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Hillary Clinton Pledges to End Medical Marijuana Raids

I don't know much about Ron Paul. But usually the people I vote for get zero mainstream media coverage. I know I won't be voting for Klinton. That bitch is beyond worthless. By saying she'll end these raids, she's "trumping her base." It's the same thing conservatives do when they talk about banning abortion.


Rubbing my glands together
Yeah, Bush clearly stated in 1999 that the states had the right to make their own laws(or wording very close to it) when asked a question about mmj when he was campaigning, I believe in Oregon, when he was running for his 1st time as head dick in charge. Lying POS!!! Just for the record, he did lie about Yucca Mountian too.


Resident pissy old man
Far too many people worry about "wasting" their vote. As I look back over the last 40 years, every vote that I cast was wasted because no one was elected that represented my viewpoints. If you vote for somebody you believe in and that person loses, you did not waste your vote. The more people who vote their beliefs, the better we are. When the little Gnome from Texas ran, he got 30% of the vote and forced the other parties to change policies in fear of the support for him, If a rabid Ferengi from Texas can do this, just think what an intelligent Doctor from Texas can do. Give Paul a chance, you won't be wasting your vote.


kgb420 said:
Will if I think she can win and there is even a 50/50 chance she may do something positive for mmj I will vote for her instead of a better candidate who has no chance of winning. Why waste your vote just to make a political statement there are other ways?

because the more people like you who just don't want to "waste" a vote we can get to actually vote for the canidate who supports us as MJ/MMJ users, one who will abolish the drug war, and abolish this federal invasion of state rights we wouldn't be that far off. A wasted vote, is one that isn't cast, regardless if your canidate wins or not voting for the people who have the same ideals we do, even if they lose sends a big message to those already in office that change is coming.

You guys keep voting in the same rhetoric spewing politicans and they will keep running on rhetoric. The age old question "Why fix something that isn't broken".. well the government is broken, if we keep voting for old money, old ways of thinking and big supporters of the wrong type of government, then we are showing them they don't have to change their ways.

Its the same thing with food, or items you buy from companies. You do the talking with your dollars, if at some point a company does something that is against your moral fiber, or moral beliefs (hell even something as simple as treats you bad) what do you do? You never go back, you never spend another dollar with that company, and you shun them. Why when it comes to politics do people then think its ok to keep putting the trash back into the house instead of leaving it at the curb side?

The more we show the people of the United States that we as a people can back a 3rd party president, the more people like you would be comfortable and not worried about wasting your vote. Think of how many people who would vote for paul but don't because of the same reasons you do.. if we can get all of those people now to vote he CAN win. Even if he doesn't win this time, he runs again, and we show the margin between the leader and himself to be 1%, even 5% don't you think next time around more people will see that we are serious about change?
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Kailua Kid

Active member
Join the Ron Paul Revolution

Join the Ron Paul Revolution

Don't let the media pick your candidates. After all, the media is owned by people like General Electric, one of the worlds largest defense contractors. All these candidates that are heavily pumped by the media and financed with 10's of millions of corporate dollars have already sold out. They'll tell you whatever they think you want to hear in order to get elected. All you need to do is take a look at their voting records to see where their loyalties really lie.
Has Hillary ever voted to legalize cannabis? Has Hillary ever introduced a bill to legalize cannabis? Has Hillary ever introduced a bill that would end the DEA's raids on MMJ clinics? Is there any reason to believe that this pledge is anything more than pandering?
Ron Paul is the only candidate running that has a proven record of defending the U.S. Constitution. The only one that has a proven record of standing up for our freedoms.
And don't let the MSM fool ya, Ron Paul has more public support than any other candidate running. After the RNC banned Ron Paul from the Iowa debate, the Ron Paul gathering next door to the RNC debate had a bigger turnout than the RNC debate did. Ron Paul has more Google hits and more youtube hits too.
Join the revolution. Reclaim your freedom. After all, if the government claims domain over your body, just how free are you really?


I like what I hear from and about Paul. However if he is for real, I can't imagine he will ever get the Republican nomination.

Yes, democrats have many problems as well, but it's nothing compared to what the reagan / bush republican eras have done to this country, which makes me very leary of ANY republican, candidate, even Paul.


He'd have been better off running as an independent and praying for big money endorsements,the conservatives will never nominate him.Hey pops, its not that Hillary can't stay in one spot long enough to take a position,It's that her positions change according to the spot she's standing in lol


Resident pissy old man
If Ron Paul ran as a Libertarian, he would have no chance at all, as the Libertarians have been shooting themselves in the foot right from the very start. The Libertarian Party will never raise enough money to run a decent Presidential campaign as they won't accept corporate donations, and money is what wins elections. They had an excellent candidate in Harry Browne, who ran twice. He was an economist and was an excellent speaker. Unfortunately, no one heard him as the press shunned him and he didn't have the money to get his message out.

It is time to forget about party membership and look at the individual. It doesn't matter whether a person is for republicans or democrats. There is not enough difference between the parties anymore. They are both spending this country out of existence and both are for big government and the power of the federal government over the State and the individual. Look at the candidate. See how they have voted in the past and if that agrees with what they are saying now. I think Ron Paul is the only honest politician running in this election.

Kailua Kid

Active member
vinevamp said:
I like what I hear from and about Paul. However if he is for real, I can't imagine he will ever get the Republican nomination.

Yes, democrats have many problems as well, but it's nothing compared to what the reagan / bush republican eras have done to this country, which makes me very leary of ANY republican, candidate, even Paul.

The propaganda is the only thing that can stop Ron Paul from getting the Republican nomination. There's nothing at all stopping everyone that likes him from changing their voter registration so they can vote in the Republican primary.

You're right Pops, there is no difference in the parties anymore. They both hate us for our freedoms. But Ron Paul has run as a Libertarian before and he knows he needs the Republican machine to get his message out. Just him being in the first 2 Republican debates has got the whole country talking about him. And got the Republicrats scared to death.


Koroz said:
...A wasted vote, is one that isn't cast, regardless if your canidate wins or not ...


Pops said:
...It doesn't matter whether a person is for republicans or democrats. There is not enough difference between the parties anymore.

More bingo

It's very simple, just vote for who you actually want in office. If you seriously feel your vote doesn't count then it STILL won't make difference even if you vote for who you THINK will win, it's just your one vote remember? Why not at least use your one vote to actually vote for who you want?? At least then (even if you are disgusted with all politicians like myself) you can rest your conscience that you did what you felt was right... Not just following.

The true powers that be(the bankers controlling the world's money) have us all focused on the battle between dems/repubs.. if you keep your focus there you will continue to be bogged down in useless debate as to which side is better and make no progress. Which is exactly what it's designed to do now-a-days.

Do not pick a side other than American. Everyone is caught up in the labels and the country is suffering. Being a Rep/Dem makes zero difference anymore. Stop perpetuating the distracting battle between which side is better and focus on finding a real American to vote for.

It's like arguing over a coin.. heads is better! NO, tails is better! In actuality, it would be best for us if the damn coin landed on it'e edge, a nice middle ground that supports both sides. (perhaps a Constitutionalist or Libertarian).. :rant:
It's just sad that if Ron Paul gets the nomination, my vote won't count since California will remain a blue state in the electorial college.


As president, Ron Paul would be the head of the Republican Party and so could play a crucial role in the recovery of his Political party after the dark years of the neo-cons. However, he would be coming into office with all the Republican infrastructure in place, most importantly Neo-Con: political appointments, departmental creations, untested laws, not to mention an illegal foreign occupation, war profiteering, war crimes, and treason.

How will he deal with entrenched political power, moral corruption and profit expectations from within his own party?

Any thoughts?

Yours Amicably,



Active member
ya still gotta vote hold them to their word if they dont then vote them out next time but we still have to vote and hope their word is bond..
The American said:
He'd have been better off running as an independent and praying for big money endorsements,the conservatives will never nominate him.Hey pops, its not that Hillary can't stay in one spot long enough to take a position,It's that her positions change according to the spot she's standing in lol

He won't take big money endorsements, if you mean businesses. He's not for sale. ;)
Congobongo said:
It's just sad that if Ron Paul gets the nomination, my vote won't count since California will remain a blue state in the electorial college.

I dunno... I know quite a few democrats who have said that they'd vote for RP if he makes it to the general election.


Cornerstone said:
As president, Ron Paul would be the head of the Republican Party and so could play a crucial role in the recovery of his Political party after the dark years of the neo-cons. However, he would be coming into office with all the Republican infrastructure in place, most importantly Neo-Con: political appointments, departmental creations, untested laws, not to mention an illegal foreign occupation, war profiteering, war crimes, and treason.

How will he deal with entrenched political power, moral corruption and profit expectations from within his own party?

Any thoughts?

Yours Amicably,


Hi Cornerstone,

Honestly all one can say with any truth is how he has voted in the past.

Only presidental canidate on both sides (I might be missing ONE person) who not only voted for NO iraq war, voted NO on the Patriot act, Votes YES on Hichney. He is a cosponcer of the states right to Medical Marijuana Act, he believes in small government on both the economical and personal sides.

How will he deal with the infrastructure he is left with? I have a feeling no matter what he has proven that he will stick to his beliefs, and what ever he has to do to keep true to those beliefs he will do. He has proven time and time again with his votes that he is NOT a flip flopper for votes.

From his webpage http://www.ronpaul2008.com

He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.

He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

What he will need is for people to donate, start spreading the word. Even 25 dollars to his campain will help since thats always been his problem, raising money.. im pretty much on the poor side but I donated a 25 dollar donation because it was what I could afford.
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