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Holy Grail from Verite ....

johnny butt

Nice foomar. Grew these out a year and a half ago or so. Lost all my pics in a computer fiasco a bit back but I do remember the herb.

Did great in low light conditions. Packed on large fluffy buds that were covered in trichs. They were fluffy, but there was a significant lack of popcorn. All the buds were decently developed. I had a cotton candy smelling pheno. I never saw the need to take her over 60 days and she blew the others away in veg and was a medium stretcher. She loved any sorts of training.

She was a holy grail..... The one that got away....

Glad to see she is still around and well :dance013:


I been wondering that for awhile I hope everything is OK and hopefully one of these days he pops in. Thers someone else MIA Pops..... One thing crappy about the damn internet is sometimes folks just disappear.....


O ya nice loooking plants there dude :)


Active member
might have missed it. but what ever happend to verite. i grew out his orange diesel. off the chain forsure!!! cant wait to see these blooom. enjoy


ICMag Donor
Theseb are starting to look pretty good , some mite damage and chemical burns , stood stress well.

Taller expressions have thin spear shaped buds that smell a bit Burmese to me , usually not a good thing for personal taste but will doubtless change significantly as flowering progresses.


The shorter compact expressions have fatter , sweeter smelling buds and look to be the desirable ones.



This one has the look , smell and potential yield to be something really special if you like short , fat stickey things that smell like a sweet shop.


There must be even better to be found in a simple F2 and i curse the lack of a male , hopefully Verite is going to continue with this line , would be a shame to lose this one.
Seems like he popped back in once SBay started selling his beans off, even getting his own seed company name in "Irish Eyes Seeds". The he disappeared again, and the co. name disappeared from the Bay, no more beans to be had. Word was he is active at another site, but never see his "Verite" handle anywhere but here, so who knows what name he goes by.

His sense of humour is second to none, and his beans were very highly regarded. It's a shame he felt the need to go.


Active member
Lookin' damn good foomar,seems like the Mikado shining more trough in these shorter fatter ones,but I do agree it's a shame that you didn't get a male or two...

I'm gonna germinate some HG's myself in not so long, and hopes to get both sexes to make a bunch of seeds,so wish me luck,theese are 3-4 years old now.


ICMag Donor
Thanks Stdane , missed the Mikado and its hard to find pictures for any meaningfull comparison with these , the smell on the fatter ones is quite exotic and getting better by the day.

These are under very basic conditions with no feed , they would shine when dialed in and pampered a bit.

The favoured one carries seed now from four suitable males on her lower branches , nothing really planned but do it while you can if pollen is to hand has proved worthwhile , couple of locals will grow them out next season and save me any gems or freaks if i dont get round to it myself.

One of these has "the look" , stands out from a room full of pretty good similar genetics and attracts close interest from visitors , half the smell in the room seems to be comeing from this one plant tonight.


ICMag Donor
Thanks Nick , they should be similar and will get a pack or two , these have been impressive given the harsh room and mites.

This one is well triched and very sweet smelling.



ICMag Donor
Naturally defoliated and done at around 70 days , maybe below sixty from clone.
Six plants flowered in less than one litre pots at a density of nine per square foot amongst similar crosses , fared better than most and no intersex problems found , should SOG very well with the clone dialed in for veg time.


This one is the loosest and most foxed , very floral odour.


The probable keeper has good yield and a lovely smell , could be a mould magnet as these got a touch of rust .



ICMag Donor
Thanks for the comments , two weeks off the plant and dried with no cure , generally good so far.


Obvious and distinct split on expressions , foxtailed low yield ones look like haze and smoke like a floral C99x , fat shorter expressions look and smoke like sweetooth , the probable keeper has a strong flavour and a very high yield potential in sog and clones fast.

Being an easy cloner for a hollow stemmed plant is a strong selection factor for this intended use.


ICMag Donor
Thanks for the comments , they did well despite a mite infestation and the flavour is distinct enougth to warrant further runs.

The sour aftertaste on the foxed plant is quite unpleasent even after a cure and was culled , this compact budded one has a rich sweet fruity flavour and better form and growth habit.

Clones at bottom of pic at seven days veg , same time as one behind at 21 days flower had.



Good time to set seed , Jolly Bud male needs testing , and adding Blockhead to the mix should produce plenty of expressions , and probably some fine individual plants.


ICMag Donor
Thanks darwin , looking better second run and trains well , bit leafy in comparison to similar current keepers , last chance to prove its worth , best of pack to keeper is quite a jump with so many good plants around.

