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Himalayan Ganjas Geurilla Grow In The Swamp

thanks bilko. i love growing in the swamp. i mean no disrespect to any one, but i ont know why anyone that oes geurilla would ever grow any where BUT the swamp. imagine the idea of unlimited water for the plants, all day sun and a place where most humans avoid at all costs

this is a dry hill side plot that i put out in end of march. two did well, and four flowerd, then re vegged. one just flowered making a a nice bud. this is back up in case my swamp floods or something else goes wrong

these ones will be watered once a week a gallon each. till now there has been plenty of rain and i havnot watered. these hill plants are in turned over sandy native soil with cheap generic fert granules sprinkeled ontop.
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Indicas make dreams happen
I love coming back to my plants to see how much they have grown. I get this excited feeling when I'm about to walk up on my spot and see the surprise that awaits me. :plant grow: Sometimes I get scared that my plants won't be there but it hasn't happened yet (knock on wood.)
i only used two of the six sites i had prepared, due to lack of time. originally i prepped 3 other Dryland spots and one other swamp with another 25 TUBES but that swamp got comprimised hunters set up cabin just meters from tubes so that couldnt work then there is three other sites with about twenty holes each. the dryland plots were nice ten gallon holes that i filled with compost and manure pellets. but in the end i only did two sites,one in the swamp and one on a hillside.

those other 60 or so holes are just out there waiting for me to come back hopefully next year. the compost and manure should increase in potential by sitting a while longer i hope atleast.

and the nice thing is next year i dont have any dgging to do its all done and they should serve their purpose for many years more hopefully
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Active member
Nice to see the plants doing well!!

I also copied your swamp tubes, tho the plants didn't seem to make roots into the ground. Different terrain tho, more turfy. Love the idea no less!
Nice to see the plants doing well!!

I also copied your swamp tubes, tho the plants didn't seem to make roots into the ground. Different terrain tho, more turfy. Love the idea no less!


my swamp spot has no standing water, just eternally wet mud, the tubes go about one inch into the mud and from there the roots seem to follow the moisture.

i have not watered the swamp spot even once not even at transplant. i think that coco fiber is really good for swamp tubes in terms of wicking the perfect amount of water. the upper one quarter of the tubes is always bone dry, the bottom always saturated, and all that with no actual standing water. so in theory this tube things should work anywhere that has constant wet ground or actual swamp conditions of standing water.

it should work in :
lake shores
rain water run off basins
low lying fields near bodies of water
next to a stream
river bank
any place with water table near the surface
there are two strains in these spots leda uno from kc brains and lemon skunk from dna. at first i thought the leda unos were going to be the biggest; during veg they grow like champs. but during flower the lemon skunks seem to prevail. atleast thats how it was indoors.

in the swamp, i put out clones that had experienced an entire month of neglect prior transplant. they were left in a flowering tent for a while and they started flowering then i put them back in a veg tent and then out to the swampt. the period of 12/12 that they recieved really stunted them. once i put them out in the first week of june, they took a while to get going. the leda unos took much longer to recover from the shock and therefor are now smaller then the lemon skunks, which only barely put out a few pistils during their time in the flower tent. all in all i trying to say that the lemon skunks are in my opinion far superior genetics then the ledas. this has been my experience many times. every time i get a nice plant its either from dna genetices or reserva privada. these two companies are definately my favorite. all companies have good strains, but in a pack of ten seeds there will always a be a few plants that are a not satisfying, where as every single seed i have ever grown from dna-reserva privada, has produced a fine plant of excellent quality