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homegrown 1,5 years going


New member
These took me about 1,5 years to cross from various plants.
Smell is a bit citrus/berry burned its dominant in hash smell.
Still waiting for report from my test pilot so thats all i can tell.



This is only after 6 weeks bloom, more to follow.


nice dude looks like some good smoke, definately going to get some yield off those if those pics are only at 6 weeks flowering haha. keep it up.



New member
This week better pix will come,
till now i was unable to take em with the lights off.
I know for a fact that the flash of the cam brings out the resin.
Its only the smell that cant be caught.
holy fuck! amazing cross breeding skills... what strains went into making this badboy! its genes rival that of commercial strains... only 6 weeks in and absolutly NO part of the stem is un coverd with beautiful big buds rich in rezzin cant wait too see harvest pics! K+++:joint:
i cant wait till my setup allows cross breeding! although i wasn't aware you could achieve such amazing results on your own!

looks like a good product, send a pm. if you have time when you get back the report.
would be nice to hear more about this tread.


New member
@blunted skyline,
actualy quite a few strains where used.
Santa maria, super silver haze, orange bud and jackberrie.
Every time i picked the parents i tought where winners.
From the last cross i got a big batch of seeds, i used about 20 and from these choose 2 girls to make cuttlings.
In this case it seems the shorter the distance between the branches the better the potency of the product.
There is only one problem with breeding, you never have enough room to check all seeds for winners so i will just settle for good enough for now.


New member
more pics

more pics

Here are a few more pics.



Next i will show pics of the other pheno type wich dries very nice with orange hairs.

About 5 hours left to cut, damn i hate that.:wallbash:

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
High lagushka
Hope the end results was what u were looking for ,Cuz they look real nice good job let us know how thay smoke. BUT WAIT ur not done u have to give it a name,,LOL

I N Hail (aka Kermit Greenskip)


New member
Dont know yet what the smoke is like, maybe it will give me inspiration for a name.
Quality is as i wanted it now i am curious if the weight is what i am looking for.
She seems to be good as nugs are compact and hard.
Time will tell.


Very nice plants.They appear to have met up with the diesel gene at some point, the phenotype suggests something of this sort?Anyway, well done.Best of luck to ya', Chaco.:joint::joint:


New member
Thanks Teddybud, nice to hear.
I promise the next grow they will look even better, found some defects in my grow style.