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HLG QB 550 v2 R-spec VS Migro 400+


Well-known member
I usually upload them to ''my Albums'' first, then copy-paste the image BB Code from the 3rd line in each image .

Best of luck, very intresting Side by Side
Merry Christmas everyone!

I dont know what happened with the timelaps video. ill have it uploaded next week.

Girls are doing fine. They alll got a haircut ( defoliation).
I usulallu take off all the fanleaves. I know there are two sides of this. And i also now that in the beggining the plan was to do nothing with the plants. However im not a big fan of fanleaves so i took them off.

What are your experience on defoliation.
Do you defolieate or not?
if you do, do tyou do it before flowering and 21 days in?
D do you have a specific way to do this? start with upper leafs or lower leaf?

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Before i forget, hope you all had a wonderful christmas and gotten off with a good start in 2020.

Nothing much has actually happened last week. Plants have got a little bigger but barely noticable.

Ive watched te timelaps videos several time and in my opinion it seems as if the plants grown under the R-spec fixture seems to be a little more happier. A friend of mine however stated the opposite. she said that the plants grown under the Migros seems bushier. and not so lanky.

What is your opinion?

Links to the timelaps videos will be out soon. Takes a whiel to upload them
I stumbled on this post on youtube.
He actually brings up the Emmerson effect.
However i dont understand why led grow light depot state that the r spec utilize the Emmerson effect thanks to its 660nm deep red. Dr Bugsby states that its the far red e.i 700nm and above that promotes the emmerson effect.

Im feeling lost again... Anyone can shibe some light on this?

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