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Homebox XXL

3 600's

carbon filter

450cfm blower

11,000 btu Port A/C

Cut 2 holes in the side of the tent for exhaust from the lights and for the a/c to blow in


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hey, can you go into more detail on how you have your exhaust setup to go out that window? It looks like you have some sort of window box built on there or something?


good drown

that tent is huge! are you pulling air from outside right next to the exhaust for the a/c? Is it possible for you to cut a hole in the ceiling and vent the exhaust there? that way you wouldn't need your window open at all, you could just pull air in from the house as it will be much quieter. with that window setup, somebody could hear you talking if you were in the room. they could hear the zipper. you also could poly the window up so you get ZERO light leaks.
I run 2 600s on a 6" vortex in my flower room, but i dont use ac. Its got a 12x20 passive filtered intake at the bottom of the room. i have a 400w 3x3 tent that i pull air from the bottom of the room, then i also have it hooked up to a 6" fan blowing it top the to of the room. my temps are low 80's though, but my power is mid 3's with it all and my house and computers. high 2's when i knocked off a 600


hey, can you go into more detail on how you have your exhaust setup to go out that window? It looks like you have some sort of window box built on there or something?


Oh yeah that my pride and joy lol

it is a piece of rigid foam insulation painted white with 2 4inch exhuast holes

The holes have a valve(I forget what u call them) they open up when air is being pushed out but they close up once the exhaust is turned off making for a clean white appearence, I think it looks stealthier

you can find them in the duction section at home depot, they are little white plastic thing with a flap that opens and closes


that tent is huge! are you pulling air from outside right next to the exhaust for the a/c? Is it possible for you to cut a hole in the ceiling and vent the exhaust there? that way you wouldn't need your window open at all, you could just pull air in from the house as it will be much quieter. with that window setup, somebody could hear you talking if you were in the room. they could hear the zipper. you also could poly the window up so you get ZERO light leaks.
I run 2 600s on a 6" vortex in my flower room, but i dont use ac. Its got a 12x20 passive filtered intake at the bottom of the room. i have a 400w 3x3 tent that i pull air from the bottom of the room, then i also have it hooked up to a 6" fan blowing it top the to of the room. my temps are low 80's though, but my power is mid 3's with it all and my house and computers. high 2's when i knocked off a 600

The ac is a single hose so it pulls air from the room and exhusts out the window

I thought about exhuasting everything up into the attic but, it just once feasible for multiple reasons.

with 2 600's I could get away without the ac but with 3 it just got to hot in there

I didn't a to poly the window because I put up extra blinds and not to much light leaks out of the tent anyway...so its safe

good drown

i am not a fan of speed controllers, they produce that loud hum from the motor that is almost louder than the fan on full blast alot of the time. I got a grow room temp controller that works well, no hum, cuts the fan down when lights are off.
im a big fan of ceiling venting if you can. its just a 6" hole, save the drywall and spackle and paint it if you rent. If its cold out at all anytime during the year and that ac is running a few time a hour for 12 hours, it could be a security leak. im just trying to help you out. If you are in a med state and legal then no worries.
whats your temp in there. i also wonder what the temps will be when the fan is sucking hot summer air. If you live someplace humid, that really takes a toll on your filter. since you are sucking from outside, it can get pretty high sometimes 100% in some places, that could make that thing only last 3-6 months if it pulls in a constant 70-100
:thinking:yeah,you might want to place something in front of that window.maybe a chair,bench,a big out side plant.i wouldn't want a meter man or some kid jumping over my fence to retrieve a ball.and just so happend to see that in the window.then going and telling the parents what they saw and how it looked strange.i dont know if you stay home 24/7 or go to work during the day.but you never know if some one has been there and seen that while you was at work.:2cents:


i am not a fan of speed controllers, they produce that loud hum from the motor that is almost louder than the fan on full blast alot of the time. I got a grow room temp controller that works well, no hum, cuts the fan down when lights are off.
im a big fan of ceiling venting if you can. its just a 6" hole, save the drywall and spackle and paint it if you rent. If its cold out at all anytime during the year and that ac is running a few time a hour for 12 hours, it could be a security leak. im just trying to help you out. If you are in a med state and legal then no worries.
whats your temp in there. i also wonder what the temps will be when the fan is sucking hot summer air. If you live someplace humid, that really takes a toll on your filter. since you are sucking from outside, it can get pretty high sometimes 100% in some places, that could make that thing only last 3-6 months if it pulls in a constant 70-100

no I'm not sucking air from the outside, it sucks from the room the tent is in


:thinking:yeah,you might want to place something in front of that window.maybe a chair,bench,a big out side plant.i wouldn't want a meter man or some kid jumping over my fence to retrieve a ball.and just so happend to see that in the window.then going and telling the parents what they saw and how it looked strange.i dont know if you stay home 24/7 or go to work during the day.but you never know if some one has been there and seen that while you was at work.:2cents:

Yeah i got some stuff in front of it, iI moved it for the pics
wow dude look nice. I love the shot with both tents, you should post more if you have em. You're cool with blowing air from the room right out the window? I see you're scrubbing the exhaust from the tent and blowing out the window but I might worry about the a/c getting a big whiff of everything when the tent is unzipped or something. Just a paranoid thought though, you know your set up. Also another question, why cut holes instead of use the vents on the tent? post more pics! what's up with the other tent? looks cool, I want a room o tents.

good drown

so that 2nd ducting is pushing air out from the tent????? thats kinda hot if thats the case. the only way i would think about that is if the carbon scrubber was sucking in 100% of the air for the tent, but since you have an air blowing in there its not. I would also then have a bigger fan and a bigger filter. i use a can 100 for just 2 600's. i have the fan and the filter in the attic right above the room. you can't here it from anywhere inside or outside the house, only while in the room. If i had to use AC, i'd cut another hole. i wouldn't want anyone hearing that ac. how loud is just the exhaust when the ac is off, like how far away outside before you here it? Im not sure where you are, but im in the south and it was 45 during the day.