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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Start of the process. This is a mixture of Thai weed and BHO wrapped around a metal rod

I finished adding more oil and Thai mixture together and started wrapping Thai weed with hemp twine around the inner oil/weed mixture. I keep adding weed until the entire stick is covered. I added some more BHO around the stick. I heat up the metal rod and remove it. Turned out very well. This will put you very low to the ground he he

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, your a fucking genius...with copious amounts of BHO, that is!

quick ?...does real thai stick require it to contain hash or BHO?..or is that your invention?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
no real stick is dipped in opium.

No it is not ever made with oil/hash. I just did it because I could :)

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor

Excellent question bro, as is "why not."

There is a certain percentage of the population that are adventurers and risk takers. They are the ones responsible for the creation of civilization as we know it.

The rest of the population is responsible for the survival of civilization, because adventurers and risk takers do untried stuff and take risks that get them killed.

In fact, the rest of the population often kills this smaller percentage outright, because they scare the shit out of everyone by always changing things.

I admit to being one of the adventurers and risk takers, and can tell you I can be no other way. It is physically impossible for me not to notice opportunities for what I perceive to be new and improved ways of doing things.

I also understand that some people feel more comfortable with the status quo, whether they admit to it or not. I sort those folks out by watching their actions and try as much as I can to stay out of their hair, so as to not get killed for scaring them half to death.

I do that because I have come to believe that we all need each other for balance and mankind is one in that regard.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I like making stuff lol. Im going to make some budder:)

Hee, hee, hee, snicker, snark, snort, awoooooooooooo!!!!

Good job experimenting bro!

Looks to me like you need to throw a fair sized party to test that puppy.
If someone just saw that, as pretty as it is, they wouldn't appreciate as much as they should until you explained it. Very nice creation and I hope you enjoy enjoying it.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have been smoking it in my bong or pipe. Cant use concentrate bowls as there is cannabis in it. I do know that it is very strong and is a day ender.

The taste is all OIL I cant taste anything else.

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