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Holy schmokes, boobs


The woman only stuck that gun down her pants to "hide the view" from the security check pervs!


ICMag Donor
Well, you could always have the woman "smuggle" a fake penis in her pants.:dunno:
Scanner person -What?. Its a man, man.
Probably have to make male and female scanners so to lessen your feel of violation.



Or this one...


Damn! Never knew Cheney had such a phat ass!!:biggrin:


"Ma'am, can you please pick up your stomach?"

I love how disparaged the guy at the monitor looks.

I'd like to see obama and all the other high-ups pushing these things go through... Nothing to worry about, right?


lol at that one ^^

This is such an invasion of privacy it's unbelievable....

Airport security is a joke and will remain a joke even after these are in use. Every few months there's some new "state of the art" tech that's supposedly going to protect us from the supposed terrorists. This is all just BS that's supposed to make all the sheep feel safe, when in reality it's our government overstepping their bounds. Was it Jefferson that said something like "those that are willing to trade freedom for security deserve neither." -?

How ironic and downright scary it is to think that it's not terrorist acts or other dangers that threaten our safety and "freedom", it's the actions that our government makes to protect us from these threats that are the true danger.

"What! you got bit on the arm by a mosquito?! ...well here let us just chop that arm of so it doesn't happen again"

I'd rather take my chances with the mosquitoes...no matter what the news and politicians say, and no matter what kind of "new super cool gadget that keeps you safe" is developed.

edit: The last time I flew on plane (a year ago) they found an old razorblade in my shoe that I didn't know was there (must have been there for at least 2 years) when the security guy pulled up the lining in my shoe and then pulled out a rusty old razorblade he asks-"what's this for and why do you have it?" me-"wow I didn't even know that was there (all I said) and he replies "ok" , throws it into a bucket of other metal objects and lets me through...no searches no "magic wand thing"...nothing..just lets me through. Right after this happened I'm all freaked out, I go outside to smoke and light up with my lighter...everyone else that was out smoking was tripping out that they let me through with a lighter and everyone wanted to use it lol! Also I got stamped with the SSS (special security screening) when I got my ticket because of my expired I.D.!! some security....the guy with SSS stamp and a razorblade in his shoe gets let through with a lighter, while the 70 year old lady outside got her lighter taken away and needed to use mine? lol what a joke...after seeing that I don't plan on ever flying again.


cannabis enthusiast
hahahaha just think of the women doing these jobs seein us when we go through, "wow look at that ask him out!"


and now think of all the child images.

sick perverted peice of equiptment

B. Self Reliant

If that's what ALL the airline customers looked like, I'd get a job at the security checkpoint! unfortunately, you gotta see all the ratty vag too!


Active member
who the hell cares once upon a time we all walked around naked, if some fat guy gets a boner when I walk through one of those things it doesn't really matter to me. They already said that the guy looking at the image won't even get to see the person or be able to identify them.


Well-known member
The majority of Americans don't fly very often, so it's not worth their time to get outraged. Conversely, I don't go to church very often, so if these were mandatory in churches I'd hardly notice. The fact is, wherever they decide to use these, it's going to be run by someone who can't believe that they finally got a working pair of X-Ray specs.

People go home and beat the meat to lesser things, can you imagine a perv with thousands of naked pics that he can easily throw on cs4 and make realistic?

Getting patted down at airports pisses me off, having my belongings searched by someone who couldn't hack it in big-boy school pisses me off, having my girl and my junk get ogled by the man behind the curtain makes me feel raped. Thank god Detroit hasn't got one...yet.


Cannabrex Formulator
Meanwhile...the guy in the back to the right with the hair and mo has just scoffed 15 G of mushies!



That guy with the long hair is Derek Smalls, the bassist for Spinal Tap!!!!!!!

Check his skivvies.....he prob has a foil wrapped cucumber in der........


Lammen Gorthaur
Seems kind of like human rights violation. Didn't we used to have a right to privacy? WTF happened to our constitution?

You still have those rights. Riding on an airplane is a privilege and not a right and there is the difference. Just like operating a motor vehicle, you want the privilege, then you have to submit to the rules.

Or do without.

I guess this will ruin my guerrilla sex god gig. Once I'm outed I don't know what I'll do. I could try and change my appearance I guess, but the whole outfit is kind of AC-DC S&M dom. and all that stuff. Hate to give that up, but it really wows them at the airport security counter...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You still have those rights. Riding on an airplane is a privilege and not a right and there is the difference. Just like operating a motor vehicle, you want the privilege, then you have to submit to the rules.

Or do without.

I guess this will ruin my guerrilla sex god gig. Once I'm outed I don't know what I'll do. I could try and change my appearance I guess, but the whole outfit is kind of AC-DC S&M dom. and all that stuff. Hate to give that up, but it really wows them at the airport security counter...

I understand that flying is optional... perhaps they will be in many more places soon.

I'm not a paranoid conspiracy theorist, but I am not ignorant enough to deny that they could be in more than just airports.

If you begin thinking that everything that tromps on our freedoms is necessary to avoid trouble, you'll begin to forget that it does the exact opposite.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
you'll be able to smuggle what you like as security will be too busy checking out hot girls butts...
One of the many reasons why I'm vehemently opposed to these scanners.

It would be wrong to strip search every passenger, so what's the difference between forcing one to take off one's clothes and just taking a naked picture of everyone.

I do say we'll see a lot more naked celebs though if this system stays around.