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Holy schmokes, boobs


ICMag Donor
I understand it's not a good thing, but what's the alternative?

Would you want your Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Wife or girlfriend crashing in a fireball in some field or building because someone wasn't checked and they got a gun or bomb on board? It's a no win situation.


I understand it's not a good thing, but what's the alternative?

Would you want your Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Wife or girlfriend crashing in a fireball in some field or building because someone wasn't checked and they got a gun or bomb on board? It's a no win situation.

Great minds think alike. (You're just a bit more diplomatic than I am)


"Great minds" don't realize that the scanners wouldn't have done squat in the recent situation...
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Are planned airport scanners just a scam?

New technology that Gordon Brown relies on for his response to the Christmas Day bomb attack has been tested – and found wanting

By Jane Merrick

The explosive device smuggled in the clothing of the Detroit bomb suspect would not have been detected by body-scanners set to be introduced in British airports, an expert on the technology warned last night.

The claim severely undermines Gordon Brown's focus on hi-tech scanners for airline passengers as part of his review into airport security after the attempted attack on Flight 253 on Christmas Day.

The Independent on Sunday has also heard authoritative claims that officials at the Department for Transport (DfT) and the Home Office have already tested the scanners and were not persuaded that they would work comprehensively against terrorist threats to aviation.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
I understand it's not a good thing, but what's the alternative?

Would you want your Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Wife or girlfriend crashing in a fireball in some field or building because someone wasn't checked and they got a gun or bomb on board? It's a no win situation.

Well you can't solve one problem by creating a bigger problem. Make no mistake these terrorists are not out to get you because they ''hate your freedom''. They are out to get you because they see you as empire builders. You need to change your foreign policy...You need to legalize drugs so you can cut out their funding..

Personally i think legalizing drugs will be enough. Hit them where it truly hurts. Every dollar you spend enforcing is in their benefit. Cut off their money and i think it's over.

Let's say im a terrorist.

There are so many ways to fuck things up..Agriterrorism, Biological terrorism, Chemical terrorism..the list goes on and on.

Who needs a fucking plane ? I'll just jump one of your huge ass borders and do what i very well fucking please..

Some of you who think that this technology might become ''mainstream'' might want to look into few of the stocks of the companies that produce these gadgets..there's a buck to be made..


there is minor controversy on the internet wether that photo you used was a real airport full body scanner image.
because out of all the photos that have been released from america's and even britains airport scanners none of them really work being inverted. that image works, very explicitly, when inverted...
just saying.

i still think these scanners should be illegal and are fucked up to say the least. fuck our stupid greedy government :wallbash: