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Honeywell fans ah!



Hey guys.
I am in walmart last night and I look to see if they got fans yet. I have been limping along w/out and been wanting a couple so bad....didn't want to order them online and knew it was a matter of time before they were in stock and low and behold there they are!

But wait right next to them and one buck cheaper an all metal one. And its a 9 inched....hmmm.

I think about it..its a "maxey" I think. It looks like its easy to take apart and clean but has a funky tube stand thing going on.

I noticed the honeywell fans taper front to back and these were flat and wide open. My thoughts are they probably move more air. I got them. Seem to work but I have no idea how they compare to the honeywells. I know they are the standard and all for verts lol..but anyone use these maxis? I would think they would be better and last longer, but maybe the honeywells are way better and I just have no idea. Hoping someone else has been there done that. I am debating going back and getting a couple honeywells just to see for myself.

Lol not the most exciting post I guess...but just curious.


as long as your re-circulating enough air for YOUR specific environment and have your temps under control, (shrug) it should work fine for you.

Honeywells are nice but I don't use them....yet.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I've got one of those little metal 9" fans and they will move some serious air for their size. Its the best $12 I ever spent on a fan. They do make more noise than the plastic ones though, but still fairly quiet on the low setting.


Re: Honeywell fans ah!

Ah Sam ya I was thinking the hw might be quieter. These aren't too bad though. I will get a couple hw next time I go there. It was funny I am in wally world, got the maxi out and hw set on the floor looking both over. The hw are smaller at six I inches Idk if the 3 inch difference is good or bad, but I am getting 2 hw to see if their is any advantage to them. Smaller and quieter might be good

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
They have plugs over at the paint desk where you can turn on the fans. They will look at you like your an idiot, don't know why. If I'm buying a fan for air movement why would I judge it by asthetics?


@IE2KS_KUSH: The larger fan should theoretically be able to move the same air with less noise, that is of course all other things being equal between the 2 fans. Depends on what kind of speed settings they've got, etc.


Re: Honeywell fans ah!

@Sam ya I agree
@hippy that's what I thought too but I wonder if their isn't more to it, Idk common sense says the bigger ones should move more, I ran the all out last night seemed good. I think the hw may be easier to boost up, the maxis have a funky tube frame and its weird and tricky to set up on things to boost the height of the fan getting it closer to the bulb. The hw might set better on stuff Idk yet. Will find out as soon as I drag my ass back into walmart.


ICMag Donor
I been to wally world lookin for fans a few times since New Years, and they always look at me crazy when I ask em where I can find them :) Glad to see they're back in stock.

The Honeywells don't really move a ton of air, even on high, thats probly why they're so quiet. I wouldn't mind an upgrade.


Re: Honeywell fans ah!

Lmao the fans I got are called Massey not friggin maxis lol.


Re: Honeywell fans ah!

I been to wally world lookin for fans a few times since New Years, and they always look at me crazy when I ask em where I can find them :) Glad to see they're back in stock.

The Honeywells don't really move a ton of air, even on high, thats probly why they're so quiet. I wouldn't mind an upgrade.

Lol x2 ...they are like "well we have heaters but no fans it the middle of winter...."well...finally!

I assumed that they have always carried these and there was a good reason people use the hw instead and that I was just ignorant to it.


I assumed that they have always carried these and there was a good reason people use the hw instead and that I was just ignorant to it.

The first guy to use fans below his bulbs that got popular probably used a honeywell. Then started the massive influx of everyone buying one "just because", perhaps overlooking a better fan that might've been sitting right next to the honeywell. Not saying Honeywell is good or bad, but they're cheap and are carried by Walmart. That's 2 reasons you see them everywhere. :)


The masseys I've tried don't last long. Especially when pointed upwards. They are weak cheap motors to begin with and wear out quickly. The honeywells I've had no trouble with.


you must accessorize

you must accessorize

tin foil hats




Had a honeywell and it was efficient but a bit noisy in my taste. Then again if you have wider blades, like i do now, it disperses the air flow a bit too much sideways. The best fan would be a bigger bladed one with a tin foil hat to aim the air flow directly to bulb.

My fan is quiet as f**k but i need also a limiter since i don't have anything to control the airflow with.



Active member
The honeywell is good but I think it's a bit noisy even on level 1. I folded a piece of blanket and made a "bed" for my honeywell, it took away most of the resonating sounds.

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