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Honey Oil Blows Up Condo in California


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Sorry dude its a news repot about the weather. Here it is june 9 2011

the Link: http://www.ktla.com/videobeta/682fb...-Leads-to-Hash-Oil-Lab-Lynette-Romero-reports

MOORPARK, Calif. (KTLA) -- An explosion and fire that ripped through an upscale Moorpark home Thursday, leaving two people injured, led to the discovery of a hash oil lab inside, officials said.

Fire crews were called to the home along Shady Point Drive and North Cedarpine Lane around 1:24 a.m. after reports of a garage fire.

It was first suspected that the garage may have been housing a methamphetamine lab. Fire officials later determined it was a hash oil lab equipped with propane tanks.

Propane is apparently used to get the highest level of THC out of the oil.

One man suffered "very severe" and potentially life-threatening burns in the explosion, Chief Jim Arledge of the Ventura County Fire Department told KTLA.

A pregnant woman and a child were sleeping inside the home when the fire broke out.

They were able to escape without injury.

"It was a threat to the entire neighborhood," Arledgel told KTLA.

"I've seen different kind of drug labs and they're all dangerous, but this is new for us. This is a new concept for us, this hash oil," he said.

So far no arrests have been made.


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F. Dupp

Active member
Lol. I blew myself and a house up making oil before.

I had bought 100 cans of butane and had about 5 lbs of trim. I was drunk and decided to start up at about 2 am one night. I opened the small basement windows (only 2 of them) and filled this huge ass pipe with trim, placed a big pyrex dish beneath it and started pumping the butane thru it. I had run 9 cans thru the pipe when I heard a WHOOSH. The hot water heater had kicked on. I watched every square inch of space turn into fire, then a huge fireball hit me and lifted me across the room. When I got up the pipe had this huge ass flame shooting out the top, hitting the ceiling and spreading out about 5 ft to either side. I ran upstairs and grabbed my dog and stood outside.

I sat there for a minute figuring I would just sit there in the snow and watch the house burn down, then I remembered that there were still 91 cans of butane in the basement. So I ran back in and grabbed those and noticed that the only thing still burning were the pipe and the pyrex dish. I threw the butane outside and grabbed a 5 gal bucket, filled it with water and dumped it on the pyrex dish. That made the dish explode and sent the butane/honey oil/fire mixture all over the floor. So now the floor was on fire too. I realized that the butane just had to burn itself out, so I just stood there looking stupid. When all the flames were out I surveyed the damage. The back wall of the house had been pushed out about 2 feet, and some things that were laying on the basement floor were now in the attic. The room that I was making the oil in was black and covered in soot. The ceilings on the main level were cracked all the way along the walls they sat upon from the air expanding so fast. The stucco finish on the outside of the house was cracked all over the place. My hair and eyebrows were singed and melted to my head.

So the next morning I got a haircut, skim coated all the burnt walls and ceiling with joint compound, sanded them down, and got some paint color matched to the rest of the basement, and painted everything. I also had to replace the blackened outlet/lightswitch covers, and scrub the burnt honey oil off the concrete with a wire brush for hours. This all took 3 days.

Then I called my landlord and told her that the snow on the roof had made the back wall of the house buckle. She came out the next morn with her boyfriend who was a contractor. Her boyfriend surveyed the damage and agreed that it was the snow that caused it (dummy). The next day an insurance agent came over, walked in the house, looked around for 2 seconds and said "this was caused by an explosion". So they had the gas company guy out there right away with his "sniffer" thing and could not detect any gas. This whole time the insurance guy is looking at me funny like he knew I was cookin meth. They sent a team of guys in suits out to the house, and they were rubbing things down with Qtips and shit looking for trace chemicals from the meth I was cookin.

This shit with the ins agents went on for 2 weeks. About 5 guys in suits would come over everyday and stare at the damage, scratch their heads, and mumble shit to each other. I was a nervous wreck.

They never figured out what caused the explosion, and they gave the landlord $65,000 to repair shit. I moved out ASAP after that, and I have never attempted to make, or even smoked any oil since.

What a stupid asshole I am, huh?


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
i love how they spin it as a hash oil "LAB" trying to link it to meth and shit propaganda machine never stops....


shut the fuck up Donny
i love how they spin it as a hash oil "LAB" trying to link it to meth and shit propaganda machine never stops....

Would you feel better if they called it a hash oil prep room?

It's sticky, looks like black tar heroin, is very dangerous to make, and idiots blow themselves and their houses up all the time manufacturing it.

It should be no surprise that it has such a bad rep.

There is no propaganda, just a bunch of dumb stoners who don't know what they are doing.


Well endowed member
F Dupp, you, and everybody who reads this, have been taught one very large and loud freeking universal lesson, and got away with the consequences. You are one lucky mofo.
Great story, thanks for sharing.


Enormous Member
F Dupp, way to hijack the poor OP's thread. I spent at LEAST a minute trying to decide whether to give you positive or negative rep for that story. :) Thanks for sharing your lesson in humility.

F. Dupp

Active member
F Dupp, way to hijack the poor OP's thread. I spent at LEAST a minute trying to decide whether to give you positive or negative rep for that story. :) Thanks for sharing your lesson in humility.

Yeah, I wasnt trying to hijack, sorry to the OP.

I felt that I had to give some details instead of just saying "Im an idiot who blows shit up too". I actually could have filled 3 pages with that story but I tried to keep it short.

I had made oil about 20 times prior to that and had never had any problems. I began to take all the warnings that I had read on the subject for granted. DO NOT DO THAT. MAKING OIL IS VERY DANGEROUS. It very easily could have killed me. Had the other 91 cans of butane exploded my dog and I would not be here. The house would have taken off like a rocket ship headed for the moon.

@Notaprofesser, Im sure all the windows in the house woulda blown out if the explosion made it that far. Like I said, there were two windows (probably 1'x3') in the basement that were open. I didnt see it, but Im sure there were 10ft flames shooting out each open window when the shit hit the fan. The expanding air didnt go up the stairway, take a right down the hall and go bust out all the windows. It took the direct route right through the nearest motherfuckin wall.