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Hooking up on the first date-----POLL


Active member
Think about your current GF/wifey/ex flame, etc. Im pretty sure we have all hooked up with some form of skeezbag on the first date, night you met, etc, but im not really counting those. Im talking about the one relationship that changed your life, girls too.

For that good relationship did yall bump uglies on the first night?

I know that sometimes people hook up the first night, and get married, maybe thats happened on here.

But i also know that sometimes its better if people dont hook up the first time. For example some guys might think that if a girl hooks up on the first date shes a slut and would do that to any guy she meets.

So....dont include your random one night stands please. think about the ones that mattered, did yall hook up the first night?

For me, my favorite ex GF we did not hook up that quick. I knew her for a couple weeks and we kicked it a bunch of times and finally the tension built up and when we fucked it basically started the relationship.

h^2 O

i like to be their friends first...and build it up. Like a little flirting, you know, but keeping it platonic. And if they're hot you realize it more and more, and then you start taking more of an interest in yourself...and then it becomes like a hot, thirsty love affair that even the water in all our bongs could not quench.
Sex and love are two different things. And no, I've never and would never "hook up" on a first date with a stranger woman.
EDIT: prop you forgot to insert the poll you stoner


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I've had first nighters that lasted more than one night but, nothing serious has ever come from it. Wanting to bed someone isn't enough. The question is, do I want to wake up next to her. That takes some time to figure out. For me anyway.


been with my g/f for about 6 months i met her through my cousin they were good friends in high school, she was gettin me herb so we smoked an chiled a bit. this same thing went down like 3 times i didnt even know if she was intrested so i just made a move . had sex with her like 10 minutes later. im only 20 and have only had like 5 serious relationships an this one is by far better then my past relationships, because she understands me completly.But i feel that if something similar to this is happeneing to you you woulnt have to ask other people how they feel about the situation. you should be asking yourself how you feel about it. if it bothers you its not worth the time . otherwise give it a shot


Active member
damn i made the poll and everything i even had a "i dont get pussy because im Yummybud" answer....how do i add a poll to the edit i tried but cant?

also so far it seems the general consensus is that the one night stands = nothing happened, which is my experiance too. every girl who made it too easy i never called back.

im just trippin because i was with this girl last night that i really liked and i feel like a pussy for not trying to hook up with her because i think she wanted me too. i personally want to take things slower but what if the girl wants me to speed up?


Active member
But i feel that if something similar to this is happeneing to you you woulnt have to ask other people how they feel about the situation. you should be asking yourself how you feel about it. if it bothers you its not worth the time . otherwise give it a shot

i think talkin about it with folks is good because you get different perspectives and angles.

anyways, most of my friends in real life are fuckin stoners who barely get half the poontang that i get so i its pretty much pointless talking to them.

the thing is 80% of the poon i got was from casual one night stands where afterwards i never called them back. im tired of that BS now i want a steady relationship and its been a year since my last serious one so i feel like im getting kinda stale...


cant stop wont stop
the ones where I stuck my wiener fast, well, lol...
it wasn't as deep of a relationship

most serious gf i had we did wait a few days, and im not so sure it was on purpose just kinda worked out that way.. but once we did the deed it was on. like the sex olympics..er something ..lol



most serious gf i had we did wait a few days, and im not so sure it was on purpose just kinda worked out that way.. but once we did the deed it was on. like the sex olympics..er something ..lol

you deed it!


Active member
its seems a toss up between being a gentlemen and waiting a few dates and risk looking like a pussy.....or being a dog and going in early and risking it being a casual hook up


I used to be dumb about sex, like i thought the guys would LIKE me if I gave it up...well I ended up finding out thats not what life is all about, and have completely changed my mind about sex.. sometimes there is just fucking, sometimes there is intimacy... But I think the most important thing is that both partners are on the same terms when it comes to the ideas of the 'relationship', if you're up for a fling, just be safe....before you peck her, wrap your pecker....


Mourning the loss of my dog......
My wife and I were doing it a hour into our first date, we often laugh about it now, by conventional wisdom our relationship should have fizzled. I guess both of us had been without pokin for awhile, and jumped at the opportunity. We smoked together for the first time the next day(she had none at her house).

I say we got away with it because both of us had gray hairs starting to show, we were not starry eyed High schoolers/College kids, we seemed to be experienced enough to spot a keeper right off the bat.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Nothing of much of long term interest has ever developed from a one night stand with me. Those where the college days mainly though, especially living in the dorm. Good times :yummy:

3rd base

Call me old fashioned, but I always found fast girls to be a turn-off.

I'm not saying that hot sex between two people who are totally hot for each other (but don't really know each other well) is a bad thing, 'cause it can be friggin awesome!

But to answer the question, of the best relationships I've had, we didn't get busy the first date. Besides the physical connection, there was usually the mental connection and even an emotional connection before we got to knockin' boots. Added a whole new level to the sex and made the relationship better too.

Like ka0tik, I think it's important both partners are on the same terms.


Pull my finger
Well, this hot been a hot topic of debATE AMONG mRS.sWAMP AND i.

I always thought that banging on the first date would jinx the relationship.

But, I managed to get a little dessert from her on our first date. She was pretty broke up about it since she was convinced that since she broke her rule and let me talk the pants off of her, we were doomed as a couple.

But when the next morning came, and the booze was wore off,I realized (her too) that I was in love with this girl.

I have always been pretty reserved when it comes to slingin the ding. I never really liked the idea of first date sex. I could not believe that in just one evening, I had made such a bond with this girl. Still to this day, 7 years later, we feel the same feelings.

The irony is, the one chick that I did sleep with on the first date. In which we both broke our personal code, I ended up marrying.


Active member
HAH my pussy move last night paid off. I heard through the grapevine she found me "mature and blah blah" and ive been talking to her today and shes kinda opening up but im still skeptical because i learned a long time ago to never get your hopes up. im definately not looking for a one night stand with this girl hopefully it pays off. she is BI but we were talking about it during our date so its not something behind closed doors anymore which is great.

HEAR THAT YUMMYBUD?? you dont gotta bag a girl on the first or second date to look good.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

back in the early 80s I was hanging with a friend Frank who was the
polish equivalent of Yummybud but he stood 6'4" @ 320#s, Frank was
a bit of a doofus & I suspect that aside from visiting a pro or two he
was a virgin. We're way out in the country @ a bar to get weed when
in walks Laura, a bit homely but a great body and gave the finest bj's.
She didn't know how to say 'no' and I love that no strings no guilt fun,
I invite her to sit and drink of course but after about 15 mins I decide
it would be the best hook up for Frank so I fill him in on making a move
on Laura. They leave together & they're not seen again until the next
work week. Frank falls in love with the town slut & marries her, and so
now I have an oversized dimwitted (ex)friend that stares me down for
telling him what a slut and easy score this chick was, go figure.......
