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Homemade TRIMMER


I really can't see this working. But on the other hand, I really want you to put this together and prove me wrong.




computer fans are polypropylene plastic,...epoxy will NOT adhere to that, you'll end up like that family guy clip.

just sharpen the existing fan blades with an emery board, or small file, you wouldn't even need to remove the fan first.

I like the "scythe" brand fan tho :D

pretty cool idea, I'm sharpening up one as I speak :tiphat:


in case you ever wanted to know how to glue something to something else

ps i'd try jb weld. that shit works miracles!

ok JB weld is just EPOXY with steel filings added,.....NO IT WONT WORK EITHER.

I worked as a plastics fabricator for nearly 25 years, so I think I have a pretty good handle on what sticks to what:

YOU CANNOT CHEMICALLY BOND POLYPROPLENE, or POLYETHYLENE,...that's why they are used in solvent/acid/chemical storage, because they are INERT.

in other words if you can't get the plastic to melt with a couple of drops of lacquer thinner, or MEK (methyl ethyl ketone), you can't hope to glue it, and have the glue hold.
The exception to this rule, will be fiberglass, or kevlar/carbon fiber, where the "fabric" is soaked with either polyester resin, or epoxy resin, and then YES you can apply epoxy or polyester resins/glues and it WILL stick, PROVIDED the surface has been properly cleaned/prepared first.

most of these fans have well over 4000 rpm operating speeds, trust me, you don't need much of an edge to make a clean cut when something is moving THAT fast,...just sharpen the existing blades, or remove the blade setup altogether, and replace it with aluminum, or steel, RIVETED, or BOLTED (with loc-tite) together.

I got the 120mm fan I have to do a fairly decent "primary trim", just sharpening the blades with a small flat fine file (single cut bastard for those who want to know), and removing every other blade.

it loads up with resin pretty quick, and needs to be cleaned about every 10th branch, BUT!!! because the fan blades on mine are POLYPROPLENE, the resin doesn't really stick either, so it flakes off in one chunk once you peel off an edge with a toothpick.

PLEASE FOLKS, DO NOT TRY AND GLUE RAZOR BLADES ON A PC FAN UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING WITH PLASTICS AND BONDING, or your just asking to see what a spinning razor blade will do when launched at 10-15 feet per second.



Active member
is it just me or would it just be easier to trim by hand with a pair of spring loaded shears? instead of wasting all this time trying to figure out how to make a homemade trimmer


Weed Cannasaur
Now take a minute and read your idea:
1. Get a fan and razor blades.
2. Put them together.

Now read it again.

And again.

And now tell me - if there anything more stupid to put in a running fan?

Would be WAY safer and easier to remove the wings and put wires instead. You would still need to secure the hell of it, but its not razor blades in a fan.