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Honey QWISO Forum (lets show them why qwiso is the best)




Made this with some kush popcorn and trim that was about a year old


New member
Any suggestions on evaporation process? Room temp vs. heat source vs. double boiler? Also if using room temp any ways to speed it up while keeping out debris? (i have no hair dryer)


Pleasantly dissociated
no, i set on bed in the spare room and turn on fan, shit reeks, ya dont want it in the part of the house being used, ya get a headache from the vape
Any help as to why my last few batches taste and smell like molasses? Im using molasses and used 91% straiend after a quick wash, try to only go 20 seconds or so max.. you think my contact time was too long if it pulled molasses from my buds !! LOL

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Well, shit, what can I say?

Yesterday I supplied various BHO's, Qwet, Qwiso, and acetate for tastes and effect profiles.

We progressively worked ourselves toward over medication, and uniformly agreed that while the BHO extractions presented various "hashy" tasting experiences, QWISO, QWET, and QWME produced the most provocative flavors, except for fresh frozen material.

Please remediate that exerience with frozen BHO extraction of fresh material for the greatest explosion of provocative flavors!

It is all good, some is just better than others!
Gonna give this method a try later on today. Seems like the best way to use my fresh trimmings. Thanks to everyone for all the info!


Well-known member
Freshness has short life, fresh material should be processed (incl.freezing) as soon as possible after cutting.
Avoid heat air on a frozen material, it will cause frost, which blocks the trichomes from extraction.
So I tried this method out yesterday and it worked really well! Ended up with a peanut buttery looking resin. Spread that over a blunt and enjoyed while harvesting another plant with my friend.

A word of advice: use as little alcohol as possible, otherwise you'll be evaporating it for days. I poured a little bit over a half of a bottle onto my clippings and ended up blow drying it for about a half hour. Totally worth it, but less blow dry time def would have been ideal.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
A word of advice: use as little alcohol as possible, otherwise you'll be evaporating it for days.

Everything is a trade off.

You donate less to the filter gods if you filter a more dilute solution.

Sometimes it just getting started.

If you vaporize and inhale the oil from your first extraction, while patiently awaiting the evaporation of the extra alcohol on your next extraction, time passes less painlessly and you end up with more product.

Hee, hee, hee............


Overkill is under-rated.
You can also use an alcohol-soaked rag to clean up trimming machines etc, rinse it and wring in alcohol, then filter it and dry it to clean up damn near anything with THC on it. Just a tip!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
You can also use an alcohol-soaked rag to clean up trimming machines etc, rinse it and wring in alcohol, then filter it and dry it to clean up damn near anything with THC on it. Just a tip!

Good point!

I usually clean up the lost oil by splashing everything with hot 190 proof ethanol, and saving the wash to pour into the next extraction.

It can however be used for "Butane Dragon", which is far tastier than "Green Dragon" and significantly more potent.

At just the right amount in a drink, it significantly adds to the flavor, and at just too, too much, it is just too, too much from a flavor standpoint.

From a medicinal standpoint it is however highly effective, and at the correct dosage it is noteworthy.

No need to waste anything, as it is so easy to clean up afterwards with hot ethanol and save the oil for later extract. I even do that with reclaim from my oil vaporization pipe.

I in fact have a handful of one dram oil vials with the "R" label on them, that I have lost track of what they were extracted from and how many different oils were sampled before doing the cleanup and the extraction of the combined oils.

Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!1 It is all good!


Overkill is under-rated.
Ok I tried using fresh frozen trim and frozen alcohol, picked up way more chlorophyll. It's still drying so no smoke report yet, but it took on a bunch of purple color from the trim as well. I will most likely end up using it in medibles.

I took the remaining 7 bags of trim and put them out to dry before further processing. Lesson learned!


Overkill is under-rated.
Oh almost forgot, scissor/finger wash while trimming: Every day my trimmers get a new glass of ISO alcohol, and they wash sticky fingers and scissors in it all day. At the end of the day it gets dumped into a big tub. At the end of trimming, the tub is filtered and dried.

I got 27 grams of very nice oil out of my last scissor wash job! I wish I could convince others to use this method, it prevents waste and makes for cleaner trimmers. :)


Overkill is under-rated.
Next after that I washed the whole fresh bud in ethanol to get the quick amber.
Will you quick wash the fresh trim?

Only if you're throwing the bud away afterwards...

No I tried using fresh trim (frozen) and the alcohol picked up too much chlorophyll, will only use dried trim from now on.