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Hitting Crops with NITROUS~?!? - Anyone with insights?


So I have heard from quite a number of different sources..... that the real top top shelf delivery service quality herb is hit with Nitrous...... anyone with any insights into this..... what it means, how its done, what effect exactly it has?


Active member
I have alot of experience with canabis and nitrous mostly bong hits and whipp its .Homemade whip cream canisters work great put 3 cartirages in there take a big bong rip and empty that whip cream canister .Yeah baby .

Adding nitrous to your enviroment is retarded unless you wanna get yer plants high .


Active member
I don't think so dude. In what way would nitrous oxide help the plants? They don't breathe the shit like they do carbon dioxide. The atmosphere has about 0.000003 percent n20 in it, I doubt cannabis has developed some kind of use for it. And talk about prohibitively expensive.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Nitrous won't do jack diddly to the plants other than potentially causing issues with depriving them of normal gasses that they need. It's actually produced by soil bacteria naturally, but it's a waste product, and isn't directly tied to the fixed nitrogen the plants need.

Now, that being said, a field with a lot of nitrogen in the soil but little plant material to hold it will often outgas measurable amounts of nitrous. So I can see how someone would say "gosh that field is productive AND there's a lot of nitrous around naturally" but this is a case of correlation does not equal causation.


the keeper of the creeper
talking about super top shelf herb..... NYC delivery service status..... Ive heard it from multiple sources..... so there has to be some truth in it



I used nitrous on some of my outdoor crops last year! Made them GO really Fast! I never did get to smoke em, they just zoomed over the hill, out of sight, and I couldn't catch up!


New member
What grade of n2o is being used????

What grade of n2o is being used????

There is 2 grades of n2o. The first grade would be medical and it is pure n2o. The second would be auto grade and it has sulfur dioxide mixed in with it at a rate of 40ppm (I think 40ppm) to keep people from huffing it. If there using auto grade (need a lic. to get medical grade) maybe the sulfur dioxide has something to do with it if that is what is being used.


I used nitrous on some of my outdoor crops last year! Made them GO really Fast! I never did get to smoke em, they just zoomed over the hill, out of sight, and I couldn't catch up!

hahahahha wow I need that laugh after read this.... :laughing::laughing:

NYC delivery status. someone has been watching half baked lately :joint:


I had a nitrous injected pipe when I was a junior at Highland High School. It would blow your hit up if you turned it on too quickly.:yoinks::yoinks::moon::yoinks::yoinks:

I wouldn't feed it to my plants though.:noway:


Active member
ok I slept during chem 1 but I know from tuning both carbs and fuel injection

the entire point of n2o is that the extra o is ready to bond with something. also, as the gas is released from the pressurized liquid, it is very cold. So, when when the nitrous kicks in [if you call it NAWZ i swear i will kick you right square in the balls] that extra o molecule wants to bond with something. it grabs on to an o in the air-fuel emulsion and you have super oxygenated air-fuel mixture.


not to oversimplify or anything

roots want oxygen
leaves want co2

but a free oxygen molecule can be an oxidizer and oxidation is bad

but im posting while drinky


New member
Yeah there is 33% o2 by volume in n2o. When the n2o gets to like 570 deg. F in the combustion chamber the bonds between the 'n' atoms and the 'o' atom is broken, mind you this happens very fast like in about a mil-sec. So at the temps it seeing in a grow room the 'o' atom is still bound to the to the 'n' atoms. Mind you I have the pile of dead engines to prove that I know a little about n2o ( blowing up engines is the norm when tuning n2o sytems for that last few mph, the sweat spot is one step away from bomb.)

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Lammen Gorthaur
I'm a fellow migraine sufferer, migrainessuck. I get clusters, classics and tension migraines. My "usual" daily headache is the tension migraine, so you have my sympathy.

Now to the question...

Is there any non-empirical data on the efficacy of the whole NO2/CO2 argument for production? Has anyone done the numbers to see what the return is versus the elevated risk profile and legacy costs that are endemic to these systems?

That should be an interesting discussion... Who's got real data?


automatic shoes
from google:

"Nitrogen flush packaging is a practice used in preserving and protecting food from damages during storage and shipping. Chip and snack bags are great examples of this process. In nitrogen flush packaging, the oxygen inside the package is replaced with nitrogen."


Invertebrata Inebriata
So what do you reckon would happen if you put your cannabis in a package in which the oxygen is replaced with the nitrogen?
Would thrill seeking junior high kids argue about who gets to open the bag of chips, because they all want that sweet hit of nitrous oxide?
Or would it be a potentially good way of storing cannabis? Neither one is the topic of this thread, oops sorry!