh, that's OK. That's legal....
How can this mindless propaganda win? Because people respond much better to the iron fist of oppression than to the gentle voice of reason.

To finish with a little variation on a line from a Lenny Cohen's song:

"I've seen the future, baby, it is sober"


she was literally drinking vodka while driving case closed, with that much vodka in her she wouldn't feel even the strongest herb. Don't drink and drive people.


truly sad story....and very confusing with her whole family saying she doesn't even drink. plus the fact it was morning. makes you wonder if they had the right body. didn't one of the nieces in the vehicle call someone and say that her aunt couldn't see well. i'm sure we haven't heard the end of this one.
but yeah...a .19 blood alcohol level is totally beyond acceptable limits...pot is irrelevent in my opinion.


I think some of us are jumping the gun here as far as pointing to some demonizing campaign w/ this lady saying cannabis caused the accident. Like Mr.Mustard if you read it, it just states to the best of it's ability what happened, and no doubt that we will continue to learn more and the story may change. But when I read that, I don't get the feds are trying to use this for propoganda for anything, show me. IF they found thc in her system, then they did, so what? Why wouldn't they report it? I don't see anyone using this as ammo anywhere for a case against cannabis use, did I miss it? 99.9% of folks likely believe that she was drunk and that alcohol was the culprit, and if you don't believe me, then just ask me I'll tell you again.
There's nothing here, except a tragedy, for the kids and survivors. I think the OP is way jumping the gun here w/ their thought that it is part of some conspiracy to demonize the herb, nothing of the sort, her cannabis use was irrelevant, and most reasonable people would understand that.


ICMag Donor
Try to remember the victims instead of moaning about how much harder this TC is making your lives. How about some sympathy for those instead. Seems a little more human to me. Just my two cents.
Terrible news.

And I'm sure that alcohol was the major contributor to the accident, if the reporting was accurate.

What I also find disturbing, however, is that there is still a widespread belief in the cannabis community that it is safe to drive while stoned. This attitude is potentially as damaging as the mindless demonisiation of the drug.

I smoke pot. I love it. But I wouldn't drive a car while stoned.

Put it another way, how many of you would be happy taking off in a passenger jet if you knew that the pilot had just smoked a blunt? Or how many of you would be comfortable knowing that your child was being driven to school by a stoned bus driver? It's all degrees of the same irresponsible behaviour.

I'm not a troll. I'm not even saying that cannabis is as dangerous as alcohol. I just get pissed off when people make ludicrus claims about how safe it is it to justify it's use. It IS a drug (that's why I use it!) and should be treated with the respect that it deserves.

Don't drink and drive.
Don't get high and drive.

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