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High School Reunions


Active member
Does anyone ever go to their high school reunions?

if so was it worth it or how was it?

did you smoke with any old friends?

el dub

LOL I went to our ten year reunion and that will prolly be the only one I attend.

A couple of friends at the reunion pulled me aside and told me that they had heard about my heroine addiction. When I truthfully replied that I had never tried heroine even once nor had any desire to, I was called a liar.

A little later an old gf approached me and asked if I wanted to go to her house to have a three way with her and another pal of mine. I said, "Thanks, but no thanks. Too much meat, not enough bun for me." I had no idea my buddy was bi or my class thought I was a heroine addict.

Now, there's nothing wrong with all that, but I ain't been back....



Have not attended one, nor do I intend to. Couldn't stand most of the wankers that I went to school with when I was there. :moon:

I ran into some old "friends" a few years back and was asked to "step outside" with one. Once outside he challenged me to a fight because he heard that "I was talking shit about him". I laughed in his face and told him that I was glad to see him after all of these years and that the thought of him had never even crossed my mind nor would it in the future. I then asked if he still wanted to have a go, but I think the realization of how little he meant took the wind out of his sails. How dare I not think of him... lol.

He looked like someone had just kicked his puppy as I walked back inside laughing at him. The group of "old friends" left soon afterwards. Needless too say, I've not heard from him or any of the other "friends" that were there since... :dance013:


I initially had no intention of going to my ten year. I finally decided to go and see whats what.

It was fascinating to see how everyone had changed. Such as some of the most awkward girls in high school became smokin hot and the use-to-be hotties were fat and aged. Best was seeing how the class bully turned out. Karma is a bitch! Funny how things change.

Overall it was an interesting experience that I am glad I attended. Don't think I will go to the twenty year but I am glad I did the ten year.


i would be struggling to wrangle enough people together for one.
they are mostly all dead or in jail, im only 32yrs.


Active member
Highschool lol whack ass place for most kids....thank goodness i spent most of my highschool days in CYA :)


Whats the point of them now a days. Isnt that what facebook is for, so you can spy on people you used to know.

I dont think I will go to my 10yr, I never really fit with any peeps I went to school with and never kept in contact with any of them.
damn I left high school early
no reason to keep in contact with those punks
sometimes I'll get a stick up my ass about reconnecting, ill create a social networking acct to search out these people only to be let down or annoyed when I find them. social networking is retarded too..if I dont call you, if I dont email you, why the hell do I want you knowing what Im doing let alone have pictures of what I'm doing...not trying to be non conformist but on some real shit I love the internet for its anonymous nature


May your race always be in your favor
I Graduated 45 years ago and never went to one yet, and probably won't. But 50 might be fun just to see whos still kicking.
most of the kids from my high school were douchebags. i dont even talk to a SINGLE person from my school. i went to a school outside my neighborhood so when class was over i would leave and just go to my neighborhood where my friends went to other schools.

although i ran into some girls from my high school a while ago. one i always wanted to get with for the longest. lng story short my game was not up that night...looked like a doucebag.



Old School Cottonmouth
Iron Lion said it before me. Face book kinda took care of that stuff. I wouldn't even remember 90% of those people and the ones I care to see I can still find.

But honestly its weird. I still contact old friends from HS sometimes just to see what they are up to. Stay in touch. We are still friends but its definitely weird. So much time apart and being friends when you were young makes for odd relationships.

Its nice to see each other I guess but mostly I think it just makes each other feel weird. Are you REALLY still friends with the guy you used to toke with in highschool but have only seen twice in ten years? When you see their wife and several year old child it really hits home. You don't know these people anymore.


My 10 year just did pass, in November. I did not attend. I heard about 15ppl went, from a class of 400. I went to college and never takled to anyone from HS again. A few are on my Facebook.

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