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hindu kush







:1help: ok so here is a few photos. i have a question though. I was using co2 and i noticed that my leaves were getting brown is that co2 burn. I stopped using the co2 to see if that was the problem. so i will have to wait and see what happens. and if any one has any opinion on what is going on it would be appreciated.


I guess i am the only one that is going to post any thing on this tread. so i think i am going to make you all wait a little while until i post any more pics. i am sure you all know by now that the first couple of weeks there really isnt much to look at. but so far so good they are still doing a little stretch but the is to be expected. I havent cut any of the lower branches yet. I am not sure when and if i want to do it. If i do i think i should do it soon seeing that i am on day 9 of flower.


Hey GG!! Nice setup.....

I had my leaves look the same from TOO MUCH heat...for a day. What is your rooms temps?? ( high and low)

Here is mine



Befri it is not the same you can see that if it was the heat the tops of the plants would be burnt not the bottom leaves. I think mine are due to co2 blowing on them from the fan. but i am just guessing. My room temps stay pretty good. i dont have to high of temps. maybe 85 when the lights are on. but what are you to expect when you run 1000w light. I only have a small ac unit. so i am doing pretty good i think. nothing else seems to be messing up my leaves any more i took out the co2.


so i went in this morning and did a little pruning on the bottom branches. I am not looking to have alot of sucka buds all over the bottom again. i want to concentrate on the top buds. I want to get nice fat colas. I think i am going to hit up the local hydro store and see about some sweet.


Hey GG that sucks to hear about your leaf burn mate, have you found a solution yet?
What's your PH reading at?
I'm looking to trim mine up maybe tomorrow but i'm nervous that it may stunt my girl's for a bit. But like yourself i ain't really feeling any lame bud's. Can you post up some pics so i can see what you trimmed off?

Cheers and hope you get around your little problem too mate


what i did was only trim off a few that were below my string net that i have. i dont know to much about trimming so i didnt want to do to much. as i am sure you can stunt them and i dont want that. My ph is right around 6.0 to 6.4 not bad i added some ph down just to get it down a little. but other then that everything else is right where i want it to be. I got around the problem just by taking out the co2 and not having it in there. now the leaves stopped turning brown and i am not having any issues at this time. knock on wood. a friend of mine had to battle spider mites. came from no where just out of the blue. nothing there one day and the next couple of days you have webs all over your buds. so he had to sacrifice a couple of tops of the buds and had to harvest a week or two early.


so i went down to the hydro store yesterday and picked up some beneficial bacteria. i dont know if any of you have used this brand before it is called great white. I am not looking to have root rot. just and extra precaution.


Yeah i'm nervous to mess with mine too much although i have pinched the top's and put a scrog on but i will be trimming some it's just at the minute they are looking good no sign of being stunned either.

Yeah i am going for around 5.5 to 6.5 and it's doing really good to be honest, my thinking was to let it be a plant and try not to govern it too much as i feel they get a bit of everything that way although i could be way off but it's working for me even though i'm using nitric acid.

Yes spider mites are not good a guy i know had 6 cheese plants and in the last 3 weeks he said he was hammered by them had to pull it early cos of the amount of webs but amazingly he pulled 770 grams dry.
Me personally i'm spraying once a week and i ain't even got any that i know of.

I don't have mush knowledge of using ben bac but precaution for me is king so i will say good call mate just to be safe


i trimmed some of the lower branches but not to much i am not that experienced in pruning. I just hope that i dont stunt them in any way.


So this morning i took some new photos and i was trying to upload them and i was getting an error of some sort. so i waited till now and i tried it again and it finally worked. so i am going to post the new pics now.



now just to let you know these are at day 13 Things are starting to happen finally. this is the part i hate waiting for the process to change. But they are well on there way.


wow i guess this is a one way thread i am the only one that seems to post on here. i have questions that i would like to get feed back on too. but whatever.... I guess i am on my own. any way they are starting to fatten up some. got a bunch of white hairs and they are just about to start packing on the weight. I should of used something for the stretching but i will learn over time that something is needed for height. I am like about 12 inches from my 1000watter and i have the light as high as i can get it. So now my only thing i have to do now if they get any closer to the light i am going to have to tie them down. I wasnt expecting to have them stretch that much. Out of my six plants they seem to be drinking about 2 or 3 gallons of water a day. I am using silica blast so i hope that helps with the slightly higher temps being closer to the light. I seem to be doing alright so far. i also have a fan blowing directly on the glass of the hood. i also have my hood air cooled. with a 6 inch blower.


Hey GG no worries mate i'm here watching, get some yo-yo's or string and tie them down amongst the lower height it's gonna be a right battle i would say, have you kept your lights close all the way through?


yeah i have had the lights right at about 12 inches are less. they are doing fine with the light that close. i have a fan blowing right on the hood it self. I am also using silica blast i dont know if this has anything to do with it or not.


Yeah that's about the same distances as myself and i must say fans blowing at the lights has made the world of difference.

The only thing i know about silica is that once you give it to your plants they want it all the time so i would say to continue with it.


i had to go in there and tie a string across the middle and pull down some of the tops to get them away from the light.

Standaman i have been feeding silica blast since i started with it. every feeding i add some in. I noticed this morning that my ph had risen a little. so i add some more nutes in i am sure that was the problem. i added like 6 gallons of water in my res so that meant i needed more nutes. and i added silica blast and cal mag. They seem to be doing good i wont know what the ph is till later when the light comes on.


Yeah man good call its the only thing to do in that situation.

I disregard my ph for a few hours sometimes longer after a res change and i mix 100l of nutes in my water tank use 80l in my system and use the other 20l to top up and that works sweet for me.

Cal/mag and silica are something i would like to look at but i'm just using my 3 part at the moment and H&G Root Stimulator.


So i went to check on them finally and they are starting to pack on the white hairs on top. I added a couple more gallons of water. I will add some more water in the morning before the light goes out. and adjust ph if needed. I hope to get a good yield this time.

Can any one tell me what i should be able to pull off of 6 plants under a 1000w light. what should i expect to get close to from this. I am sure as long as i do everything right i should be able to yield a decent amount. keeping fingers crossed and hoping everything works out and no issues with anything. so as the saying goes knock on wood. I think things get better over time. especially getting all the knowledge from everyone on here.

Standaman i am assuming you are using gh 3 part nute. if so how long have you been using it and are you using the lucas formula. I have tried it last grow and i dont know if there is going to be a difference in that and what i am using now. Sensi bloom is suppose to be pretty good so we will have to see when the end result comes.


I would hope you get an average of 100 Grams a plant mate thats a fair estimate looking at your set-up maybe more though.

No mate mine is Genesis by Green Air Products and i'm using the Genesis formula that they recommended and i actually love it, it's just equal quantities of each part all the way til the last 3 weeks.
I will use the Lucas formula at some point but i need to sort out some 0 EC water before i can.
Sensi Bloom is meant to be good my hydro guy says he uses it and constantly goes on about it, i say use what makes you feel happiest and of course the kids!


I dont know about the amount my last grow i only got about a oz a plant. i dont get what i was doing wrong. I have been dealing with stretch. Man if i would of known they were going to stretch that much i would of done things differently. Now i am like 8 inches from my light. I dont know what i am going to do now i am going to have to tie them down i am sure in a couple more days. I will have to post some new pics in a couple of days so you all can see what is going on.

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