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Homegrown enzymes

Ever smelled Hygrozyme and thought that smells like stale beer...?

Well, I was watching a documentary on Beer and they were talking about how to make a brew. One of the steps is germinating barley seed to make malt. Which is further brewed and the natural 'ENZYMES' further break down the sugars within the malt (Which came from the barley or starch found within). After hearing that; I had an epiphany and needed to do some more research.

After searching the internet I found an interesting article on a shroom grow site that talks about this.

I was curious if anyone has tried anything like this....? Brewing your own enzymes? I think it's a GREAT idea !


Yeah malts have a very high enzyme content and have heard Hygrozyme is made from malt. The lower temperature the malt is dried the better. Have read that there are other malts used in pastry making that are higher in enzyme content than malts for brewing. You should look into 'mashing' in the brew process and you'll get a much better idea how different classes of enzymes function in different temperature ranges.

You could probably grind up some malt and soak on warm water for a few hours, or maybe even overnight, and get a fairly decent concentration of enzymes.
The Shroom grow site used Rye for their enzymes and they use Barley for beer. I haven't found anything specific saying there are different enzymes within different grain or what the different benefits are. That would be interesting.


So pondcare could be used instead of hygrozyme? And hell of alot cheaper

ive noticed no difference.

I reuse my coco substrate, so i feel enzymes are important.

I too noticed the smell of 'stale beer' coming from Hygrozyme, i figured a 'barley' based pond enzyme, that is safe for plants and aquatic life, wasnt going to hurt my girls.
I have told a few of my friends that hygrozyme smells like stale beer and they dont believe me until i pop open a bottle then they are like "oh shit it does"...

ShroomDr, is there a specific pond enzymes you recommend?


I think if you do some research you can use something like barley straw for algae reduction in ponds. In this instance the activity is different than that of enzymes. I have access to low temperature dried organic grass juice powders and gave some barley and alfalfa powders to a friend for his research. He said the barley juice powder inhibited microbial activity while the alfalfa juice powder promoted it.
Why buy pond enzymes when you can brew your own? That was the title right?

Barley seed is cheap. Cheaper than buying pond enzyme at Home Depot. I'll buy some soon and show you all what I mean !


Why buy pond enzymes when you can brew your own? That was the title right?

Barley seed is cheap. Cheaper than buying pond enzyme at Home Depot. I'll buy some soon and show you all what I mean !
Well with packaged enzymes you know what concentration/activity you're getting as the product is standardized for activity. You really have no idea what you're getting when you try and make your own. Also packaged products are very concentrated.


Active member
Very intersting topic, keep the info flowing, And the Spirit high.

Edit just read this articel and there are some good info.

link http://www.scribd.com/doc/39153010/21/Making-Barley-Malt-The-Home-Grown-Enzyme

It seam pretty simpel but u need to have some space to moist and sprout the Barley.

So what i wonder after u sprouted the barley to the right stage and drying them u crush em up and then soak em in water to extract the enzymes and then voila u have Hygrozyme.

Anyway i got the space and time so i think i will buy me some barley and get sprouting, u sould be abel to test the enzymes by putting a pices off appel down in the solution and then see what happens.


So what i wonder after u sprouted the barley to the right stage and drying them u crush em up and then soak em in water to extract the enzymes and then voila u have Hygrozyme.
Well I don't think you can replicate Hygrozyme but sprouting and drying barley is very easy. Seems Hygrozyme is more concentrated and maybe something else in the process. Hygrozyme is also pretty dark and the only way to get that with just malt is to use darker malts (dried at a higher temp) the those have less enzyme activity. Probably could use a coffee grinder to grind up the malt once dried. For sure you're going to get an enzyme rich concoction. I'd bet you're also going to get some Lactobacillus in such a brew. Not having done this I'd be a little cautious of letting it steep too long and letting it go anaerobic. When I used to mash the malt for brewing (mashing is raising the temperature in stages to allow certain classes of enzymes do their thing) is was actually for a pretty limited time. I wanna say less than an hour in total. But I would raise it up to like 120F+ toward the end to fully activate the proteases. I'd be apt to soak in a very warm area and experiment with time length. Overnight might be a bit long.


Active member
can anyone come up with a cheap alternative to Hygrozyme from a Lowes or Home Depot that they have used with great results?

Thanks in Advance ICM!


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
is there any truth to hearing once..

it was from chicken shit / litter leech off ???


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
here's from the infamous fatman :

Contains:Micro nutrients, hydro bacteria, proteins, Amino acids, Hyminic acids 9% and 100% natural ingredients. IE composted cow manure extracts. It is Canna Cannazym without the vitamins as added by Canna. H&G Roots Excelurator .25L - NUTRIENT & PH - NU-MEHG-RE

Canna Cannazym: http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oGdL_J9.../www.progrow.co.uk/acatalog/MSDS-Cannazym.pdf

"Cellulase is an enzyme complex which breaks down cellulose to beta-glucose. It is produced mainly by symbiotic bacteria in the ruminating chambers of herbivores."

The enzymmes are called cellulase and a full explanation of them are given at this link.
AE - Enzymes - Catalase

The cellulase enzymes are presently being widely tested for turning twitch grass into ethanol so as to replace the use of corn for producing etahnol. The use of a food product to produce a partial replacement for gasoline has raised the cost of feed corn which hasj ust raised the cost of food that is fed corn, ie. pork, beef, chicken and raised the cost of cereals etc. made with corn.

Hate to burst any bubbles but it is just bovine manure compost extract. The new "in thing." Bovines (cows) are ruminant aninals have multiple stomachs, In one of those stomach live anaerobic bacteria and the enzymes they create. These enzymes allow for efficiency conversion of cellulose fibers to sugars. IE grass to sugars, roots to sugars.

Like I have said before, they would sell mj growers donkey urine as a special mj supplement if they could get a steady large source of the urine. :lol:

No it has no place in inert hydro using chemical nutrients. With chemical nutes you run a disinfected system or as near as possible to sterile environment. You kill the bacteria and protozoa with chlorine or hydrogen peroxide. You do not supply bacteria and enzymes to the system. These are used in organic systems where bacteria and enzymes are need to convert organic nutes into usable forms (mainly ammonia to nitrate). As you can not kill off those bacteria and enzymes you can not prevent root rot by killing the bacteria so you use bacteria to convert the dead roots to sugar rather than rotting and then having bacteria slowly convert them to ammonia, then mitrite and then nitrate.

Hygrozyme is basically the same thing as Roots Excelurator but with out the specific enzymes from cow manure bacteria. Hygrozymes is an extract from composted chicken manure. IE it is an organic.


Hygrozymes is an extract from composted chicken manure.

Anyone who had held or smelled a bottle would tell you this is complete bullshit.

It reaks like stale beer and says unlimited shelf life.

How does one compost chicken shit into a product with both of those qualities?

Providing ZERO information is much more helpful than providing total nonsense.

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