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High? Well, eff those other threads. Read! :D




i don't understand (aside from fear of the LAW) why people just don't grow their own, and/or grow and sell. I know people always say "Don't know how"...but simply put you may not be able to master a technique but growing is really easy (again, unless youre attempting to grow the absolute best bud under best conditions etc)...

It amazed me...my harvest is ~30 days away, with some cure time, so i'm a solid month out with no smoke. I caved and bought a half of mids for $60. Going rate around here for ok commercial midgrade.

It def gets me high, but as far as quality? Horrible taste, sometimes harsh, doesn't taste good in a vape or bong, lasts for 2hrs or so and wears off...and is sometimes headache weed.

Anyway, the guy who grabs for me also had a sack for a friend at where we work. He is pretty much 'from the hood', he knows his shit about computers and even weed, but he still uses hood terminology which is funny but anyway he throws this sack on the table for his girl to look at, and he said "look and smell that....it dat purp"...

Now in reality, we all know what high quality weed is (grown right, flushed right, cured right, etc.)...it was a quarter for $150. A QUARTER.

It looked like typical 'dro'. Dro is normally meant around here as anything better than middies, has moisture/stickyness as opposed to that dry crumbly weed, some orange hairs, and SOME crystals. Most of the time a big lead up to nothing...a very uninteresting high, sometimes overbearing/headache type due to chemicals used, etc.

If i bought it or anyone who knew their shit bought it? i'd pay $200-250 a zip, at most. Dude got ripped off BIGTIME. My boy says "Haha it smells like lemons"...where again in reality it smelled a little stronger than most commercial midgrade, with a very very very slight barely noticeable spice to it.

He really doesn't understand that there's bud out there that smells like things he's never smelt before, and that has a taste out of this world...i tried to describe to him the odor of weed grown properly, and he just dismissed it. I told him i'll be back in a month to show him (and hopefully get him destroyed, lol)

It really makes no sense that, even myself buying a tent, lights, everything costing me $1500 roughly, that the results can make you your money back...10 fold. In the current market here, an ounce of the shit myself or other icmaggers grow could easy fetch $5-600. So...say you harvest a measly 4 ounces, you just made back double what you spent. Not to mention if you grow right, harvest 8, 10 or more oz and keep it going every 3 months!

I see now why people are lured to this trade...do i think its wrong? Nah. Do i think it brings on a persona (making deals, worrying about 5-0, etc.) i'd rather not live? Ya. Do i think its wrong to provide my close friends with some smoke? Not at all. It's too bad we don't live in a society where the government just CANNOT understand that a simple plant can literally not only save them BILLIONS in lost expenses fighting a failed war on drugs, but also bring in BILLIONS in annual income from legalized weed tax money, AND also assist in other markets (hemp as fiber, oils, fuels, etc.)....

It's so blatant. It's everywhere....it's always been here...why do they fight so adamantly against it? I actually get somewhat MAD when people out in public, or family, or friends, go on an anti-pot tirade....like "Yeah that pot can mess you up man" or "Dont smoke pot it kills braincells"....or other mindless bullshit they picked out of foxnews.com

I get so mad that people say this shit because not only are they feeding into the negative and untrue rhetoric the government spits and forces down people's throat they are also saying they themselves believe in the same bullshit...and when they say its bad, and try to make judgemental comments about other people's life it infuriates me...Prime example my mother's husband of whom she dated for 11 years and finally married is an overall good guy - works his ass off 40hrs a week almost around 60yrs old...comes home and works on building a new house for them...makes sure his wife knows he loves her, etc. Does all the right things, so i really cant say he's a bad guy. BUT, he's also very very uneducated on weed BUT the good thing is he doesn't run his mouth about it.

He made a comment the other day when i showed him a video of a woman who has cerebral palsy and it was featured on Showtime's Pot doc, and he said "well thats good it helps her but smoking a joint is like smoking 10 cigarettes"....at which point i responded with "....aaaactually most cannabis contains under 4-500 chemicals, as opposed to the average cigarette containing over 5,000 chemicals. It's the exact opposite, one cigarette is probably equal to 10 joints if you want to make estimates. It also doesn't contain nearly as many carcinogens or other lethal chemicals like cigarettes do. Did you know some cigarettes contain microscopic shards of glass to assist in the nicotine delivery to a users body?

He just stared as i continued to decimate his train of thought. I feel bad after i do it, because i get upset that people talk negatively about it when everything about it is good! Thats like talking bad about babies. Nobody talks bad about babies.


Musta been some pretty decent shit you got yer hands on there buddy. Heh. :D

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I heard a lady on a international radio show talking about drugs, and she said that over 75% of people in rehab are there because of MJ

What she failed to mention, is that it is often offered up to people busted for simple MJ possession and if you knew as a teen, if your parents were hardasses, if they caught you, would you rather be cut off or something, or go to some bullshit rehab. Easy choice there.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
If they have no ambition before they grow imagine afterward.. I know stoners that do ABSOLUTELY nothing all day long but get stoened..Then they have to the balls to talk shit about people gettin shit done.. lmfao.. Its a funny funny thing.. Get stoended and get some shit done while yer stoended.. When im not seriously training, I get stoended and go to the gym and get my roll on.. Anyhow people should grow so they dont have to go buy it. Although im not down with the selling part.. But hey, to each their own, I guess peeps gotta do what they gotta do... If i grow its for myself and ill share meaning GIVE it away not sell it.. Anyhow good thread.. peace.


Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Musta been some pretty decent shit you got yer hands on there buddy. Heh. :D
HeeHee, I was thinking it couldn't have been that bad too.

You make some good point's, sadly your govt/media has done such a good job with the BS for so long now, the average Joe spouts it automatically, worse!, these people are so confident they know the 'facts' they'll stand and argue.


HeeHee, I was thinking it couldn't have been that bad too.

You make some good point's, sadly your govt/media has done such a good job with the BS for so long now, the average Joe spouts it automatically, worse!, these people are so confident they know the 'facts' they'll stand and argue.

trust me, its not great at all...im already almost sober..lol...but i got a blunt rolled! waitin on these babies..




State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
dude around here people sell the GDP for 5-600 a zip cause its purple.... lol

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