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Anrectics just need to eat more. Just like the obese people should just put the fork down. Or start eating the anorectics. That't 2 birds with one stone.


New member
Nokuy: I just made jerky from about 1,2 kg:s of meat and got about 400grams of jerky out of it. That's about 300% meat right there lol


New member
Yeah guys back to topic... This isn't another one of those threads about whether we should eat meat or not...

I think the only way to resolve the problem is either decrease the human population through controlled breeding - eugenics could benefit us highly if we did it right. Rather than killing eachother just let people die off but stop people having so many damn children. 1 - 2 per family is enough in my opinion.

Or we continue in our current fashion and eventually kill ourselves off. We do need to be more responsible. For the so called most intelligent species on the planet we can't even grasp our real place here.


Yeah guys back to topic... This isn't another one of those threads about whether we should eat meat or not...

I think the only way to resolve the problem is either decrease the human population through controlled breeding - eugenics could benefit us highly

I didn't know Hitler posted here. Sieg Heil!


ICMag Donor
Yesterday I stopped at the butchers. He was in the process of cutting up an entire Angus Sirloin.

I asked him to cut me a "slab" 2 inches thick and trim it up. When done it weighed 2 3/4 pounds.

I came home fired up the grill and when it hit 400 degrees I seared both sides for about a minute. I then put it right over the open flame for two minutes a side. I did this twice.

While my wife and I were eating it, it was super juicy and when you bit into a piece there was still a lot of red blood. I bet we ate almost 2/3rds of it and cut the rest up into pieces for the cats.

Did someone say something about vegetables?


There's nothing wrong with eating some meat.

It's the AMOUNT we eat in a 'modern', Western diet, and the type of meat we eat that is the problem.

Eating meat as much as we do DOES negatively affect your health. Just eat fresh fruit and veg for a week, and you will notice the difference within a couple of days.

Intensively reared livestock, fed from crops grown using petro-chemical fertilisers, causes huge pollution. Plus it tastes nowhere near as good as organic, free-range meat.

Just eat a lot less, and make sure it's good quality, grown in a sustainable way.

Your belly and the environment will thank you.