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holes around my plants


I just transplanted 3 bagseed and one mandala out to my grow spot. i just went back and saw that there is a hole about 4 in. wide and 4in. deep around 3 of them.the mandala has a metal fence like thing around it and the digging was around the outside of it. im still not sure if it was a human or an animal. I put some bone meal in the dirt i put in the holes and also had been fishing and probably had some fish slime on my hands.

What do you guys think happened.

I was going to put some more mandala up there but im not too sure right now.


most humans are stupid and try to dig and move the plants even as an early seedling. My guess animals...if it was a human you probably would have just found holes period.


yeah...i always go with time release chemical ferts for outdoor. Been using oscomote (spelling) for the last few seasons and it is been working out good, and doesn't attract animals. Using bone or blood meal outdoors is risky unless you mix it in with your soil a week or two before you put your plants out. This gives the critters a chance to mess with your plot and get over the tasty smell before you put your plants out. I dont even mess with it...go chemical unless you have a fenced area.


We're putting fishing line trip wires about four feet high to see if people are marching around the area. It's a hard to get to place and it's difficult for US to even find the little plants sometimes.


Fishing line never seems like a good idea to me.If people are near your plants they might not find them but if they nearly get their heads taken off by fishing line they will think wtf is that here for and start really looking around.
Best defence against rippers is to find somewhere no one will be walking through as its such a pain in the ass to get through


The fishing line isn't meant to trip someone over, instead it's meant to pull off once walked through and show if someone's been there. It shouldn't even be apparent to the passerby that they've pulled them in vegetation as thick as we're growing in. Just a thought. We have multiple spots.


The fishing line isn't meant to trip someone over, instead it's meant to pull off once walked through and show if someone's been there. It shouldn't even be apparent to the passerby that they've pulled them in vegetation as thick as we're growing in. Just a thought. We have multiple spots.

what i would suggest you do for the fishing line is to put it closer to the ground. 4ft above the ground would be very noticeable if someone went through a patch of vegetation and felt something against their chest (they would be like wtf?) if you put it closer to the ground (say 1ft), they'll just think that the weeds are tugging at their legs. Not to mention the fact that they're virtually invisible and even you will have a hard time trying to find it :nanana:


Yeah, lower seems good. I don't think an opossum or raccoon would trip them at 1 ft. I don't think we really have anything to worry about. It looks like some sort of animal was digging. Probably a coon or opossum. We've got loads of those around here.

I want to post a "can you spot our plants?" pic when they get bigger. It's very thick vegetation back in this spot. We cut through the young trees (no big ones) in the area but left them standing so the spot gets light. There wasn't much leaf growth on them yet so it won't look out of the ordinary. Plenty of dead there already.


I went back to check up and put out some more plants. Something had eaten most of the leaves off of my 2 ft plants. It topped them for me because they're putting shoots out around the bottom now. It left one alone for some reason.

I'm going to mix up a wild onion spray ala Silverback and use it because i'm guessing the culprit is a hungry deer. There's a buttload of other vegetation around, why do these things prefer mj?

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