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Hiking in the Golan with Ronley's Goodies

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek

I’m visiting northern Israel and decided to go for a quick trek in the Golan heights with a colleague.
For those who don’t know, the Golan heights is a mountainous region east of Galilee, which divides Israel from Syria. The region was conquered by Israel from Syria in the Six Days War, Israel still controls the zone militarily.
This makes the Golan heights a sensitive area to circulate in, and while certain zones such as army outposts are off-limits, others can be visited on certain days.

We took off from a nearby town and headed towards Gamla, to visit an archeological site. We went as far as the road could take us, then continued by foot. We were in an open zone with limited access certain days due to military exercise, which we knew. We got the dates wrong though, so it didn’t take very long before an IDF patrol intercepted us. After an initial moment of confusion, we learned that we were not supposed to be there, and that we were close to a drill. I had a small piece of bud in my pocket, that I thought I was going to smoke while watching the magnificent scenery below the hills, so I was not prepared to take any risks. My colleague on the other hand thought the whole thing was silly, insisted that we weren’t going to bother anyone and pulled the stupid tourist routine. Well, he was right, and the officer in charge figured out that we were nothing but a moment of distraction in his routine, so he let us pass through with a “have a good time looking at rocks”, and not only did he do that, he radioed in our position, so the other two military units we came upon actually pointed out the way and helped us locate this rather hard-to-find site.

So, back to the weed part. Fortunately, Ronley – our ICmag brother - was in Tel Aviv when I landed, and picked me up at the airport. It was our first meet. Ronley turned out to be just as nice in person as on the internet. We spent an afternoon in a hot Tel Aviv, where he served me dinner and pulled out his stashbox of goodies for me to try. We started out with Strawberry Diesel, which did the trick. Then, he took out some rolled up finger/scissor hash, and that really sent me into the Twilight Zone for a while.

I had asked Ronley for a little something to bring with me up north, and he didn’t disappoint me. I got four different strains with me on the trip, all grown by Ronley. He also threw in a small clay pipe he had made himself, and what can I say but a big thank you to the man.

The four strains were Amnesia Blue, Subcool’s Vortex, Sputnik and an unknown strain Ronley calls… unknown. All strains were dried and three weeks old. All burned perfectly, telling me that Ronley knows his stuff. My bud hardly smokes that well after only three weeks.

All four strains were great, period. I personally prefer the Sputnik, which has both body stone and an euphoric high, kind of like the Blueberry. Vortex isn’t far behind, or perhaps it’s not behind at all. Just as potent, with a great high to it. I have a hard time choosing between these two. Amnesia Blue is great, although the high was less magic to me, with a touch of raciness, and it didn’t last as long as the others. Same thing with the unknown, which I had to smoke more of to go where I wanted to go, and it it didn’t last as long as I would have wanted. So there you go. I should add that both the Sputnik and Vortex were seeded, which means that they should be even more potent as sinsemilla. That’s what merits a round of applauds!



Rosy I was happy to meet you and very happy to help you out. I am pleased that you had an excellent time and that my goodies came in handy.

The Unknown strain I think is Mandala's Sadhu. It is one of the multiple strains that I planted which did not germ. So I replanted other strains into the same soil. Months later, a new seedling sprouted. I let it grow and it turned out to be this very favourable Unknown.

Rosy thanks for the great report and your compliments.


Very nice pics of the Golan Heights Rosy, looks like a beautiful place to visit. I knew it was a very controversial part of the world but I had no clue it was so beautiful. The buds look awesome too, lol.

I have always wanted to visit Israel to visit the Christian holy sites but havent because of the ever present turmoil there. I have a friend that I am in business with that goes home to Israel ever few years and always offers me to come with him, I may take him up on the offer next time instead of staying home and babysitting his dog.

Awesome pics Rosy again.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
You don't need to worry luciano28, I dare say there's a greater risk that you'll be run over by a car in your hometown rather than get hurt in Israel.
The Golan Heights are so beautiful, especially at sunset. I could seriously imagine to build myself a house here, with a porch facing the Sea of Galilee, and just sit there in the evenings and smoking Ronley's bud :D



Those are some familiar spots!
I love hiking/camping out here- there's some nice country out there.
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Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
You should clorox, it's devastatingly beautiful, scarcely populated and totally unexploited by tourism, concidering the closeness to Syria (as close as it gets, since Syria conciders the Golan theirs).
Just watch out for the mine fields and the snipers... just kidding :D. The only danger here are drunk UN soldiers who frequent local bars (UN troops are stationed in a buffer zone between the two nations).


Israel has never been a place I've aspired to visit, although seeing these pictures my mind is quickly changing.