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New member
Hi guys. An acquaintance of mine showed me this site and I have a feeling I'm going to love this place.

I live in southern CA and recently got my medical card. My mom got her card as well so I could grow more plants (which she is letting me use the spare bedroom in the house for).

Any tips for growing would be much appreciated as time goes on. I'd like to get the ball rolling soon!

Nice to meet you and hope to see you all around. :smokeit:


Active member
Welcome Killerzeit! Isn't it GREAT to be able to be above-board with your mom on the whole MJ thing! Man, your post takes me back...I used to smoke around my mom all the time...I don't know if she got a contact high or not, or if she was just responding to me, but I'd really laugh at her jokes and she'd laugh cuz she was so tickled at me for laughing so hard at her jokes..... good times!

This place has Boatloads of info... just read, read, read, and use the "Search" function for any specific topics you're interested in.


New member
Thanks for the welcome!

My mom's more open-minded than most. Some things are better than others and this just happens to be one of those things. Ha!