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HOLY SHIT!!!!! World Record Moose (pic)


Cannabrex Formulator
motaco said:
vanilla you saying that really makes me doubt you taught hunters ed courses.

but anyway. the reason its best to kill the old animals is very simple. they're not going to be the king animal for MAYBE another year. they fight over breeding rights and quite simply once they lose. they are done. whitetail deer are known to go into depression over the matter and litearlly starve to death.

its debated whether its depression or a biological instinct to stop eating food so that there is more mast for the upcoming fawns. I don't know if moose do the same thing or not but the reason to harvest trophy animals is they have already had 6-8 yrs to pass on their genes and then their genes begin to falter. just as in our race erectile dysfunction was to stop older men from fathering childern with higher rates of schitzophrenia and autism. which we are experiencing now that so many mens penis are erect in defiance of god through pills.

and so is true in nature as well. if all these "meat hunters" who are so proud of themselves keep shooting young animals these animals will not grow to these proportions. The truth is with proper nutrition and age, virtually any animal can become a record class trophy if they weren't killed at an earlier age by non-trophy hunters. Or people that shoot unwary juvenile animals as I call them.

Look at it like this. you're in a bank and its a hostage situation. and somebody is going to die. they are gonna get shot. and you guys get to vote who.

would you vote for the 14 year old girl (one or two year old doe) or a 56 year old bank president (big old moose)?

you'd pick the person that had the longer life right?

and thus I like to hunt the oldest, wisest animals in the woods. which are why they are considered trophies.

I just hope all you anti-hunters are vegetarians. you don't bother me its people that go eat genetically modified raped pigs in cages that give me crap about shooting wild boar that I dislike.

if you eat meat you pay for the people to do it to the animal. its your fault. doesn't matter if you specifically did it.

What a bunch of unscientific self-justifying bullshit.

Look at any culture where they have a sustainable philosophy of dealing with nature, and you will see that the biggest and healthiest animals are always left alone, so they can continue to :

a) contribute their proven genetic qualities to future generations
b) challenge the smaller, younger males and keep them in better form

There is a reason why catch and release fishing has become the norm for competititive fishermen...because if they all kept the huge trophy-sized breeders, they would have no more fish to enjoy catching quite soon.

Stocks of animals from king crab to sturgeon and many more have gone drastically down in average size of individuals caught, and very much in part because people do not have the smarts to put back and leave alive the biggest, wisest and most successful breeders. Young, unproven animals are infinitely more dispensable to the herd from a genetic point of view than huge old successful breeders like the big buck at the beginning of the thread.

Think of how many fawns will miss out on having the genetic advantages that giant buck could pass on, just because some micro-kawked fucknut with an ego problem had to shoot the biggest moose.

And yes I am a vegetarian, btw.
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trouble said:
I'm sure that it's only a matter of time before some trophy farm comes-up with a program which will allow people to shoot fenced-in animals from their computer in the comfort of thier home.

I can see it now where some kid shoots his first moose while sitting in his parents Manhatten high-rise condo and charges it to daddies American Express.

I saw a program recently about something similar in South Africa (obviously not through computers lol)

Rich overweight Americans pay lots of money to shoot lions and other animals bred specifically to be shot. They arent even hunted, just kept in cages with hides set up not too far away so the lazy fat ****s dont even have to look for them. The whole thing made me sick, I dont think they even ate them.

How fucking twisted do you have to be that your only response to the majesty of creation is to destroy it?


lives on planet 4:20
damn....humans are the most fuc....ed animals on this planet...when i hear some shit like that ^^^^i freak out even more :cuss:


Old School Cottonmouth
genkisan mammals are not fish. and fish have different management techniques obviouslhy.

what I question all of you to do. especially vegetarians who seem to always be the most passionate and also the most ignorant. Don't listen to me. tell me to go fuk myself. and you yourself go talk to a wildlife biologist that is paid by the state or whoever you want to. and ask them what they think of it. because my opinon doesn't mean anything, neither does yours. why don't you ask people that invest millions of dollars a year researching wildlife and ask them what they think.

they have phd's in wildlife and habitat management.

or you could read state game commission reports because that is who decides who hunts where , when and how many.

its not like this is scattershot. In the 70's seeing a deer track in louisiana was cause a big deal. people told each other at gas stations. now we can and are encouraged to harvest 6 per year because of the population explosion. the pigs are even so bad some people are paid to eradicate them

if you want to talk about self justifying nonsense just watch some of that propaganda out there to justify telling other people how to live their lives and give up traditions they've had forever because they get the willies when they see blood.
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stoned agin ...
animals have been killing and eating each other since the beginning of existence. and we humans are animals. if you kill something and eat it, you aren't doing anything wrong; its just you doing the killing, rather than having someone else doing it for you. some people still live or supplement their living by hunting or fishing. and, hunters and fishers are some of the most passionate supporters of maintenance of clean water, wild habitat, elimination of pollution, prevention of over-harvesting by commercial concerns, and holding back the encroachment of man.

population management in the absence of predators such as wolves etc. requires hunts to reduce populations to sustainable levels, else they will begin to starve. lots of deer data on that. (deer season id be worried more bout some dummy shootin me)

that said, i do believe it is wrong to kill *solely* for killin, unless as a job or to help feed others.

if you think its wrong to kill and eat animals, that is a moral choice; you should be congratulated for the self-discipline of achieving a difficult goal solely on principles. unless your indian or somethin and have always been a vegetarian :rasta: but man is an omnivore, his teeth tell us that, and his behaviour too. the spiritual versus the carnal, literally :abduct:
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I doubt there's any moose shortage going on, and I'm ok with hunters doing their thing, but I'd have to be really hungry to bring myself to shoot that thing, though I would also imagine moose is not very tender/tasty and young ones are probably better to eat.

It would make a terrifying trophy, you'd need a gymnasium just to display the thing.


Registered Medical Patient
that poor animal...when I lived in Alaska, I had a whole family of moose in my yard everynight..they are such amazingly beautiful animals, I could never shoot one, esp. one that old and gorgeous...damn fucker, HE should be shot and HIS head displayed in the forest!!!damn shame it is!!!Peace

- Z


Active member
SO you all say you hunt, but would not kill that one, Why not? if your hunting your killing! I am an avid hunter, i don't see anything wron\g with killing that animal. if no one killed any animals, do you no that they would overpopulate and die. its a fact of life. when there are to many animals in an area, they get disease's and starve to death. the worst site in the world is an animal starving to death. I'm sorry if you people do not agree with me but i have just stated facts. IMO
billb said:
SO you all say you hunt, but would not kill that one, Why not? if your hunting your killing! I am an avid hunter, i don't see anything wron\g with killing that animal. if no one killed any animals, do you no that they would overpopulate and die. its a fact of life. when there are to many animals in an area, they get disease's and starve to death. the worst site in the world is an animal starving to death. I'm sorry if you people do not agree with me but i have just stated facts. IMO

You may not see anything wrong with killing that animal, that is you. As avid of a hunter as you claim to be have you never let a good sized buck pass by in hope of getting it next year. Just beacause you are an avid hunter does not mean you have to shoot every animal that crossed your path. Judging by the size of the beast I am gonna guess that death by starvation because of overpopulation was not a problem. Nor was a disease caught because too many animals lived close together. Im gonna guess that the coss of its death was a 145lb man with an overinflated ego, and an overpriced rifle. And next time you state FACTS please make sure the FACTS arent just "IMO".
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natural medicator
I think many so called 'hunters' should do some reading on wildlife management and maybe more would start to understand the concept of leaving the biggest, strongest males to breed many future generations of strong stock.

IMHO, too many uneducated people get a gun, a hunting license, and either just shoot around out in the country or pay some guide to take them to a place with easy killings.
Looks to me like depth perception is playin a roll in the photo. I think hes kneeling 3-4 feet behind the moose...which would make the moose look bigger.

As for the moose....ive seen much stouter. To me that looks like that bull has 9 brow tines. Ive seen some up to 11 and even 13. Im hoping to pull a tag for a certain management area this fall and drop one. If I could get one like that in my crosshairs...id take the shot as well. And yeah....id smile about it too. Guilty.

Something like that would last me and another family to have moose every night for half the year....easy. Moose steaks are the bomb. I know a guy who makes burger and sausage too.

Much bigger than that and the meat is not as good. Not quite as tender. I dont think that is the world record moose. I dont think that could ever really be proven. Its just another big bull that ended up on someones plate.



IMHO....i think those are much bigger.
Old Man Time said:


IMHO....i think those are much bigger.

Fookin beauts OMT. Those are some massive critters. Its funny to look at their massive trunk of a body on top of their toothpick legs. Its sounds like you would be hunting to provide for your family, which is more than respecable. I want to be clear that i am not against hunting as a means of support at all. :joint:
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zoolander said:
That is sad to see, I wish that poor thing had a gun and could shoot back. Things like this are uncalled for. I love animals and think I like them more then I like most people. :badday:

I agree! People believe in God and think that God wants his animals killed for sport and not survival? Be careful we are lucky to have 70 years on this planet.(you may end up that moose some day.

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motaco said:
hey even your organic veggies need blood and bone to keep growing. if the world were to take up vegan organics we'd have to chop down god only knows how much forest animals live in to grow the amount of ferts just to fertilize the food we grow to eat, that would of course deplete the land that the ferts were grown on.

I don't get why so many people can't see death as part of sustainable living. it eats the mast of the earth and the mast of the earth eats the blood that is spilled. there is nothing to rationalize. its much harder to rationalize why the dawn of humanity (hunting and agriculture) is now obsolete and the food you get from the store has no consequences. its nonsense.

I eat meat and my soil contains the blood, bone, and ash of life. a-kuna-ma-tata what a wonderful phrase... its meant to work like that and it does. it wasn't until we got ever so much smarter that we ruined the earth.

90% of vegans are activist, un-informed idiots. And they dont realize that animal suffering is just the way it has always been. Large species feed on smaller species. If you think animals could survive off just plants, and live in peace with nature in an idealistic fucking fairy-tale than spend a year studying history you dumb, ignorant, unrealistic ideal having activist.


Old School Cottonmouth
alright the thread is gettin a bit meaner so I'm makin one last post and I'm done.

It's just about the management, because alot of people seem to be confused and its easy to do. Thinking shooting smaller weaker animals and letting the larger pass on its genes in theory is a good idea, and seems pretty obvious. As stated by genkisan, it works well on fish.

But lets look at why it works on fish and not on mammals. The trophy fish lakes that are managed and are taking back many water to produce quality fish. Are not "catch and release" lakes. They are slot limit lakes. Meaning you are allowed to take a certain number of a certain sized fish. For instance 5 bass between 12-15 inches. If they are bigger or smaller they gotta be released.

What this does is breaks up the food chain into two different sized groups. One is capable of eating the other. If all the fish are released or not fished for (as in farm ponds) the fish are all small. Usually the biggest are under 2lbs. its because they are stunted. They are all trying to eat the same forage. By culling the intermediate sized fish you leave enough larger fish that can eat the smaller bass. and do. and grow to trophy proportions. Its not simply catch and release and they get bigger. its habitat management. (this is why farm pond bass are so small, aside from shallow and warm water)

The way it works for mammals is different. Fish can live 20 years. and do. The average deer even on posted no hunting land is only a few years. They have an incredible natural mortality rate. Its like 1/5 and goes down every year from that. A six year old deer is considered very old. But they still can have two fawns a year, and in quality habitat they do. And the population is exponential. They ask you to harvest them. I swear to god they do. They are thinking about changing the lousiana law to 4 does and two bucks to try and convince them to shoot more does. In many states they have a "doe first" tag system. if you want a buck you have to bring in a tagged dead doe before you can get a buck tag. In georgia you can hunt 12 does and one buck. They want them managed. More dead does means a lower breeding population.

All these "trohpy" hunters you people deplore MAYBE shoot 1 animal a year. My brother hunted 5yrs before he took a 8yr old gray fat deer he deemed a worthy trophy; even though by this stage in his life his antlers were smaller than they were when it was younger. Trophy is directly correlated with age not just antler size- the two are intertwined. Many of his friends still haven't taken animals. With the natrual high mortality rate (unlike fish) the way you see trophies is to only shoot animals already close to death. these are the animals with trophy racks, old and gray. Its hunters who chase a rack, any rack. and shoot young bucks that are the reason trophies are so few. With age and nutrition, studies have proven they'll almost all grow to record (130+) inch deer. If they live that long

I hope I explained the difference between trophy management of mammals with a few young per year vs fish with thousands of fry every year. I'm stoned I know that was a long post sorry.
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Active member
I couldn't even bring myself to hunt.

When I was a kid I had a slingshot, and I had awesome aim. I saw my cat outside sitting on a rock, I shot my slingshot round at the rock right inches under the cat. The feeling of regret swept me up instantly as I let go. I hit the rock, and the cat took off. I never shot at animals ever again, no matter how good my aim.

Those who hunt for trophies like those douches should hunt an animal that has a chance at least. How about those dudes in an enclosed area against a silver back gorilla, both unarmed.

Just lame, people feeling all big for killing an unaware animal. The thing never had a chance against a person wearing camo, with some scent released to bring in the animal, a scope, and a long range rifle.

Fox hunts piss me off as well, a couple losers on horses, with tons of dogs leading them.

twisted treez

some wild beast do look better with a hole in their head , like the guy t hat shot that moose, how can it be against the law to kill a dog but its legal to kill a prehistoric moose