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Honey Oil Blows Up Condo in California


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Dude you should stop while your ahead.. Comparing cannabis to heroin come on you must be drunk...I let you ramble on im going to bed lol

F. Dupp

Active member
Dude you should stop while your ahead.. Comparing cannabis to heroin come on you must be drunk...I let you ramble on im going to bed lol

For the record, Im not recommending heroin use, I was exaggerating to clarify. If you cant get high enough for your liking from smoking hash maybe you should just bang the BHO in your fucking arm.

Of course Im drunk, its 1:30 am here. Bed sounds nice.

Goodnight Hammerhead.


more people have small fires, explosions, or tube blowouts then would readily admit it.

All it takes is one bad decision...
I had a slight mishap with a bucket of spent trim that was still airing out.
Was cleaning of an oil tool over it and the hot oil dripped off it into the bucket and ignited it.

it as contained to a 5 gal bucket on the backporch but man it could have been so much worse.

I know multiple people who have take a tube full of trim and tane to the face. Hell I had a blowout with one strain. I knew it was coming and luckily it just missed my face and hit the bill of my hat. This was before I had proper equipment


so has anyone had anything go south making BHO that was not their fault. seems like a safe enough process to me if you just follow the rules.

if human/stoner error is the cause of every single "incident" ..... then i don't know if you can really blame it on the butane


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If you dont know what your doing you should not attempt making BHO ever... You dont need to be afraid of butane but you should have respect for what it will do if used incorrectly.. I use O'kief tubes not a turkey baster. The proper equipment is also important..
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Active member
Making oil is no big deal. I like to take a fan outdoor and blow it at my dish on low. Then can after can goes in till I am done with the job. I always where a respirator for safety, and my fire protected Carhartt clothes. Just made a ton of oil this last weekend, no danger if you know what you are doing.


can we also say cancer causing trace chemicals ?

well sure we could ! we could also say food,water,air,carpet,and about 30 other things, but they won't blow up your house ....... will they?

if you think about "trace chemicals", it does not take all that long to realize there is nowhere to get away from them. no one here gets out alive brother


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You will get the same background cancer causing chems from the hot dogs you eat.. There is more info on this in the BHO threads.. That would be the correct place to ask questions like that
Lol. I blew myself and a house up making oil before.

I had bought 100 cans of butane and had about 5 lbs of trim. I was drunk and decided to start up at about 2 am one night. I opened the small basement windows (only 2 of them) and filled this huge ass pipe with trim, placed a big pyrex dish beneath it and started pumping the butane thru it. I had run 9 cans thru the pipe when I heard a WHOOSH. The hot water heater had kicked on. I watched every square inch of space turn into fire, then a huge fireball hit me and lifted me across the room. When I got up the pipe had this huge ass flame shooting out the top, hitting the ceiling and spreading out about 5 ft to either side. I ran upstairs and grabbed my dog and stood outside.

I sat there for a minute figuring I would just sit there in the snow and watch the house burn down, then I remembered that there were still 91 cans of butane in the basement. So I ran back in and grabbed those and noticed that the only thing still burning were the pipe and the pyrex dish. I threw the butane outside and grabbed a 5 gal bucket, filled it with water and dumped it on the pyrex dish. That made the dish explode and sent the butane/honey oil/fire mixture all over the floor. So now the floor was on fire too. I realized that the butane just had to burn itself out, so I just stood there looking stupid. When all the flames were out I surveyed the damage. The back wall of the house had been pushed out about 2 feet, and some things that were laying on the basement floor were now in the attic. The room that I was making the oil in was black and covered in soot. The ceilings on the main level were cracked all the way along the walls they sat upon from the air expanding so fast. The stucco finish on the outside of the house was cracked all over the place. My hair and eyebrows were singed and melted to my head.

So the next morning I got a haircut, skim coated all the burnt walls and ceiling with joint compound, sanded them down, and got some paint color matched to the rest of the basement, and painted everything. I also had to replace the blackened outlet/lightswitch covers, and scrub the burnt honey oil off the concrete with a wire brush for hours. This all took 3 days.

Then I called my landlord and told her that the snow on the roof had made the back wall of the house buckle. She came out the next morn with her boyfriend who was a contractor. Her boyfriend surveyed the damage and agreed that it was the snow that caused it (dummy). The next day an insurance agent came over, walked in the house, looked around for 2 seconds and said "this was caused by an explosion". So they had the gas company guy out there right away with his "sniffer" thing and could not detect any gas. This whole time the insurance guy is looking at me funny like he knew I was cookin meth. They sent a team of guys in suits out to the house, and they were rubbing things down with Qtips and shit looking for trace chemicals from the meth I was cookin.

This shit with the ins agents went on for 2 weeks. About 5 guys in suits would come over everyday and stare at the damage, scratch their heads, and mumble shit to each other. I was a nervous wreck.

They never figured out what caused the explosion, and they gave the landlord $65,000 to repair shit. I moved out ASAP after that, and I have never attempted to make, or even smoked any oil since.

What a stupid asshole I am, huh?

lol! around here we would call that "hard in the paint" :laughing:


I briefly considered trying to make a butane extraction of trim - on a much smaller scale, and outside. My conclusion was that there was no safe way to do it without spending many thousands of dollars replicating the kind of setup chemists use for similar extractions, which is basically a fume hood. I figured if I tried to take a short cut I would probably end up getting badly burnt - and if I didn't, it'd be blind luck.

I don't think that common sense protects the people on here who do butane extractions. I think they are temporarily lucky. It is worth remembering that the people who died from burns and explosions do not post about their experiences to web forums because they are too dead to do so.

It is perfectly safe doing it outdoors, preferably on a breezy day, and letting the butane evaporate using hot water...


Active member
trace chemicals huh ? well my car had a warning sticker about fumes and toxic chemicals when i bought it. sitting in an unvented new car is hazardous to your health. making bho is safe if done correctly. i have never had one problem ever


Active member
The people in that story moved to a street called "Shady Point Drive" to make BHO in large quantities? Who named that place? =P

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