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History exchange tape


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I think some of us history buffs hijacked the celebrity's who toke thread and I was talking with H2O AND Trichy who are history buffs as I am and I wanted to see if any others are history buffs...

But H20 those marraiges are arranged for political alliances and most of them are cousins and related as all royalty marries back and forth and are cousins.
That is why I get annoyed at ppl who knock rural southerners. Inbred was invented over there and not here. Most ppl who don't read don't realize reality. But I thought it odd that I who was born on a cotton farm in NE Texas was a distant relative to the Plantagenets. But when I read that Obama is related to the Queen of England....Robert E Lee....Thomas Jefferson....LBJ......Woodrow Wilson.....Harry Truman.....Robert Duvall......Bush.....Cheney...Brad Pitt EVEN!

I then realized us early pioneer descendants are cousins lots of us.

My whole family tree is at World Tree and quite impressive. And I guess a lot of us are tied to the royals at least as their bastards because those kings did fuck around......those religious hypocrits,\
Henry being the worst. King Louis was a male slut.....

But Anne's dad put her in the French court to learn the French ways and catch a noble husband....

And Anne learned well and took that talent back to England and put that spell on Henry....she was raised to be a harlot by her daddy.....as well her sister Mary who was also Henry's HO! That is how Thomas their father got ahead kissing the Kings ass and offering up his daughters.

How it was done in those days to get ahead.

Anne....Mary.....Katherine of Arragon......Marie Antoinette.....Mad Juana...
All of Henrys 6 wives......Mary Queen of Scots/......Mary and Margaret Tudor.......SO MANY WOMEN political VICTIMS it is mind boggling.

And the Stuarts......King James married Henry's sister Margaret and Katherine of Arragon declared war on Scotland while Henry was fighting the french
[as usual] and Katherine was regent and King James was killed at Flodden Field on Katherines orders. Brothers in laws did not mean much in those days though. War is hell and still is these days.

But I know Katherines mom was Queen Isabella of Castile and Leon and her father was King Ferdinand of Arragon and thieir grandson Charles V the Roman Emporer was the nephew of Katherine and was even supposed to marry Mary his cousin at one point but she ended up with her other cousin Prince Phillip of Spain and took England back Catholic the Elizabeth took it back Protestant.

Damn no wonder us Americans are so screwed up coming from that heritage.
History never seems to teach as we are still screwing up here.

But we owe the Spanish Inquisition to Queen Isabella but history says she was the most important sovereign in world history/

Those religious back and forth over all those years is why I am now a Secular Humanist like Henry the 8ths mentor Erasmus was as he observered all the debauchery in the Catholic leaders then and still goes on I guess today///

H20.....get sober and teach me something.....LOL


Active member
BTW.....this is for Feyd...

King James who commissioned the King James version of the Bible was GAY. A well known fact in English and Scottish history. One of his male lovers was his cousin.
So I wonder why modern protestant religion don't tolerate homosexuality.

h^2 O

sorry i just saw the thread. I'm still pretty hung-over, give me a few hours


H^2 0 can't wait for the tete a tete :D
since I don't use references when i post -you can't either
all from memory,k


Active member
Are you guys in Europe? But I love to get others take on europe history. I don't have much time today myself but we could get the thread going as we can. I have read most of English history down to King Charles when the monarchy was trashed. I have read most of Europe and Russian history and the Mideast also.

Queen Victoria of Englands granddaughter was the last czars wife in Russia.

All those royals are inbreds.

Later guys....


Is the moral to this story if the king can hump his cousin so can I? Or is that all our brains are fucked up because we are all the result of inbreeding


the expression, 'What a dud' or dudley is that related to any of the royal dopplegangers,wannabees?


Active member
LOL.....leave it to you to find humor in incest. But ppl are always giving rural ppl a hard time about cousin love and we hillbillys/redneck/crackers/Appalachians did not start it....the uptight and religious zealots in Europe all married relatives it seems.

But yes we Americans and lots of other countries have done it. But I do read a lot of history and now see with a European background mostly the ppl who settled America were a bunch of inbreds actually.

From WTF I read anyhoo.
Queen Elizabeth chopped her cousins head off because SHE Mary Queen of Scots could claim her throne.
But the Catholic and Protestant leaders were the ones really running things.

Martin Luther was an idiot.
Henry wanted his HO so he killed a lot of ppl and fired the Pope. His son Edward died young so Henry's daughter Bloody Mary took it back Catholic and her little sister put England back protestant, And all the Catholics hated them.....but the Catholics hated anybody who was not Catholic and would kill them. Lots of Jews were whacked in the Spanish Inquisition.

So no wonder the original Americans wanted to be free of that crap.

Virginia was named after THE VIRGIN QUEEN Elizabeth and she was not even a virgin but slept with her stepmothers husband and another womans husband whose wife ended up dead.
OHHHH the SINS of history. Corruption goes way back before America was born.


Elizabeth had an epiphany after her lover Robert Dudley had signed on with the rest of the traitors led by Spain to dethrone her. She then called herself a Virgin and considered herself married to England.

Sir Walter Raleigh named Virginia in order to get her attention. ;)


Active member
the expression, 'What a dud' or dudley is that related to any of the royal dopplegangers,wannabees?

Dudly was a wannabe but he did make King of Scotland for a while till Mary got the hots for Bothwell who also had another wife. Bigamy.

So DUDLY had to go down. Mary never was the same and Elizabeth had Mary's head cut off. Not nice Elizabeth to behead your cousin.

Fuck em maybe......killem NO!


Active member
A Robert Dudley [Lord Liechester] was Elizabeths married lover also/////

Elizabeth was no virgin...LOL


Me too Randude! I learned basic Hieroglyphs and coptic script 'cause of my facination with Egypt.


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History is a big one for me. Rome is exciting, the dark ages, up until now.. I am trying to fill the gaps. I even went to a dig and stole some of it one time.

Contribute. I have not read much before 1000AD TO 1800 AD mostly. I don't know if I will live long enough to read it all. But anything you contribute and we all learn/


Yes!! This is a great thread. Thanks Madre ((hugs))
Three history books,three versions of history. Here we can see what others have learned.
I learned yesterday that a Henry is what an 1/8 is called in the UK. love it!


Active member
Lots of women in my family named Virginia from our family time there long ago. Thankfully not me but my sister and granny have t hat name. I hate that name. My real name is ancient and goes way back BC.


Active member
Yes!! This is a great thread. Thanks Madre ((hugs))
Three history books,three versions of history. Here we can see what others have learned.
I learned yesterday that a Henry is what an 1/8 is called in the UK. love it!

Yeah Henry left his mark in England and last year the most used new baby boy name in U.K was Mohammad....that should tell you something. Yeah I enjoy this stuff and always willing to learn more if you guys like to talk about your opinions. Anybody contribute whether you are a history buff or not. Gotta take this baby home right now though....granny is whupped.


Active member
Yeah my man loves it and his name is Biblical also. But we live with it...te he
Talk to you guys later and hope H20 gets over his hangover/
This is fun.