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honey oil from premature plants

hey everyone. now that the sun is starting to come out, i have just put 50 germ'd seeds in a flat. now my problem.
im on disability so i have no money and no weed. what i was hoping i could do is grow these 50 for maybe 6 weeks and then pull them and try making butane honey oil from them.
my question is: is there any THC at all in little plants that havent even flowered yet? i have plenty of seeds so i could grow 1000 if i have to.
im growing this summer but last year was a disaster so i need something before october.
i just need to know, would i yield anything from some 18" tall plants still in veg?


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
It's been years since I've seen any real data on it, but I do know there's THC present in just about all stages of plant growth, even if it's a very very tiny %. I think it peaks at 8 or 9 weeks in males? At 6 weeks you could do butane. I have done butter & oil runs from plants about that age with good, but not great, results in the past. I see no reason why you couldn't do a butane extraction.


I tried ISO with some young plants and I dont think it went well. I got something, but I didnt get real buzzed. Butane I havent tried so maybe its different. Good luck Frostyhugs
hmm, any reason u cannot make the hash oil & keep a few still growing a few more weeks for actual bud??? i mean, if u can get them 6wks into veg, why not just veg for 3 weeks & flower for 8. this means you only would have to grow for another month & have actual bud!!


I'd have to say that I seriously doubt that you would yield much of anything doing a BHO extraction on 18" tall vegging plants. The butane doesn't isolate just the THC, it dissolves the oils that are carrying the THC. At 18" in veg there is little to none of the oil to dissolve and the yield would be abysmal to non-existant.

Not what you wanted to hear but believing otherwise is only false hope.
I'd have to say that I seriously doubt that you would yield much of anything doing a BHO extraction on 18" tall vegging plants. The butane doesn't isolate just the THC, it dissolves the oils that are carrying the THC. At 18" in veg there is little to none of the oil to dissolve and the yield would be abysmal to non-existant.

Not what you wanted to hear but believing otherwise is only false hope.

amen. shorten your veg time, flower normally & harvest easily by august & smoke by september. beats ur october deadline.
Ready to go into flower after a month, but with that many plants I'd only advise knowing the size of your pots and lights. Better to wait until they are ripe, then pick them early. Most of the work is getting them to ripening stage, no reason to throw all that in the wrong direction.

I suppose it could cause he oil to be more of a pure THC, loss of fragrance and those good oils. The truth is the prescribed time for a strain, is in the middle of a two week window. So a week early, a week late, those cause differences.

Can pick three different harvest windows, a nice clear high, a middle high and a heavier high. Not hugely different with the middle temperament in there, but the other two are quite different.
i forgot to mention that this is going to be outdoor and of coarse im going to be growing other plants to get actual bud off, im just saying normal time for buds to be dried and harvested is october so i want something to get me through the summer.

i pretty much decided that ill do about 100 plants and after 6 weeks of them sprouting, start pulling 20 every 7-10 days and making oil out of that...so that should be 5 different extractions with different results


Why not just grow a few auto flowers and be done in 60 days seeds to harvest regardless of photoperiod


Active member
12-12 from seed.....they still will have to mature a bit before they start to flower,but in the same amount of time,you'll at least have some "buds" with "trichs" as opposed to just veg leaves that would yield very little bit of really weak oil.


Well, options are limited since you said outdoor and no money a few times. How about covering the plants in the evening to force flowering, fooling the plants into thinking it's late summer? No money required, only a tarp to cover the plants every day at the appropriate time.