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Horizontal "Grow under your bed" Box - Idea - Possible?



I'm already planning to build my next box after my first PC grow is finished (officially my new indoor hobby :D). So I planned to build a cupboard box and was looking where to place it.

Then I just realized all the shit I stuffed under my bed to get rid of it. "How about a growbox there? Nah, it's only 28cm in height."

But is it really necessary to go only vertically?

Obviously we can not break gravity. But what about a light source on the same level as the pot + some LST?

Check out this quick sketch to get a better idea:

So, what do you think? Is this possible? Where do you see the problems?

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Clever idea! Kind of the same as a vertical grow, but sideways. Same principle though, putting the light beside the plant rather than above it. With a king sized bed, you'd be able to grow plants almost 6 feet "tall." I'd say if you have the time and inclination, go for it.


Well-known member
I've thought about this before too. Would keep the bedroom snug at night too.

I was thinking long fluorescents on the top, side and bottom of a box on wheels under the bed. The plants would stretch with the low light and need a lot training and tying up, but there'd be quite a large surface/scrog area to use. If it was a drawer that could be pulled out for easy access then I think it could be good. At the end of the day you'd get some fine, albeit not too dense, nugs and it's a pretty stealthy option.

Just make sure there's no fire risk!


Yeah, "not burning my ass while asleep" would be #1 priority :D

Thanks for the replies guys!

Oh and btw, with "outtake" I mean "exhaust" :) You guessed it, english is not my first language.


fucking awesome idea.

please build and try this and please do a diary with lots of pics. good luck



If you do this, please make sure to include a gasmask that you wear while you sleep...exhaling your Co2 directly into your grow.

If you do this, please make sure to include a gasmask that you wear while you sleep...exhaling your Co2 directly into your grow.



tbh i have also thought of this idea when i was looking at a rubbermaid with similar dimensions. I was worried I'd mess it up, but i think it can be done.


also, consider that plants want to grow vertically, which means that the leaves will naturally face upwards trying to get some sun. unless you want to lst every single leaf to face the lights to the side, i'd reconsider. not only that, but in about 10mins the underside of your bed will be about 95 degrees, which would require a not-so-stealthy ventilation setup.


Grow like nobody is watching
I would do just like you pictured, only no CFLs, just tube fluoros above the plant and a scrog screen. T-2 is only 7mm diameter tubes and puts out 73 lumens per watt. In reality, too expensive, but there's plenty of room for any tubular style light.

Probably an automatic fire extinguisher would be a good idea too :) Just in case, gnome sayin'.


Well, there would be no direct light for the leaf, but with reflective material they will get light. That way the plant stretches more and can be easily trained.
My bed is open to all sides. I would place the box on the foot of the bed, maybe with a slightly bent exhaust so the hot air does not get trapped under the bed. If it still gets too warm I may redirect the hot air or build the exhaust on a top side.

Do you think I can keep the plants that low? 28cm - 2cm outside wood -1cm inside wood - pots - light = grow space. It would be kewl having direct light, but keeping plants only 13-15cm?
also, consider that plants want to grow vertically, which means that the leaves will naturally face upwards trying to get some sun. unless you want to lst every single leaf to face the lights to the side, i'd reconsider. not only that, but in about 10mins the underside of your bed will be about 95 degrees, which would require a not-so-stealthy ventilation setup.

Yeah they have a tendency but they also definitely move their leaves to face the light anyway... so no, you wouldn't have to lst every leaf, nor would you ever.

having said that... i dont disagree with the lighting bein above the plants though. and why would his box get hot because its under his bed? flouros can be cooled with pc fans... definitely not a loud setup.
here is what i have planned for a cedar chest, which is albeit a long shot larger, but you can still use the same concept...you just might have to use more than one plant.

your scrog screen doesn't HAVE to be at the level of the plant...it just takes some training.

if people can do that with a tree, i'm sure it can be done with a marijuana plant :).

so...if you were to put the pot on one of the edges, train down closer to the floor and then scrog, idk 1 or 2" from the floor, then you would have way more room. i would suggest tube fluoros like Scrub was saying and putting one pot in each corner and having a huge scrog screen in between.

my 2c


Grow like nobody is watching
Do you think I can keep the plants that low? 28cm - 2cm outside wood -1cm inside wood - pots - light = grow space. It would be kewl having direct light, but keeping plants only 13-15cm?

Well, if I understand you correctly, you will have around 25cm actual height to play with? From the floor of the drawer to the roof, yes?

Put your screen as low as you can - probably wouldn't want it less than 5cm off the floor. The lights will take about 4cm. That leaves you 15cm to grow buds in. A little tight, but just train the scrog longer, so it soaks up a little more of the stretch than usual.

Or just grow bonsai



thehappyguy: That's a great idea!

scrub: Yep, around 25cm. Have to research the bonsai technique further :)


Just sketched down the idea by thehappyguy and ScrubNinja, a mix of LST and SCROG with Tube Fluoros on top:
Just sketched down the idea by thehappyguy and ScrubNinja, a mix of LST and SCROG with Tube Fluoros on top:

nice sketch. do you think the drawer functionality may become a pain in the arse once your plants fill up your space? something tells me they'd grow till they snagged on your lights. just suggesting something...

it may be easier with top access, no?


Good point. But with top access I have to pull out the whole box every time...

Maybe have acrylic glas or something between the lights and the plants to have a even top?! What's good and don't absorb too much light?