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Holy Shit Batman! ...and other things that float...


Kiss My Ring

Check out a vid called HOME on you tube bro,very very good.It's like an hr 30 min i think but worth it to sit in front of the puter.

Really opens your eyes.....and if it dosen't you(not u but all) should except the fact that your a ree-ree.

If i knew how to put it up in here i would....but i'm a ree-ree on the computers.

ree ree or not you got it here...thank you for the great video.



Active member
No prob trichrider......i feel this should be in every home for family's to watch,as it is an amazing production.

And cool for putting up a link as others will be more apt to watch with a link provided.

Have a good day bro.....as it is a gift.

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