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Hollow PG 13 from THSeeds from bunk pack????



Hello everyone !
Here's my story ; i bought a pack of Pg 13 from THSeeds( on the Boo' ) that are on sales at the moment for ,i believe, 40£ .Well first thing ,it came in an old pack i had never seen before only two seeds germed ( at the 6th and 8th day i think gotta chek old posts..) , the rest i gave up a few days after(i'm not a newbe and never had any problem germing seeds and just had 5 Maple leaf Indica and 5 BOG Lifesaver germing within 24hr:whistling: though it IS possible i did something wrong but don't think so ..)
The second seed never developed once put into soil and died and the first seed seems fine but seems to grow "hollow" , there's the first two leaves from the seed but no signs of leaf "inside" the stem ...check it out for yourself and tell me if you've seen this before...

Well i'll send the Boutique an email just to tell them that these seeds might be getting old or maybe i just had a bunk pack...anyway i know THSeeds and GN are great and i'll still be loyal to both of them ( GN already kind of made up for it with all the freebies ...) though on my end it kind of suck...no more half price sales for me!

Thanks for any input!

Cheers !:smokeit:


Dr. Doolittle
Ya, seeds can be only viable for so long and they have to be kept in prime conditions.
That picture is messed up; you are not kidding when you said where is the main seed stem.......

First time I have seen that!
Sounds like to me they are no good anymore, or they came from an unstable plant...
Something half price of anything means they can't sell it, getting to old, or obsolete!


Thanks MS !and i totally agree with you !you said it all!!! First time i see that kind of things too!



and i got the expertise of a celebrity , MS! Thanx! i'll check out your book if it's still available!!!


Same thing happened to my Easy Ryder yesterday. The two cotyledon started to point down and nothing else grew. I only got a pack of 3 and one didn't germ and the last one is stuck in the seed shell!


Grow like nobody is watching
I made many types of great seeds a few years back and by the time I came to use them they all did that. I was very distraught, lol. Notice in your pic, one of the cotyledons point up and the other one is sort of curled? This seems to be a common thing. Here are some pics of my extensive collection of F'd up seeds:

I actually managed to get two to push out some real leaves, but they are very weak and just not right. Will almost certainly die. Sometimes they have a bleached out remains of a non growing tip as you can see. Sucks that these were seeds you paid for.


Dr. Doolittle
Ya, book is still out; you can get it anywhere that sells books just about.
Scrub, wow dude that is a nice collection of messed up seedlings :D


Hello!Stitch, bought your book on amazon ! ( i heard about it but didn't know you wrote it with Rosenthal...nice!)Wow ScrubNinja! fooked up indeed , i 've never seen that ! how old were your seeds?It's good to know SN 'cause i intend to make a few seeds in the future so i'd better not make 1000's thinking "i'll have some in 10years"... i guess the PG 13 with that old pack must have been 3-4 years old but i dunno ( i sent a message to SB just to tell them...)....

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
That top picture looks like and upside down twin seedling with the (two) taproots pointing up in the air.