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hindu kush


Damn! Although that would still be cool to get ya through until your next grow but i would want more maybe you should look at different training techniques on each plant and see if there is any one particular method that helps.

Yeah get some up i wanna have a gander at them, but you have got to tie them down or it's gonna get well tight! Good luck


I am going to have to try something different if this doesnt yield some good amount. The only thing that sucks is that i dont have any where i can veg and flower at. so i am kinda limited to flowering all the way then starting all over again.


Yes i must say at first i was going to use my tent for veg and flower but after doing yet more reading and seeing how other people grow i just took the plunge and got another tent.

Which now means i can get 3 grows in before Xmas instead of 2


I hear you there standaman... but if i did this i would have to run another ac unit and that would take up more power. I dont have that much amps to run where i am. I am not trying to start a fire. lol......

So i went in last night and had to bend down some tops. they were just about 6 inches away from the light. I think i am going to run into this problem all the way through. I didnt think they were going to stretch that much. I think next time they are going to get some bushmasters no matter what stain i am growing.


i did a little more trimming off the bottom that isnt in the light. i know that takes away for the top nugs that is why i wanted to trim off. I hope i dont stunt them by doing this. but they are really on there way to fattening up. They have a bunch of white hairs on top. especially the ones that are like 6 inches from the light.


Daaamn!! Where do you live? Somewhere hot and remote? lol
Yeah it's not about burning your house down in the slightest! Got my fire extinguisher primed i see it as essential as anything i use to grow.

Ah your gonna be fighting that fight for the duration i would say, if all else fails and this is harsh but if they finish faster (as i'm sure they will being closer) you could top them then it should be all even. I say fight it out though get them buds to join up!

Are Bushmaster like ties? If they are we call them yo-yo's here, thats if i'm right
fucking stretch ahhhhhh goddam sativas....i feel ya!
however looking good! theyre puckering right up to the light, you know its right then
but....new pics ey?


I didnt realize that it was a sativa. man i have to be growing indicas because i only have so much room and i am at the limit. I am bending them over now to keep them from the light. goddam them sativas. I think i am going to stick with indicas from now on or use some additives to keep them short.

Ok so here is a few photos of what is going on day 20 not to bad. they are packing on the white hairs. you can see by one of the photos that i bent the top down. and you can also see now close they are to the light.








Looking good Ganja...I know the feeling with the stretching....I have a height restriction of 6' 8" or so..


Befri i am right there with you. i would love to put a light mover in there but i dont even have enough room for that. lol......


its all about bending over. many tops have been bent over due to them getting to tall. I only have 7 ft of space and i am using it all. lol...... I will have to rethink the next time and stay away from the SATIVAS........ Does any one ever experience when you are doing the recirculating system do you notice that the ph jump around in the res after a couple of weeks with out changing out the water. although i have been doing some add backs taking out a couple of gallons of water and adding in a couple. But everyday i have been adding about 2 gallons of fresh water to a day. So does any one know if the water gets old and you have to change it out. i have experienced the same thing in the buckets. So i am thinking about taking some water from each bucket and then replacing it with fresh. let that circulate for the day the add my nutes after it has had some time. then after that i will have to check the ph and hopefully everything will be good.


I wouldn't say stay away from them, maybe not veg as long next time and train them from the first opportunity.

How bad is the ph jumping? What's the lowest and your highest fluctuations?

I top my DWC up with plain water but i change my res weekly, i also use it to raise my ph just by adding 2 litres i can raise it about from say 5.2 to 5.5 and i don't see any side effects.
I mix my nutes in my res a day before i use them when i add them it always raises due to a small amount of 'old' water that is always left in the system, anyway i leave any ph adjusting for 24 hrs i just take a reading which is normally 6.3ph then 24 hours later i will adjust it to 5.5ph then through the next 7 days i just let it do as it wishes.

But i might be doing it wrong for all i know


ph jumps any where from 5.5 to 6.8... I am sure this is due to old water. The only thing is i have to empty from each bucket i just cant do the res for some reason. I have taken out enough of my res and added fresh water and that doesnt seem to help. So i guess i am going to have to take water out of each bucket that way i will know that i have taken out the water that is at the bottom of the buckets. The hoses that i have attached to the buckets empty from the bottom on the side of the bucket. I am sure the ph fluctuation isnt good so i am going to have to take care of that.


Thats not really bad IMO i let mine rise from 5.5 to 6.5 it lets the plant be a plant i liken it to me eating the same food day in day out it may be healthy but sometimes i want to eat something else just for variety and i see plants in the same way.

Oh i see separate pot's are they the Oxypots? I have them in my veg tent but they are raised off the floor so i just turn the snorkel downwards and it drains, but already i'm thinking to link them up or change my system because you do get nothin but ph issue's all day long.
I guess if they are within the ranges i deem safe then i ain't too bothered.


They are all linked together. they recirculate all the time its just i think the water would be better taken from the bottom of the bucket. I also have air stones in each bucket as well. i didnt want to have any issues with root rot at any time.

what are oxypots? are those separate buckets not linked together.

I think taking out old water and adding in new will do the trick. i know the ph is allowed to fluctuate so i dont worry to much. I just dont want the water to get to old.

Man these SATIVAS are going to drive me crazy i have to keep tieing them down. every day so far that i have gone in there i had to put some string around them and tie them down. lol..... a fighting battle...